The Angel and His Witch. JR Martens

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The Angel and His Witch - JR Martens

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the couple would still own the property but that they would have to open their doors to the public and allow local artists to display and sell their works. The couple would be paid by the Art Center Fund for their services. James and Emily quickly agreed.

      Over the next few months the center was closed for renovations. The Stokes supervised the work and created a very elegant gallery but also a comfortable one for the general public. James started teaching pottery and Emily painting for nominal fees in the classrooms they had built for such activities.

      Johann and Rissy spent more and more time together as the weeks turned into months. They went to art shows at the new art center they helped James and Emily build. Rissy would laugh as Johann dressed finely as usual would go nail notices on boarded up walls and on fences. As time went on their love grew. There were fund raising dinners for the art gallery that Rissy would organize and they would attend. Johann and Rissy would speak and then invite the couple to do so and report on the progress of the art center. They did everything to make the gallery free for all citizens. Rissy had finally found a place for the portrait that Johann had painted. She hung it so that it was the first thing people saw as they entered the gallery with a plaque proclaiming him not only as one of the local artists but one of the benefactors as well. They held contests in the schools and each month there was a new school’s work presented from preschool through college for that month.

      Rissy had moved in with Johann. He had purchased her home and given it to her as a gift in case she ever decided that she no longer wished to be with him. She reluctantly accepted and realized that he only had her best interests at heart. She rented it out and used the money to help with the art center. She had kept her own bedroom since that day in the tub and never ventured into his unless fully dressed or when he was gone or outside but only to use the tub which he granted her full use.

      One evening over dinner she asked him “Johann, do you love me?” He looked at her confused. “Yes Rissy I do.”

      “Then why haven’t you asked me to share your bed?” She knew this was a loaded question but had grown tired of sleeping alone especially when every fiber of her being was screaming at her to go to him.

      He got up from his chair and took her hand leading her to the family room. “Sit Rissy here beside me so that we can talk.” She sat beside him wondering now if there were someone else as silly as she had been. He had been by her side every night until retiring to bed.

      “I respect you and you should know by now that I will not until you feel that you are ready.”

      “Johann, I don’t mean anything but sleeping with you holding me close.”

      “If you are sure that’s what you want then it will be acceptable.”

      That night when they arrived home and went to bed, she climbed out of her bed and snuggled against him. If the urge hit him she would allow and not because of feeling that she had been coaxing him, but because she was ready. She hoped that they would wait, but was willing now. She did not tease but just curled up against him and whispered. “You have no idea how much I love and respect you.” She heard a whisper, “Nor do you understand how deep my love and respect for you is.” She was not going to debate him but knew it was a very deep love and respect.

      An Unexpected Question

      One morning Johann woke her to go into town with him. Rissy had grown accustomed to him preferring to walk, but this time he told her that they were going in the car. She was glad because she could dress up a little. Rissy had remembered to wear a garter and stockings. She had grown rather fond of wearing them especially since he had a bad habit of running his hand up her skirt or dress and fondling her as they drove. She never once stopped him and liked the thrill of the orgasms as they sped down the roads with the top down and the wind blowing her hair wildly. She was embarrassed at herself for not stopping him, but as soon as she got in the car she would place his hand on her knee, and tell herself that it was just a little harmless pleasure.

      He took her to a restaurant and they had a wonderful meal. He kept telling her how beautiful she was and she stayed flushed throughout. He drove to the beach where they took their shoes off and walked along there until they came to a familiar place. The sun was setting by this time and he spread out a blanket so that they could sit and watch the sunset. The colors were magnificent that evening. Red, orange, blue, violet, yellow all lit up the sky. Johann had brought a bottle of wine with them and two flutes. Rissy liked that he would have these little ideas and wanted to share them with her. As the sun settled where it seemed to be directly in front of them Johann set down his flute and kneeled in front of her. She wondered what he was going to do and with him there was never any telling. He had a habit of pouncing on her and tickling her or sometimes he would take her feet and massage them. There was something different in his presentation this time, but she just smiled at him and looked at the sun. "This is so beautiful Johann. I like these little surprises. It does a girl good to feel that someone really wishes to be with her. This girl is very lucky indeed." He smiled at her. "There is one thing more beautiful than this sunset Rissy, and that is you." He moved closer to her and looked into those hazel hues. "Rissy, I want to ask you something, but I want you seriously think before you answer. There is a lot of responsibility associated with this." She looked at him, her lashes fluttering and eyes shining bright. "This girl understands." He was right in front of her now and kneeled there. "Miss Rissy Ann Moonshower, you are the love of my life. I cannot imagine a time when I would not wish for you to be by my side, my partner, friend, or lover. If you can find it within your heart to bestow a great honor on your humble servant before you, it would please him more than life itself. This servant would be forever beholden to you if you would grant him this one request; to honor him by accepting him as your life partner, friend, lover, and husband." He held in his hand a garnet ring surrounded by diamonds, his head bowed and looked at the ground as though she were a queen and he nothing but a lowly nave.

      Rissy's eyes watered and she spilled her wine. She was unable to speak and was afraid that he would rescind his offer before she could but finally the words flowed out of her mouth. "It is this lowly girl that is honored sir. You have granted many blessings upon one such as me. This girl has never felt so loved and desired and she most definitely accepts the offer of a union between the two of us, a loving union. One that has brightened a girl's soul and opened up a closed heart to one that can barely contain the love within." She took the ring in her hand and held it in the air. "Blessed be this union between this witch and her angel. Let no being dare to come in between, for the punishment shall be annihilation. We come together of free will and love. See this ring, this symbol of our love and union. The diamonds, which are unbreakable, surround the garnet which symbolizes our love. The time is ours and shall be forever more. Bless all who accept our union. Rain peace, love, grace, and happiness to all of those who love the two of us and that we have created this union. I am the witch Rissy Ann Moonshower who gives her heart freely to this angel Johann Todesengel von Gottes Gnaden. Let the world hear." Johann was standing right beside her. "I am Johann Todesengel von Gottes Gnaden, the angel, who gives his heart freely to the witch Rissy Ann Moonshower. May all in the world find love as strong as that between the two of us."

      They wrapped themselves around each other and rumors spread once more about the Devil and his witch dancing in the moonlight.

      As they finally left the beach the moon was shining bright and the ocean calm. They kissed as they walked until Johann made sure Rissy was in the car, and then he leaned in and kissed her once more. The ring caught the lights and shone brightly. Rissy’s fingers felt along the gems. She smiled at Johann as she leaned over and kissed him deeply. “I love you Johann. You have made me the happiest woman on earth.” She laughed. “Now I’m spitting out clichés, but I really feel that way.” He looked at her lovingly. “Rissy I love you and I know how you feel, but I was trying to stay away from the old cliché, but I cannot in my mind.” They both laughed and held hands as he started

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