The Angel and His Witch. JR Martens

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The Angel and His Witch - JR Martens

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would go in and grab a bite to eat. They laughed as they saw themselves in the reflection of the windows of the establishment. “We look like homeless people who robbed a rich couple.” Johann said. They were a sight in the nice clothes, but with sand sprinkled on them and their hair blown in every direction. The waitress approached them with a large wad of gum in her mouth chewing away. She dropped the silverware on the table and sloshed two glasses of water right beside it. She stared at Rissy and then at Johann as she smacked away. She focused her attention on Johann. “What’ll ya’ll have sugar?” Rissy stifled a giggle because she knew what was coming. Johann stared into the woman’s brown eyes, holding her attention with his. “You are a lovely woman and I think you know what I’d like, but considering that you are possibly asking about what we wish to dine upon, I guess I’ll have to cut my losses and order coffee for the lady and for myself a piece of that sweet cherry pie and a cup of coffee. Thank you my sweet darling.” The waitress stood there stunned and once the shock wore off, she smiled at him at which point he gave her a sly wink. Rissy had to giggle as the waitress left. “You are such the silver-tongued devil and right in front of me no less. I’m not sure how I feel about what you said.” “I guess I should be careful around you and I never meant to upset you.” He looked very sorry. “You could have said we both instead of I and really given her a shock.” Rissy laughed. “But really Johann, I do appreciate that you will be a little more careful especially when I’m around. I know it’s all in fun, but sometimes it hits a nerve.” He went over and sat beside her rather than across and hugged her. “Thank you for telling me Rissy. I really didn’t know it bothered you.” The waitress brought the ordered items and winked at Johann. “What about her?” Rissy spoke up. “I like to watch and then be watched or we can both tag team him and see if he can handle the two of us at once. Just be careful he likes to bite in places.” Rissy unbuttoned the top three button of her silk blouse and showed her left breast where there were two small punctures. “And that’s not the only sensitive area he bites. Would you like to see?” The poor waitress had a pale expression. “I think I’ll pass.” Rissy giggled and Johann laughed.

      A slow song came over the jukebox and Johann rose, bowed to Rissy and asked her for this dance. Taking her hand he led her out into the aisle and twirled her close to him and they moved in harmony. The whole placed watched them and another couple got up and danced as well. Johann and Rissy focused on each other and soon everything around them became a blur as Johann’s memories went back to the last time he had danced with her when he proposed. Rissy seemed to share those memories or at least felt like something like this had happened once before. They were not aware that the music had ceased as they continued their dance. They were dancing in the air and people were spellbound. The Devil and his witch were dancing on air and no one had the nerve to say a word to them. They danced until dawn, looking into the other’s eyes green and hazel. When they stopped there was applause from all of the patrons in the place including several policemen who had decided to deny that the two were ever off the ground. The two dancers greeted the applause, Johann with a bow and Rissy with a perfect curtsey. Johann and Rissy returned to their seats where fresh coffee awaited them. They did not speak a word, but never took their gaze off of the other. They were in their element and seemed to have even melded into one another that night.

      Once home, Rissy showed Randolf, Svelta, and finally Charlotte the ring. They all said how happy they were but Rissy could tell that there was some tension with Charlotte and so went to talk with her alone. They went to the art room. “Charlotte, please sit. We need to talk.” Charlotte flopped on the sofa. “Rissy I know it has always been you and would always be you, but it still hurts.” “I can’t imagine how bad you hurt, but do know that I love him and will do my best to make him happy.” “I know Rissy, but it’s just different now.” “Yes it is but if you are willing we can try to make it as close to normal as it always has been. Listen, you can still flirt with him and tease me. I won’t know what to do if you don’t, but remember I can play too.” Charlotte finally smiled.

      The next few days were tense. Rissy was letting Charlotte help with the planning. She never could think of where to have it. She thought about St. John’s but then she thought it too grandiose. The invitations had to be ordered and checked. She wondered about the cake and should there be a groom’s cake, but Svelta told Rissy to tell her what she wanted and one would be made, no matter how large or small. Svelta knew it would have to be a large one. A wedding dress had to be found but she and Charlotte were not having any luck in that department either. Nothing seemed to fit right and the styles had not gained much interest from Rissy or Charlotte.


      One evening after a rather exhausting day of looking for wedding dresses Rissy was in tears and when Johann asked her what was wrong she led him up to her room and began to undress. This was not that unusual except she generally made sure the room was dark and then slipped off her clothes and crawled under the sheets very quickly, but not this time. As always was the case when Rissy was in his life, she was highly moral and never allowed sex prior to marriage, well not intercourse. She felt that was something sacred and though she almost gave in on more than one occasion, she would stop herself and find other ways to release her sexual tension, this time she had gone further than any other time that they had been together and made sure to relieve Johann’s frustration in a myriad of ways, so though it wasn’t her norm there was nothing really thought about her undressing in the light of the room before him. He just chalked it up to her being a bit more open with him since they were now officially engaged.

      Rissy lay upon the bed and looked at him, “Johann, do you think I’m fat? I’m serious. Take a good look and let me know honestly.” Johann tried to compose himself because he thought she had always been perfect and he wondered how she could think that he was not taking a good look. This was the first time he had truly seen her naked and he was becoming very visibly aroused. “Rissy, why in the world would you think you are fat? Please don’t tease me darling because I am not sure how much I can take.” Then something came out that would have shocked time immemorial, “Rissy, please put your clothes back on. I’m serious, put them back on now!” She looked at him as though he had completely lost his mind and began crying. “Johann what have I done that is so bad? I just wanted your opinion and I wanted you to look at me.” “Rissy you don’t know how difficult it is for me not to climb on top of you and take you now. I’m sorry to frighten you but I have to leave. I can’t deal with this. You are even lovelier than you felt. Apparently you are too naïve to understand how difficult it can be for a man to see you lying there and asking him to really look at you.” She hadn’t thought of that, or had she deep down? Did she secretly desire for him to lose control and take her passionately? She even wondered why she did such as undress in front of him and almost begged him to look at every inch of her. She felt bad and looked at him. “Rissy what has happened?” “Charlotte and I have been looking at wedding dresses for three months now and I can’t find one I like or it is too tight or looks like a tent.” She could not continue due to her sobbing. Johann walked over to her and picked her up and carried her to his room, over to the lounge chair and sat with her in his lap. He draped a throw over her and did nothing but hold her until she fell asleep. He then placed her in his bed and went out on the balcony with a glass of wine that he had just poured. The air was cooler that normal and he noticed that a storm was rolling in. He thought that storm would be easier to weather than the one inside his love. He looked over and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully at the moment. Johann loved sitting on the balcony and watching the people pass by below and the wind on this night made it a particularly nice experience. It gave him some time to think about what needed to be done to help Rissy find her dress. He did not understand the importance of this dress but did understand its importance to Rissy.

      He never saw her get up due to being lost in his thoughts. She was standing in the doorway to the balcony with just the sheet wrapped around her and Johann was at a loss for words. “Cat got your tongue, my dear?” “You just caught me off guard, my love. I’ve been thinking about the problem with the wedding dress and think that we may need to go somewhere for awhile, relax and then start looking again. What are your thoughts?” Rissy thought for a moment. “Yes.

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