The Angel and His Witch. JR Martens

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The Angel and His Witch - JR Martens

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her hair. Her eyes were shining so bright that no one could dare look at them. “You say my behavior is improper Mr. Wilson and yet you have fucked all but maybe three women in this office with me one of the ones who kept you at bay. Jealous are you that another man may have had me as his lover?” Wilson moved closer and rose as well. “So my dear you care to do battle?” Wilson’s family and Rissy’s family had always been at odds because the former’s family had used their magic only for their own gains and never to help anyone.

      Suddenly the room was filled with golden light as a loud voice proclaimed. “You move an half of an inch closer and you will perish so quickly that no one will believe it.” Green light was next to the hazel as the figure moved closer. “Yeah right buddy, this little vixen has pushed her limits.” Wilson stupidly replied. There was a loud laugh. Rissy looked to her right as she felt a familiar grip on her hand. She smiled. Her friends were staring in amazement and went into Rissy’s office to get out of the way but had the door open enough to watch. The other employees were either under the desks in their cubicles or looking from the windows in their offices. A gold wing wrapped around her and pulled her to this creature that had come to her rescue. Not that she needed rescuing but it was nice to have him by her side once more. She was amazed at his speed and tone of voice. He was angry and this poor little vengeful witch was about to meet his maker. She knew if Wilson sneezed that he would just cease to be.

      Wilson looked at the being beside Rissy and then back at Rissy. “Let me introduce you two” Rissy said politely. “Mr. Wilson this is none other than the devil you read about” she smiled as she spoke Johann’s name. “Graf Johann Todesengel von Gottes

      Gnaden, and if you need a little help with the translation, Count Johann Angel of Death Blessed By God. So perhaps it’s best if you return to your little cave until it is safe for you to return, for this girl knows one thing and that is that he will show you no mercy for attacking the one he loves and calls his; may it be Graf’s virgin, his love, his red haired witch or several other names. I am powerless to stop an angel much less one that is in love and has come to her side. I can tell by his thoughts that he will deliver you to what he says is Hel’s domain and not Valhalla. And yes Johann my great benefactor, I do remember preferring to be called Graf’s virgin. It has a nice ring to it, but unfortunately that reputation has been tarnished, though the two of us know better.” He kept staring at Wilson but responded. “Has he tarnished your reputation?” Rissy was more nervous now. She knew that Johann would kill any whom he may perceive saying such with such slow and painful torture that the person’s soul would be obliterated and she had barely saved the last person but she felt more contempt for Wilson than she did her attacker. Wilson had always squeezed himself by when she was at the copier and he often patted her fanny. She looked at Wilson and played with the thought of saying yes especially remembering the time he had come up behind her in the employee’s lounge while she was getting coffee and grinding into her. She felt Johann’s hand clench and knew he had caught that thought. “No Johann don’t, please Johann don’t” But Johann already had Wilson in his grip and the look in Johann’s eyes was pure anger and Wilson’s pure terror. She brushed soft velvet against Johann’s jaw line. “It’s not worth it my love. You’ll only get shit on your hands.” She looked at Wilson. “I’ve spared your life. Now I suggest you go before even I cannot distract him. As for the job, I think I have a new one being offered soon.” Wilson retreated to his office and people began coming out from under their desks. Johann and Rissy twirled in the air kissing and then began chanting. The office appeared as though nothing had happened. Once finished they were on the ground and no one except for poor Wilson retained the memory of anything happening.

      Rissy looked at Johann and said. “OK I get it; you really are an angel, my angel.” She said it as a term of endearment. She had only seen that he had some powers and thought that maybe he was also a witch.

      Rissy introduced him again to her friends. Johann greeted them by bowing to each in turn and kissing their hands. Rissy smiled at him. She looked around her office to see what she needed to take but her friends told her that they would send her anything that they didn’t keep. As she left she leaned over to Lois “Thank you.” Lois nodded and smiled.

      “How did you know what was going on in there?”

      “I was bringing you this, and I happened to hear.” he said as he handed her the painting.

      “Johann it’s lovely, but when did you have the time?”

      “As soon as I noticed that you read the inscription in the book and remembered, then left to go settle down. It only took eighteen hours.”

      “Only eighteen huh? Well a girl doesn’t have a place to put it now at work so she guesses she’ll find a place at home.” She took his hand in hers as they walked. They walked through the streets and talked for the rest of the day.

      Johann’s Generosity

      As they were walking they came upon a small art gallery. Johann and Rissy went in and were charmed by the work that hung in the gallery. They found out that a middle aged couple, James and Emily Stokes, owned the place and wanting to expand but they did not have the money and were afraid that they were going to have to close the gallery. Johann and Rissy were saddened by this news. The Stokes told them that they were about to purchase the adjoining building when business was good but it had dropped off drastically over the past year.

      They left and continued their walk and talked about how sad it was that the art gallery was going to be forced to close soon. Rissy asked, “Johann, do you think that there is a way to help them?” “I don’t know Meine Liebe.” They walked in silence for awhile both wondering what they could do and then they turned around and looked at the place once again. Johann wrote something and then they went home whereupon Johann went to the study. They ate lunch and then he asked Rissy to go with him. “Where are we going?” “You’ll see.” He said with a bright smile. “Please tell me where we are going.” “Rissy be patient and you will see very soon.” He helped her into the car and they sped away. Johann pulled up at a real estate office and went in with Rissy scrambling to keep up. She did not know what had gotten into him. He never hurried and she was wondering what was making him so happy. They met an agent and then climbed into her Ford Explorer and went to the building adjoining the art gallery. Rissy was excited now. She had a good idea as to what was going to happen. They toured the building space and the real estate agent seemed pleased and to know that Johann was going to make a purchase. To entice him more she said. “I just got a listing for the adjoining building. The people next door are selling theirs and we could put a price together to buy both at once rather than making two purchases if you’d like.” Johann and Rissy were saddened by the news but not to have his plan thwarted Johann told the lady that he would take both buildings and he would today and pay today. The agent said that the other people would not be able to leave for at least another month, and Johann explained that it would not be an issue. They went back to the real estate office and completed the transaction. Johann’s lawyer came in to handle the closing of the properties. “And now for the title for the land, whose name or corporation name should I place on it?” The real estate agent asked. Johann’s lawyer replied “James and Emily Stokes.” “But they already own the one building or did.” It is Mr. von Gottes Gnaden’s wish and since he has purchased the properties in question, he has the right to do as he wishes. Also there is to be immediate notification to the Stokes about their full ownership of the properties in full and without cost by an anonymous donor for the preservation of the arts.” Surprised the lady completed the papers and Johann’s lawyer made sure all was in order and when satisfied he had the real estate lady call and inform the Stokes.

      The Stokes were elated but did not know how they would be able to continue to remain open due to sales being so low. Johann and Rissy showed up to buy some of the art and were told about the blessing that they had received. Both Johann and Rissy were glad to see how happy their new friends were.

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