Reluctant Gemini. Lawrence BSL Warren

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Reluctant Gemini - Lawrence BSL Warren

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has changed to doing business with direct computer, no need for local agent....and empty house. I was planning my internship here and so daddy said I could look after things during my stay in New York. I bought this brass plaque and a pillow and set up housekeeping.”

      “How old is it?” he asked.

      “Turn of the century, was when it was commissioned to be built by one of the railroad tycoons. My father has owned it for 30 years. It’s really too big for one person, so I have a live-in maid who’s a wonderful cook and she looks after it.”

      Rudy said, “I’d like to see the rest of it, perhaps you’ll give me the grand tour tomorrow evening after our dinner date.”

      “I’d love too, any time,” she said.

      “I need to get back to my hotel,” he said. “I wish I could explain my present predicament and my need to rush back but I really don’t understand what’s happening myself.”

      He gave her a quick kiss on the lips as if they were a long time couple and said, “I’ll call you later today. You’re in the book, right?” Without waiting for her answer he turned and headed down the marble stairs to the street, waving his hand to attract the passing cabs. At the curb he stopped and looked at her. He hated having to deceive her, but he knew no other way. She could be someone special in his life if he let it happen this time. But, he knew it would mean he would have to be honest with her. He would have to tell her the truth about himself, about....all of the lies. He wanted to love her and he wanted her to love him. No one had ever been that close.

      A cab responded to his beckoning and pulled to the curb. He opened the cab door and got into the backseat without ever taking his eyes off her.

      From the porch she smiled and slowly waived goodbye and hoped she would see him again very soon.

      Rudy told the driver to take him to the Broadway entrance of the Ritz Hotel. The cabby nodded his head and drove off as Rudy continued to stare out the rear window at beautiful Pamela.

      Rudy’s cab arrived at the hotel’s back door at 7:30. He went up the stairs, through the dining room and to the elevator without saying a word to anyone.

      The Do Not Disturb sign was still hanging on the door of his room where he had placed it. He used his key card to let himself in and left the sign hanging outside. Pib...Pib...Pib, he kept repeating in his mind. What would you think of this mess I’m in?

      Rudy walked cautiously through the living room of the suite towards the front bedroom and stopped at the open door. He surveyed the blood stained disorganized bed from the doorway. The dark red blood on the bright white bed linens looked more significant by the light of day. The amount of his blood smeared about gave Rudy a cold chill. Pamela was right, he thought, he had lost a lot of blood.

      At that moment Rudy’s heart started to pound as he realized that the intruders were not laying on the floor where he had left them. He quickly stepped back out of the doorway into the corner of the large sitting room to take cover. He held his breath and listened for any movement.

      No sounds. Rudy waited for a moment, then rushed two paces into the bedroom with his fists at the ready. The two thugs were not in sight. He knelt down on one knee and looked under the bed. Nothing. The two bodies were gone. Rudy stood and slowly looked around the room. He could see no sign that they had ever been in the room except for the blood. How could they have left the room? He went directly to the spot where he had left the switch blade knife he had taken from them. It to, was gone. Had someone else been in the suite during his absence?

      Rudy felt relieved that he did not have to deal with the two bodies. He was not sure what he was going to do with them anyway, so at least that problem was solved. Their disappearance however, was of great concern. Had one of the thugs survived and made off with his companion and the knife? Why would they trouble themselves to retrieve the knife?

      Rudy was exhausted. He was feeling the effects of the loss of blood and being up all night. He would sleep a few hours and then he could continue to worry about the intruders. He made his way to the second bedroom at the rear of the suite and opened the door. The bedroom meant for Roberto was dark, cool, and undisturbed. The freshly turned down king-size bed looked very inviting and he wasted no time removing his clothes and let them fall to the floor. He crawled between the crip sheets naked. His thoughts turned to Pamela and her wet, warm lips. He needed her. He could fall in love with her.

      Chapter Two

      “Mr. Rodriguez...Mr. Rodriguez, wake up. I’m Detective Levy, New York City Police Department, Homicide Division.” Rudy opened his eyes to see a tall, thin white man holding a gold badge for him to examine. “Mr. Rodriguez we’re here to investigate a reported homicide. We’ve received an anonymous call claiming that a murder has occurred in this hotel suite. We have a search warrant and the hotel management has provided us with the pass key.” The Detective picked up Rudy’s trousers and tossed them onto the bed. “Get up and put these on, we have some questions to ask you.” Rudy nodded his head in compliance and did as he was told.

      “What time is it?” Rudy asked a uniformed policeman standing at the foot of the bed. “It’s almost 9:00 A.M.” he responded. Rudy had had only about an hour and a half of sleep before the unwelcome interruption.

      “Let’s take a walk to the other bedroom,” Detective Levy instructed. As the pair walked through the living room and into the front bedroom, Rudy counted the number of police officers in the suite. Four uniformed policemen and five plain clothed detectives. “Can you explain the blood all over this bed?” Detective Levy asked Rudy. “Yes,” Rudy declared, “I had an accident.” “What kind of accident?” asked Levy. “Sword practice, I cut my shoulder,” Rudy pointed to the large bandage on his left shoulder. “You were practicing with a sword in bed?” Levy snickered. “No, I was standing next to the bed when I slashed my shoulder and I used the bed sheets to stop the bleeding. I spent the rest of the night at New York General Hospital’s emergency room getting stitches and didn’t get back to the hotel until an hour and a half ago,” Rudy recounted. “Show me the sword,” Levy snapped back at Rudy.

      “I can’ seems to have gone missing while I was at the hospital.” Rudy knew his answer would not be believed, but at least it would buy him some time to be able to think things through. “I am extremely tired and went right to bed after returning from the hospital...I have not tried to locate the sword since returning back here to the room.”

      A second plain clothes detective stepped forward and produced a gold badge for Rudy to acknowledge. “I’m Detective Miller,” he said, “Are you Roberto Rodriguez?”

      “Yes,” Rudy answered, “ actually I’m Rudolph Roberto Rodriguez, my twin brother is Roberto Rudolph Rodriguez.”

      Detective Miller quipped, “People with twins and their names” and made a quick note to his pad. He scrolled back through the little pad’s pages and said, “The hotel register shows that Robert Rodriguez has been checked into this suite for three days. When was the last time you saw your brother?” “A few days ago,” Rudy answered apprehensively. Detective Miller continued his questioning, “That would make it on Wednesday or Thursday then, is that correct?” Rudy was silent for a moment then answered, “No, I haven’t seen him since I’ve been in New York. We were together in Montreal last week. We are purchasing some properties there. That was the last time I spoke to him.”

      “Do you know where your brother is right now?” asked Miller.

      “No...not for certain,” Rudy answered,

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