Reluctant Gemini. Lawrence BSL Warren

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Reluctant Gemini - Lawrence BSL Warren

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the café they found a window booth and slid in on opposite sides. Rudy picked up a menu for himself and one for Pamela and handed it to her.

      “So...what’s the house speciality?” he asked.

      “The country style breakfast has all of my favorites,” she said.

      “That sounds good to me,” he said, “do you drink coffee?” “Yes, decaf,” she said.

      “I will order for both of us, I hope that does not offend you?”

      “You’re a romantic, I believe, Mr. Rodriguez and no, it does not upset me. In fact, I love being treated the right man, that is.”

      Rudy smiled and nodded his head, “My friends call me Rudy. Romance and passion are part of life for a matador”, he said “Chivalry and valor do not end after a matador leave the bullring, or after he removes the suit of lights.”

      “Suit of lights?” Pamela questioned. “Yes, the customary, tight radiant costume that bullfighters have been performing in for centuries. It’s called a suit of lights because they’re made with satin decorated in gold that reflect the afternoon sunlight”, Rudy said.

      The waitress arrived at their booth and Rudy ordered a pot of decaffeinated coffee and their breakfast.

      When the waitress left them, Pamela inquired, “So, you really are a matador then?”

      Rudy smiled and said, “I’m ranked in the top five in the world.”

      Pamela’s eyebrows raised and she said, “I’m impressed! I must admit that when I first heard that you had wounded yourself with a sword during late night practice, I wasn’t sure about your story.”

      Rudy was quiet for a moment and then said, “If I had told you I had been wounded in a knife fight would you have called the police?”

      Pamela took a deep breath and then said “Yes, of’s the law...we must report all gunshot wounds and stab wounds to the police.”

      Rudy replied, “That sounds like the proper thing to do for most cases, but not in my case.”

      At that moment the waitress brought their breakfast and the conversation was put on hold. The next few minutes were spend in silence sampling their breakfast.

      Pamela was first to speak, “So, is your twin brother a matador also?”

      Rudy smiled and said, “No, Roberto is a businessman. He deals in stocks and real estate. He spends most of his time with books, studying. When we were kids he was sick a lot, so all he could do was read.”

      Pamela asked, “Are you and your brother close?

      “Very” Rudy said, “But we never do anything together. We both have separate interests and we have completely different lifestyles.”

      “Are you identical twins?” Pamela asked.

      “Yes, Roberto wears glasses, other than that it’s hard to tell us apart.”

      Pamela smiled and said, I’ll bet that makes for interesting moments.”

      Rudy took a sip of his coffee and then said, “More than I can tell you.”

      Pamela wanted to ask why, but thought better not to. Instead, she said “Your studious twin grew up to become a businessman, and you a matador. Why a bullfighter and not a doctor, like your famous father?”

      Rudy rolled the question around in his mind for a while before answering, “I admire my father, and all doctors for that matter, but I could never imagine spending my life dealing with sick people. I get depressed just thinking about it,” he said. “That world is not a happy place, too much sorrow and sadness.”

      He lowered his eyes to the table and was quiet for a moment to compose himself. When he looked into Pamela’s eyes, he said, “Now, as for being a matador, that’s a very macho, very festive, very grand world,” he smiled. “All Spanish boys dream of growing up and becoming a flamboyant, famous matador. It’s very hard to explain to a woman, and even harder to explain to an American woman,” he said.

      Canadian,” she said defiantly “And maybe I would understand, if you’d try me.”

      Rudy could sense he had hurt her feelings. “Lo siento...I’m sorry”, Rudy repeated in English for her.

      For a long moment they took turns gazing out the café window.

      Rudy then asked, “Canadian huh...which part of Canada are you from?”

      Montreal”, she answered.

      “Really, we are considering buying a high-rise office building in downtown Montreal. The Montreal Towers Building. Do you know of it?” Rudy asked.

      Pamela answered with surprise, “You’re buying the Montreal Towers Building?”

      “Yes, well our company, 3R’s World Holdings is,” Rudy said. “We made an offer last week.”

      “Well congratulations, you’ll be my father’s landlord. My father has had his stock brokerage business in the Montreal Towers for almost 20 years. Perhaps you know my father, Charles Bean of C. W. Bean Limited?”

      “No, I don’t. I do know of the company however, and have done business with them for many years.

      “I’d like to know more about Charles Bean’s daughter. What brings you to New York city?” he asked.

      Pamela considered the question for a moment and then said, “My internship in emergency medicine at N.Y. General. I can’t think of a better place to get such diverse training. It’s like they say, if ‘I can make it there, I can make it anywhere’. I’ve worked hard over the last couple of years and my internship is finally over. I’m now ready to move on to a more normal existence at a slower pace. Tomorrow my contract with N.Y. General Hospital expires and I am not going to renew it. I’m planning on flying to St. Louis, renting a car, and driving out west and just kind of feeling my way around to see what’s happening and what’s available. When I find a place I like, I’ll spend a few days and see if I can get this city out of my system.”

      Rudy smiled and said, “You don’t look like the vagabond type to me.”

      Pamela smiled back at him and said, “What type of woman do I look like to you?’

      Rudy took a long slow breath and said, “You look like the type of woman men spend their whole lives dreaming about and searching for. You look like the type of woman men lust after. You look like the type of woman that steals a mans’ heart, just by smiling at him. You look like the type of woman men want to be seen with everywhere. You look like the type of woman men want to hide away from the world.”

      Rudy paused and sat silent, gazing into Pamela’s green eyes, waiting for her to respond to him. “Rudy....that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me”, she replied.

      Rudy continued, “You are a very beautiful young woman. Surely you have many admirers and suitors.”

      “I’m flattered you think

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