The Angel and His Witch. JR Martens

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The Angel and His Witch - JR Martens

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how long.” He took off his jacket, tie, and socks and shoes. Rissy was reluctant and after a few modest protests she decided she would go with him since he was insistent that he was going. She flipped off her shoes and lifted her dress and pulled her pantyhose off, with a wink at him. He started to turn around and block her from any that might see, but she looked him dead in the eyes. “There is no need for you to turn away, and I need help getting these things off. I hate them.” Johann was not very sure how to remove them without tearing them to shreds. Rissy giggled. “Just rip them off.” He was confused by her actions. It also surprised her at her lack of modesty. She had never done something like this before, but she felt comfortable around him and somehow knew that though his tongue may be a little loose at times that he would not take advantage of her. At last he was able to pull those things off of her, but began laughing uncontrollably. “What are you laughing at?” Then it dawned on her and a blush covered her cheeks. “So what if I like Tweety?” They both had a good laugh, and then Johann offered a suggestion. “Maybe you start wearing garters and stockings. They are much easier to remove and I must say much more alluring my dear.” He winked at her and she smiled shyly, but was quick with a response, “But Johann that would make me very accessible.” “I know”, he replied with a wicked grin.

      He picked her up and carried her over the dunes setting her on her feet once they reached the surf. They walked down the beach enjoying each other’s company, both discussing how they were glad to have met. “Rissy, what are your dreams? I mean what do you want out of life?” Rissy thought long and hard. “I want to meet a man who truly loves me and me him. One that I can share my thoughts, emotions, well really my complete self. He would have to accept me as a witch and respect me and my wishes.” She looked over the ocean as the waves were kissing her feet and ankles. “And Johann, what about you?”

      Without missing a beat he replied confidently, assuredly, and a bit arrogantly. “I want the woman of my dreams to accept me and to realize that through all of the pain and suffering that we’ve been through throughout the history of this planet, just how much I truly love her and want her with me from now until there is nothing more.” She looked at him. “So you and this woman are very close?” “We were at one time and then things changed a little and there was much tension between us. I love her dearly to this day.” He looked down the beach and then up at the heavens, trying to keep the tears away knowing how they had argued so fiercely in their secret place, each literally tearing the other apart, and yet loving each other so much that it was all forgiven. “Johann, where is this woman now, and if you love her so dearly, then why don’t you just tell her? A girl knows that she would like to be told.” “Where is that speech coming from”, she wondered. “I have told her, but she doesn’t understand right now, perhaps soon she will.” He reached for her hand and she his. As they continued their walk Johann pointed out the constellations, something Rissy was well aware of but she enjoyed. It felt right for him to be doing so and she squeezed his hand tighter and wanted him to kiss her, when he suddenly kissed her cheek softly. She thought he was very gentlemanly in some ways and yet quite base in others.

      Johann stopped and smiled at Rissy. “Let’s go swimming.” “I…I can’t Johann, I would ruin this dress and besides that it would sink me.” He never had understood this thing with clothes. “Take it off.” She thought for a moment and realized that he had already seen her Tweety panties and she had a bra on. Deciding that it would not be anything less than if she had been wearing a bikini she decided to join him in a little swim. “Ok, let’s go for it.” It shocked her to see him standing there naked and him thinking nothing of it. Something happened inside her and she dropped the bra and panties still wondering why she felt so safe being nude with a man she had just met not to mention alone with him. They splashed around a little and then floated on their backs. Rissy felt completely at ease and moved closer to him, whereupon he stood and pulled her against him looking over her shoulder and cheek to cheek. “Tell me what you see Rissy.” She placed her feet down and pressed her back against his chest while looking up. “I see peace. I sometimes feel that I belong as much to the sky as I do to the earth.”

      “I can relate very well to that.” Johann said. She turned in his arms to face him wrapping her legs around his waist and pressing her breasts against him.

      “I thought I was the only one.” She replied.

      He chuckled. “I guess you were wrong.”

      “I guess I was.” She looked over his shoulder and placed her head in the crook of his neck and closed her eyes. Water began to lightly trickle on them. It felt as soft as silk. “I hope this doesn’t bother you, Johann, but I like the way it feels and just wanted to share this with you.” “I really like this Rissy, I do like the way it feels.” They continued their embrace for hours. Johann wanted to protrude his wings and raise her into the sky, but he knew he would have to wait. He was hoping though that she would have some memories of that. Rissy leaned back and smiled. “You know what’s really funny? When I was little, I use to have these dreams of flying straight into the air with my husband. We were so in love, and as silly as it sounds I would like to find someone like that.” His eyes stared right into hers and he began shaking wanting to tell her, but instead he said, “I don’t think that is silly at all. I think it is possible or at least I’d like to think that it is.”

      He carried her to the beach with her still wrapped around him. She hadn’t even thought of the way it might look to others, but it did occur to her that he had been a perfect gentleman. “Johann, I want to thank you for the intimacy and for not trying to take advantage of me. I know it must have been difficult especially if what Charlotte said is true. I didn’t even think that it might entice you until just now. I’ve never been this comfortable around anyone before.” He had not even thought about the way they were entwined in the water. It was as natural to him as breathing and something that he had missed for so very long. He became a little miffed at Charlotte for having told Rissy about his personal business. “That girl should not have said a word.” It was his turn to blush. “Johann I’m sorry. I never meant to upset you.” “My darling Rissy, you did not upset me at all. I am going to tell you this because I think you can relate. I swore to myself and my love when we last saw each other that I would not touch another woman until we met again and I could freely and wholeheartedly give myself to her.” “Johann this is now several times that you’ve mentioned this woman and how much you love her. Why don’t you go to her and be with her?” He smiled at her. “I am.” “Johann I don’t like being played against another woman and I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t place me in that position nor humiliate a girl like that.”

      “Rissy there are some things that you do not understand. She is not yet ready to be with me, but she feels a struggling within herself telling her to just trust and go with her heart.”

      “Zip me up, please. I think it’s time that I go home.” Tears were falling from her eyes. Here she was with a man that she thought could be the one and he is in love with some other woman, but that thought quickly disappeared when she felt his loving touch as he zipped her dress. A voice screamed inside her head so loud that she thought her eardrums would burst. “Do not push him away, if he is with you then this other woman may not be around.” She spun around and faced him. “Johann did this other woman die?”

      “Yes Rissy, she has died several times.” He was glad that she had asked the question that she had, he didn’t know how he might otherwise answer it.

      Her inner voice seemed to calm after his reply. She could feel his pain and her heart went out to him. “Johann, I’m sure this was very painful for you. Tell me about her if you wish; I’m a good listener.”

      “Well Rissy she was the most innocent of girls but she kept hearing a voice that seemed to take her over and almost drove her mad. You look a lot like her. We had a good time together, but I had hurt her deeply several times. I pushed into the arms of another man and chose to stay close with another and yet I was always drawn to her and she me. We had a long

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