The Angel and His Witch. JR Martens

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The Angel and His Witch - JR Martens

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out. “Miss Castetter, how did you know my preferences and pick them out so quickly?”

      “I didn’t pick them out Miss Rissy. Mr. Johann handed them to me as I walked by.”

      “Well thank you just the same.” Rissy was not too surprised to find out that the clothes were a good match for her. She picked out a few and then put on a pair of jeans and a light blue blouse with butterflies on it. She really did not like it but it was one thing Johann had not picked out. When she came out to pay for the clothes, she realized that she did not have her purse and that she must have dropped it in the alley. A bit of fright caught her but then she saw Johann at the register and saw that he was paying. She ran up and told Miss Castetter to wait and she would get the money tomorrow and that she would just wear her dress for now. Johann looked crossly at Rissy. “I am paying for these and that’s final.”

      “I promise I’ll pay you back Johann, tomorrow after I go to the bank and get them to handle all of my lost credit cards and change the checking account.”

      “Why would you have to do that Rissy?”

      “Because I lost my purse when that…that…incident occurred.”

      Johann held up a purse. “This one?”

      “Yes, but how? When?”

      “I picked it up when I arrived.” He said smiling at her the whole time. “Right before the man saw me holding it and called me a ‘pussy’. I don’t know why he called me a cat but then I know little of American customs.” Miss Castetter and Rissy snickered at Johann not knowing what the word meant. Rissy got on her tiptoes and whispered the way the word was being used by the man and Johann blushed.

      Miss Castetter showed them out and Johann and Rissy thanked her graciously for her assistance. Johann had also placed a large tip on his tab. Rissy saw Johann’s car as they began walking. Knowing what she was thinking, Johann explained. “I had Randolf bring it and Charlotte followed him to take him home. I called while you were in the shower.” Johann showed her his cell phone and she laughed. “Charlotte had bought it for me saying that I might need to call them if there were ever any kind of an emergency and I reluctantly took it. You should have heard all the ‘I told you so’s coming from her mouth. I swear I’m going to muzzle that girl someday.” Rissy burst out laughing. “I told Miss Castetter the same thing when she told me that Charlotte told her that I am a virgin.” Johann stopped dead in his tracks. “I swear I’m going to beat her little ass. Wait she likes that. I’ll make her help Randolf in his duties which means he’ll supervise and she’ll do all of the work.” They both laughed envisioning the look on Charlotte’s face.

      “Rissy, would you care to dine with me tonight?”

      Without hesitation Rissy answered with a “Yes”.

      Johann helped her into the car and found his way to Abercorn and drove south. He pulled into the lot at Troy. “I’ve always wanted to come here.” Johann told Rissy.

      “I have always wanted to as well.” Said Rissy

      They went in and registered for seating and then went to the bar. Johann was upset that they did not carry Asbach and not only that but the bartender had no idea what it was, however they did have some absinthe and Rissy tried it as well and found she loved it, she rarely drank alcoholic beverages. After a few drinks their table was ready. Johann assisted Rissy since she was a little tipsy. Their meal was wonderful and the owner came by to make sure all was well which made the meal that much better. After the meal, they decided that they did not want to go to their homes but did want more time together. After a brief discussion they checked into one of the hotels on Bay Street but instead of talking as they planned, they fell asleep.

      Johann was awakened by Rissy sitting on top of him screaming and beating him. “How could you do that to me when I loved you so much? You son of a bitch! You know I would have given in freely to you! I would have given anything to have been with you.” Tears were streaming down her face and Johann kept trying to block the blows and then her eyes began to glow as she flashed them at him burning him. The tirade continued with such force that Johann was unable to stop her. She rose above the bed, her red hair floating about. Her eyes were still burning bright as she continued to burn him. “And what makes it so bad is that I still love you as much now if not even more. I hate you and I love you, but Johann, you hurt me and my baby! You killed my baby and yet I’m not that upset about that part. What is worse is that I, Rissy, the one who really loves you was hurt by your hands!” Lamps were flying and crashing into the walls. The chairs were burning as well as the bed. The windows blew open with a force and glass shattered everywhere and was raining down into the streets below. Johann was unable to move. Her power was more enhanced than he thought. The phone rang and it went out the window. “You can pay for this you bastard!” The tears were still streaming down her face. “Dammit Johann, why have you never fought back? Never once with all of my coming to you and screaming at you have you ever, except.....except.....once. Oh my God! Just once!” She plummeted right on top of him. “Just once and you hurt me so horribly. Was I that wicked?”

      Johann could finally move and he wrapped his arms around her as she continued to sob against him. “I swear Rissy with all that I am; you did nothing to deserve that. Listen to me Rissy and I mean it you didn’t do anything to deserve that.” He was weeping as his heart was screaming at him as to what a vile thing he was. He held her for so long that his arms ached. She finally quit crying and looked into his eyes. “Johann, I’m sorry.”

      “There is absolutely nothing for you to be sorry about.”

      She looked at him. “Why have you always forgiven everything that I have ever done? I guess that’s why I forgave you so long ago. There had to be something wrong with you, something terribly wrong and it was that bitch Rina who did it.”

      He sat up almost knocking her off the bed. “What and how do you know about her?” She knew she had made a mistake and she also knew that there was no way she could lie to him. “Charlotte told me.” She said sheepishly. He should have known and somehow was not angry at her. That was a long time ago my love. “I want to kill her Johann and yet she has already faced death.” “I know my love. I know but it was painful if that helps.”

      “Not much Johann.” She leaned into him sobbing. “The worst part of all of this is yesterday before the man grabbed me I was telling myself that I was a whore and didn’t know if I’d fight back if someone attacked me, but we know what happened.”

      Soon there was a knock at the door and the hotel manager with the police came in and looked at the mess and the two still entangled. Rissy looked at them and smiled. “I like it a little wild.” She said. After it was verified that Johann would and could pay for the damages, they were thrown out and asked never to return. Johann asked if Rissy could be allowed to clothe herself before they left and they both were allowed to do so. Once outside Rissy giggled. “I never knew I was a porn star.” They both laughed.

      They decided to walk to Johann’s house. It was a long walk and they talked about a good many things especially the art in the buildings and how it was a shame that people didn’t seem to care about that type of thing now and how they would help to preserve as many as possible. They stopped at a park and sat on a bench just looking at everything around them. Rissy discussed how she liked to hear the birds singing and watching to see baby birds. She took Johann to a McDonalds, something he had never experienced before. She laughed as he threw it away saying it had the taste and texture of cardboard. However he was fond of the fries, so she went and purchased a large order, stealing one here and there as they ate.

      Finally they reached the house and everyone came out to meet them, kissing them and saying

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