Energy Intelligence. Aleksandra BSL Zaric

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Energy Intelligence - Aleksandra BSL Zaric

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has lost the ability to tap into this divine source. In our age of computers, round-the-clock work lifestyles, media, noise and addiction, these are all forms of distraction to prevent you from finding your true source of creation. In order to channel this force, you can mentally prepare your mind so that you can open these natural doorways. Before you begin this journey, it is important to understand what keeps them closed and what assists them to open.

      Universal Energy Intelligence, the reservoir of all intelligence, can be subdivided into separate categories in order to access and channel energy into anything you want. These categories are often called higher intelligences, or higher beings, where you can access Universal Energy Intelligence to work magic in your life. This process may be viewed the same way flour is sifted. During the sifting process, flour is refined through the holes by the trembling action of the sifter. The outcome is a refined version of the flour, and yet it is still flour. This newly refined flour is easier to cook with, just like it is easier to make what you want out of your life once you sift the higher intelligences to create a refined you. When you make a connection with one of these higher intelligences, you have immediately created a gateway for specific frequencies of energy to travel to you. The more powers you call upon, the more you will see your goals manifest in the physical world.

      When you allow yourself to become the medium through which these higher energies can be expressed, you immediately open a gateway to begin to create what you want in life. Higher energies can only work with you if you intend creating good for all. When it assists you on your desired path, at the same time it also assists others through you. As all energy is from the one pool, therefore all energy is connected, and each thing influences every other thing. This is why the higher energies can only assist those who intend creating good, as all energy use affects the Universal Energy Intelligence. Once you understand how they, and therefore everything works, you will be given the tools to know how to open your gateways to channel the energy for what you want in your life.

      The energies that are released through the use of higher intelligences are more refined than their lower counterparts. It creates an increased sense of awareness through being more conscious of all. Consciousness is increased, intelligence is increased, and energy levels are increased. The universe is one big, extremely intelligent energy system, or if you prefer, it is one large being or god, which can be broken down into smaller and smaller categories that can be expressed through you. The more you understand how the universe is subdivided into categories, the more you will notice the workings of the different forms of energy.

      Increasing Your Life Force and Vibration

      There is a living energy used by human beings and anything that is living in the universe. It is a force that is mostly in spirit, and can also be found through other subtle signs within the thought field, emotional field, word field and action field. There a number of ways this force of life shows itself. It can be perceived in consciousness, the divine, matter, life, light, and certain other areas of existence. You can work with this force of life by intentionally increasing your vibration. You can increase your vibration by channeling universal energy intelligence. A low energy vibration rate will make it impossible for you to be content and experience the wonders of manifestation. When you are open to new thoughts and ideas, you are allowing and asking universal intelligence to express itself through you. You can experience this expression as new thoughts, ideas, inspiration, creativity, and you can increase your vibration.

      Life force energy is a universal energy intelligence that flows through the non-physical pathways of the body. It is also known as chi (Chinese origin), prana (Indian) or ki (Japanese). It is the driving force of achievement and the reason some people are more successful than others. It gives you the wonderful feeling you want to keep on going, and not through force of will, but through desire. If you think about something you want in life, and have the life force energy, then there is a very good chance you will see it through. Without it, you will have a very difficult time achieving anything. Forcing yourself to accomplish things is among the slowest ways of achieving anything. The more life force you can create, the higher your own energy field will vibrate. The higher you vibrate, the more life force you will have.

      Life force is as necessary to us as sunlight to a plant. With a low life force, your gateways will remain closed. Some gateways may open and others close, so your life force energy has nowhere to go, and remains dormant in a particular spot within the body. If you have negative thoughts, the life force energy will enter you and lodge itself somewhere within your body. It cannot move forward as it hasn’t enough positive force to keep going. The energy continues to rotate and collide on the spot, creating heat, and may even be felt as an uncomfortable emotion.

      When you have positive thoughts, life force enters your physical body from the top of your head through each positive thought you have. It is responsible for nourishing the whole of the body, both at the physical and mental level, and is distributed via the gateways of your body, reaches the energy points, circulates, and exits. These energy points are also known as chakras. Chakras are power centres within your body and can be viewed as circular spinning wheels that help distribute life force energy to all areas of the body. These energy points are where two or more energy channels collide, rather like cyclones. These energy centres require gateways to interpret this energy.

      Energy gateways are passages within you that link you to all other energy forms. Every thought you have affects a particular gateway. If one of these channels is not functioning correctly due to your negative thoughts, then this blockage may prevent you from achieving what you want.

      Differences between Chakras and Gateways


      •are energy centres located only within your body’s energy field.


      •are passages located inside and beyond your body.

      •can be viewed as doorways to other realms and what you can manifest.

      •are a link to all other energy forms, as there are energy currents running through the body and to everything else: every thought, emotion, word and action.

      •are entered via your thoughts at the top of your head.

      Most of us unconsciously keep our gateways closed, as we are not aware of how intelligent we can be. We do not understand that we can work with another higher intelligence to guide and help us to achieve what we want in life. By learning how to open these doorways, you can access a higher intelligence and conduit life force energy into your own system. When you nourish your entire mind and body with this life force energy, you will be able create more.

      Your emotions are a result of your thoughts. If you have an issue in your life that bothers you and you cannot seem to move forward, whatever you want to achieve becomes very difficult. Any prolonged negative thoughts block your gateway from communicating with other gateways and this manifests as your life not running smoothly. When your mind is closed, you are not receptive to life force energy. When your mind is closed, you are not receptive to other ideas, possibilities or suggestions, and therefore keep attracting the same things into your life. Positive thoughts open up your gateways as the intelligence within the positive thoughts raises your vibrational energy frequency. When you operate at a higher frequency range, you become a magnet to other similar energy levels. This creates a link, passage or gateway. When you open your mind to believe anything is possible, you automatically open your gateways and become receptive to receiving life force energy.

      In energy work, you learn to transform the raw life force energy into any desire you choose. Gain more life force energy to experience more love, health, wealth, happiness, peace, joy, and become more spiritually attuned. As you integrate more life force energy, you also raise your

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