Inspired Wealth. Aileen CFP Miga

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Inspired Wealth - Aileen CFP Miga

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If you are not convinced of this yet, ask someone who has lost their good health and has many unfulfilled dreams.

      •The risk that your skills will become outdated if you don’t keep up with change.

      •The greatest risk may be coming to the end of your life and realizing that you didn’t live the way you wanted, that you didn’t let the world hear your music. Knowing that your music will die with you is the greatest sadness.

      The Climber’s Voice:

      “Yes... I know how risky mountain climbing is. There was a time when I thought mountain climbers were crazy! I wondered why anyone would leave the comfort and security of flat ground to scale a mountain. Now I see that for some not climbing the mountain is a more certain risk. I am not prepared to live the rest of my life wishing I had fulfilled this dream. Instead, I’ll learn what I need to so that I am well prepared for this challenge.”

      People over 65 were asked, “If you could live your life over, what would you do differently?” They said three things: “I’d take time to stop and ask the big questions. I’d be more courageous and take more risks in work and love. I’d try to live with purpose—to make a difference.”

      — Richard Leider, founding partner of the Inventure Group

      The Truth About Change

      The truth is that rapid change will continue to be a constant in our lives. Accepting this truth and discovering how to evolve through the changes and thereby enrich our lives is a much more effective way of living than resisting and fearing change.

      This is why it’s so important to know where you are at this point. Be aware of who you are, so that when you identify where you want to go you’ll know what you need to do to get there. In the new economy, knowing who you are and what is constant in your life will be as important as knowing what is flexible and how to make adjustments. If you go through enough change and transition in your life, you will see that, “the more things change the more they stay the same.” Perhaps because the by-product of constant change is a stronger core, an axle, upon which the variables spin. Change can make us stronger if we let go of our fear and choose to see it that way. Our ability to change gracefully and fully adapt to new environments will depend on our ability to be grounded by strong core values that permeate all that we do. The combination of our own unique blend of core values combined with our “way” is what adds value to all our endeavors.

      Are You Prepared for the Inevitable Change?

      Assess the risks inherent in maintaining the status quo. Perhaps the risk of not using your resources to manifest the life that you desire is a risk you are not willing to take.

      “Not in his goals but in his transitions is man great.”

      — Ralph Waldo Emerson

      It is not the attaining of a goal that makes you a success. Rather, it is what you have learned and who you have become in the process of achieving your goal. What doubts and fears have you had to face? What obstacles made you rethink your goal and redouble your efforts? What mountains have you already climbed?

      As you accept and overcome your challenges, you change, you evolve. You become stronger, wiser, and more self-confident. You are able to lead yourself and others with greater clarity. You transform beliefs into knowings. You become very aware of your personal power. You know that you are responsible for making things happen in your life. You have control of more than you once thought.

      This is truth. This is leadership.

      We believe that the object of life is not happiness and security: it is growth. The by-product is joy.

      As a final check before you pack your bags for the journey, fill in the blank in the following sentence:

      The truth about money that I know I must now face is


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