The Angel and His Witch. JR Martens

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The Angel and His Witch - JR Martens

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that Rissy was daft and that it was because of the two different sides of her melding into one.

      Johann took her hand and walked with her out of the cathedral and across the street into Lafayette Square and sat with her on the wall around the fountain there in the middle. The sound of the water was relaxing and they really looked at each other closely for the first time since they had met. “Johann, I need to slow down a little. Our relationship has been driving and not me. I’m still scared but I do forgive you. Please believe me on that point.”

      “Rissy, do what you need to do. As far as the forgiveness goes, I believed you the first time. I am here and will always be for you. If you wish I will walk you home and if not then I shall go my own way and wait for you to contact me when you are ready.”

      Rissy looked at him and spoke softly. “Johann, I want to walk by myself so that I can think about everything that has been happening between us. I cannot promise that I will ever contact you again. I’m sorry but I need to sort things out.”

      Johann was saddened by her words but he was good to his word. “As I said Rissy do what you need to do.”

      Rissy was a little taken aback that he had not begged her to let him walk her home. He had told her once that he was true to his word, but he was a man and few men are ever true to their words. When he turned to walk away she wondered if she had done the right thing. “Now what do I do?” She thought. She began to cry again. Her heart felt alone again the moment Johann walked away. She could do nothing but watch him as he turned the corner past the Flannery O’Connor house. She turned and walked towards Colonial Park Cemetery. She frequented the place to clear her thoughts and try to connect with relatives. However, today she was not finding any peace and she felt as though her family had abandoned her. She had never felt so lonely in her life. Thunder boomed and rain came crashing down. Rissy was glad it was raining because it would hide her tears. She had forgotten that she has worn a white cotton dress and when she realized that the men she was passing were all staring at her, she remembered. She did not care on this day. Several offered her money to go with them and she did not take offense because she felt like a dirty little whore. She wondered how much she would protest if one of them tried to rape her. She had thrown her life away anyway. “Johann certainly did not care or he would not have left.” She was thinking when she was grabbed. At first she did not know what to do and then she screamed, but what she screamed shocked her. She was too startled to use her powers to get free. “Johann, please help me! I know you can hear me.” The man laughed and said, “Little girl there is no one here but you and me and I like a little fire.” Thunder roared above and there was a sudden flash of light. “Scared of the big bad thunder and lightning are you? Wait till you see what I got for ya.” A voice in front of the man rang out. “And what would that be?” The man looked at the figure in front of him and laughed. “Look buddy this is between me and the little lady, so get the fuck out of here.” The man swung Rissy around and she was not surprised to see Johann there, but she was surprised to see how angry he was. She found words. “Johann, don’t kill him!”

      “So this is the big bad Johann or whatever. He ain’t gonna do shit missy.” And he quickly added. “He’s a little pussy and is gonna watch yours get torn up.”

      Johann did not say a word but went and snatched up the man with one hand. As the man yelled and screamed like a little girl, Johann turned to Rissy. “Rissy are you alright?”

      “Yes, I’m fine, but..but..but how did you find me?” Johann spoke in a matter of fact way. “You called me, so I came.” Rissy shook her head. “How could you hear me?” She finally looked at the little beast struggling in Johann’s grip. “My heart heard yours Rissy.” She dropped the subject since there seemed to be some unfinished task that needed to be completed. “Well Rissy, what should I do with this trash since you won’t allow me to kill it?” The man struggled hopelessly now realizing that whatever was going to happen was going to be placed in the hands of his victim. Rissy waved her hand as she chanted softly and then man’s clothes fell off. “Please don’t kill me. I promise I won’t do it again.” The man had feces all over him and was soaking himself with urine. Johann looked at Rissy. “My love, please tell me what you want me to do with this pitiful being. He smells like shit.” Rissy could not help herself and began laughing. Johann had always been so polite and proper until now. “Johann my love, we could take him to the mote at Fort Pulaski; there are alligators there.” She smiled viciously at the scum. “No Rissy, that’s too far out and he’ll ruin my clothes with his foulness. What about that old crypt in the cemetery?” Johann said flatly. “Oh ok. Wait you mean the crypt that the old witch was supposedly buried in but no one has known for sure. That’s one of the most wicked witches I ever heard of. That’s fine Johann and better than any silly alligator.” The man continued to scream but to no avail. No one even looked in their direction and this scared him more. He thought he was dead and no one could hear his screams. When they finally reached the old crypt, Rissy opened it and Johann threw the man in not caring if the man had broken bones or not. When Rissy closed it, she left a small place for the man to be able to look out and even put his hand out. She giggled at the thought of people thinking he was a zombie. The man screamed and cried but not a soul heard him and would not for a day.

      “Thank you, Johann.”

      “You are welcome, Rissy.” He then turned to leave.

      “Johann, where are you going?”

      “For a walk.” Johann spoke plainly.

      “Can a girl go with you? I won’t be any trouble. I don’t want to be alone right now.” She said sheepishly.

      “If you would like to come with me, you are more than welcome.”

      They walked in silence through the squares and Rissy was almost positive that they had gone through all of them that were left in the city. She had time to think and Johann walked at a pace that was easy for her to keep up with. Rissy began to shiver and Johann wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. She never attempted to protest and it occurred to her that in his arms was where she belonged and wanted to stay. They walked past a clothes shop that sold both men’s and women’s garments. Johann had bought some of his clothes there and he realized that Rissy needed some new ones since she looked pitiful with dirt and grass stains and a little blood on her dress and who knew what else might be on them. They turned around and he led Rissy in and took her to a saleslady he had met on a visit.

      “Excuse me please. I know it is late but this young lady needs clothes and is there somewhere she could wash up a little?”

      “But of course sir.” The lady cheerfully rang out. “Come on miss.”

      Rissy began to follow her and asked her to please call her Rissy but of course the lady said “Yes Miss Rissy.” She continued mumbling about Rissy making sure to clean herself up in the shower in the apartment upstairs. Rissy adored the old building like this one with the stores downstairs and the living quarters upstairs and had even gone so far as to price a few for herself. Miss Castetter made sure that Rissy had everything she needed and then looked at the size on Rissy’s dress but asked Rissy what size she wore. “I wear a large size about a fourteen, sometimes a twelve depending on the cut.” Miss Castetter laughed. “Your gentleman friend told me the same thing before we left downstairs. How do you think he knew?” Rissy stuck her head out from behind the shower curtain, “I don’t know. He’s not seen me without them if that is what you are insinuating.” The lady laughed again. “I knew that. Charlotte told me all about you and Mr. Johann and that you are still a virgin.” Rissy pulled the curtain back and was blushing. “That girl needs to keep her mouth shut. I swear I am going to have to talk to Johann about muzzling that girl.” Miss Castetter realized that she had hit upon a sore subject and changed it quickly. “Let me lock up right quick. It’s past closing time.” She went

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