Energy Intelligence. Aleksandra BSL Zaric

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Energy Intelligence - Aleksandra BSL Zaric

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energy to sustain their own system. They believe that to feel more powerful, they have to make others appear inferior and less than themselves. They feel powerful once they have vacuumed the energy from anyone who becomes their victim. They tend to pick on the same people as it has worked for them in the past.

      Working with the power within you is healthier and self-reliant, and it will become a permanent supply, keeping the energy fountain flowing. It is permanent because the universal energy intelligence has unlimited supplies for all. It gives the most profound, secure feeling within, and by learning to modify your power exchange style, you can redirect your power to work in your, and others’ favour. By redirecting it, no longer will you need to steal from others to feel more power.

      All positive energy exchanges are a win/win situation where both people gain energy. Sending loving, positive thoughts makes your own energy system function efficiently, as you are acting in accordance with your true self, your ultimate path. Sending loving thoughts, complimenting others and wanting to help others with problems makes them feel better and consequently feel more love and trust in you. The difference between truly pleasing others and playing The Hero is that The Hero pleases others in order to obtain power to nourish themselves. Where there are no false roles attached, you give energy to others without expecting it in return. You do this by honestly wanting to help them without the hidden agenda of gaining power yourself. People who play their true role continually have power and want to give it back to others through sincere positive energy. They want to balance the negative energy in the universe with positive energy. We all want to exchange our fears to experience more love, worth and trust in ourselves. When we allow the positive to rule our lives, we see increased amounts of love and trust in all.

      Energy Cords Through Exchange

      Energy cords are created between two or more people. An energy cord occurs when someone’s energy becomes entangled with another person’s energy, and an invisible cord similar to that of an umbilical cord is created, linking the two people. These cords are the result of the energy exchange involved in the roles that are played. The energy fields hook with one another and a cord is created. It is a common occurrence for them to be created between couples. One person constantly thinks about the other person and believes they need them in order to feel fulfilled. They are obsessed and become possessive. They also try to change their partner’s will by encouraging them to do things they don’t want to do. No-one has the right to change someone’s will, as everyone has the right to choose for themselves. Their choice is theirs alone and no-one should manipulate or tamper with it.

      Attempting to change someone’s will only creates a worse situation When cords are created through obsessive types of relationships, one person uses the other person by draining their energy resources in order to feed their own. The other person will always feel drained and may try to avoid the person that created the cord. You may already know some people like this, or you may have created cords yourself.

      Next time you feel an energy cord between you and someone else, you can change your style by releasing them via increasing your awareness of your own energy. If someone else has attached themselves to you, you can visualise yourself unravelling the knot and untying the cords that are linking the two of you together. When you untie the cord, you will feel the release immediately.

      Moving to Other Energy Fields

      Most people do not stay within the same group of friends their entire life. They either move on or they might feel as though someone has distanced themselves from them as they don’t have much in common anymore. The real reason is their energy systems are no longer vibrating in harmony with one another. The one operating at a faster rate will generally be having a more successful period compared to their friend. Their friend’s frequency rate may have slowed down so they are having more problems in their life. The friends then have less in common, as one feels they are going somewhere and the other one is dealing with problems.

      If you move home from your own free will, you will feel an increased amount of energy. You feel more alive because your own energy system is no longer being served by the current surrounding energy fields. You move on because you sense that this new energy is waiting for you elsewhere. The new energy is different to your energy system. Once you are in contact with this new energy field, you will notice that your life will turn for the better. New home usually means either new job or new friends, and everything else will appear refreshing and inviting.

      Chapter 6: Awakening To Intelligence

      Universal Energy Intelligence

      Energy intelligence is energy that has intelligence. All energy has intelligence and all intelligences contain energy. How much intelligence depends on how much awareness you have of yourself and the world around you. The more aware you become, the more intelligent you become. Different levels of intelligence vibrate at different frequency levels. The more intelligent or aware you become, the higher the frequency of your energy system vibration. Each frequency is specific and unique. Just like a radio station that operates on certain energy wavelengths that determine what station you tune into. If you aren’t transmitting your energy wavelength at a certain frequency, then your transmission will not be as intelligent. The more intelligent it is, the more you are able to create what you want in your life.

      This intelligence is not like regular education; it’s where you raise your awareness in understanding how to increase your personal power to create the life you want. You can increase your own intelligence by allowing the universal energy intelligence to express through you. When you allow this to come to you, you will increase your own awareness and can understand how to change your own reality. You can understand how to open and activate the entrance to enter different dimensions so that you can change your own reality. This is truly a remarkable experience, and once you learn how to activate your gateways, you will never want to keep them closed. You will do everything you can to be the best you can be towards others and yourself, and experience more love, joy, peace, happiness, health and success.

      Whenever something is created, it must first be conceived as an idea. When an idea is conceived, your mind contains energy. By thinking on this energy level, you can create and bring forth more into your life. You can choose any reality. It is an exhilarating experience to learn how much you can do with your own life, how responsible you are for it, and how you can reach your full potential once you are able to use your thoughts effectively.

      Energy Intelligence can also be seen working in nature. The denser a particular matter, the less Energy Intelligence it has. Rocks have a very small amount of awareness in comparison to plants. Plants respond to light, air, water, nutrients and touch. Plants and animals are more conscious and have more awareness than minerals. Their main focus is on survival. Humans are fortunate enough to be able to change their own physical environment to a greater extent than plants and animals by using our mental powers. We have the optional power of understanding how our choice contributes to the creation of our external environment. We like to think our choices, through our beliefs, shape the entire world.

      The highest level of Energy Intelligence resides at the universal level, an invisible source of energy that transcends space and time. Universal Energy Intelligence. Some call it God or Allah, The One, etc. It’s where all Energy Intelligence is drawn from and returns to, and it contains the unique frequency that is responsible for creation. Aware people have accessed this vast collective Universal Energy Intelligence and opened the doorway to manifest their goals. By concentrating your thoughts, emotions and actions on what you desire, you can tap into Universal Energy Intelligence for guidance, insights, creativity and innovation, and give birth to your ideas. You can access this power and make it work for you in manifesting what you desire. As a human, it is your birth right.


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