Creatures of the Chase - Mikail. L. M. Ollie

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Creatures of the Chase - Mikail - L. M. Ollie

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where he had written her name. He swallowed hard. ‘Right, Richard Develin, Merhot Capritzo, Yusuf Sarquazi and … Rose. She married again? Does that mean that …’

      He swiveled in his chair, faced the computer and began typing. Births, deaths, marriages – that’s what he did; confirm the truth, or the lie. Moments later he had the answer he was looking for. Sarah Churchill Develin Capritzo married Yusuf Nessim Sarquazi Mauphet Benghazi on the 28th of August, 1981. The marriage took place in Morocco but he died almost exactly one year later in a riding accident in Southern Ireland; Tipperary County to be precise. Cavendish Hall, Tipperary County – the Develin ancestral home.

      Four months and fifteen days later she married an Alan Rose and guess where that marriage was performed? You got it Stan: Cavendish Hall. If this woman was a black widow like Ted suggested then this Rose guy, whoever he is, must be the ultimate gold digger because she would be one stupendously rich lady.

      Beautiful, wealthy, powerful - Vic, you wouldn’t have stood a chance.

      Victor’s body was found on the 31st of August just days after the Sarquazi marriage. Is there a connection? It was known that Vic bought a return ticket to Dublin via London, Heathrow. The return portion was left open as if Vic didn’t know when he would return home. Did he meet her in Ireland or was she already in Morocco preparing to marry her dead husband’s brother? Did he follow her there? Is that what happened, Vic?

      What did Munroe know about Morocco? Truth was, very little but he did know that there was a travel advisory. Muggings, particularly in Casablanca and Marrakech were fairly common thanks to the huge disparity in wealth in the country but, mugging is one thing; murder, quite another. And Yusuf Sarquazi standing beside the King of Morocco; what does that say?

      Stan Munroe called his computer system “Snoopy Drawers” because in a very real sense it sent back answers to questions that some people would rather not be involved in, especially when it came to the really personal and private stuff. Most of the time Munroe worked with every-day people with every-day lives but, upon occasion the system would balk, refusing to allow him to search further. Proof of that was Richard Mayfair Develin; Sarah Churchill’s first husband. He was pure MI6, the intelligence and espionage agency of the British Government and a major no-go zone. Curious, Munroe keyed in Sarquazi’s full name and was instantly warned off in a similar manner.

      Old Snoopy Drawers doesn’t want you going there either, Stan.

      ‘So, who did you work for Sarquazi?’ Munroe whispered. He tried another name: Omar Mauphet Benghazi, the patriarch of the Benghazi tribe but again his enquiry was deflected. It didn’t matter, Munroe already knew quite a bit about him including the fact that he died in 1960. Chances are that Sarquazi was somehow related because you don’t tack Mauphet Benghazi onto your name unless you’ve got every right to do so.

      Children – did Sarquazi have any, especially from her? There would have been time for at least one before he died. Ted said she had four children so …

      Here you go Stan: Marcus Yusuf Sarquazi Mauphet Benghazi born June 27th, 1982 and a little girl, Elizabeth Cathleen Sarquazi born May 25th, 1983 – nine months after the death of her father. Munroe stared at the photo of Sarquazi. ‘Sorry, but if it’s any consolation to you, Richard Develin didn’t live long enough to see his second child born either. But of course Develin’s death was from natural causes – heart attack to be precise – so it’s not quite the same thing is it?’

      Still, it’s fucking sad.

      Munroe went back to the index, looked up Richard Mayfair Develin then set all three albums together side by side. Victor thought there might be a connection – other than Sarah Churchill – between Develin and Capritzo. Adding Sarquazi to the pile, Munroe couldn’t help but agree; there was a strong physical resemblance. At a guess, shared paternity?

      He remembered too how Victor stared and stared at the Develin photos and how he smiled almost shyly when he admitted to meeting Develin and how he scared the shit out of him.

      Munroe leaned back in his chair. Both Capritzo and Sarquazi died accidental deaths. Sarquazi in a riding accident but what exactly does that mean? Capritzo’s death, it was described as “misadventure” and at the time that was good enough but …

      Quickly he punched the numbers and was relieved when the call connected and was answered in seconds. ‘Records, Karen speaking.’

      ‘Hi Karen, Stan Munroe here, how are you?’

      ‘Great Stan and how are you and yours?’

      ‘I’m fine, Sharon’s fine and so are the kids, thanks.’ Stan Munroe had been married to Sharon for ten years. They had two sons. He was nearly thirty-seven years old and, except for Victor’s death had lived a relatively happy and uneventful life.

      ‘Karen, would you look up two coroner inquests for me please; both in Ireland.’

      ‘Sure, just give me the relevant information.’

      ‘I want details surrounding the deaths of Yusuf Nessim Sarquazi, August ’82 and Merhot Capritzo, February ‘81; Tipperary County, Southern Ireland.’

      ‘Do you want a hard copy or can I tell you the relevant information over the phone?’

      ‘Give me a one-liner now then send through the hard copies.’ In the background he could hear her typing furiously.

      ‘Okay, here are the basics. Sarquazi died in a riding accident. His horse reared up and straight over, breaking his back and crushing him, so we’re talking a ruptured spleen at the very least. Apparently he died in his wife’s arms within minutes.

      ‘Capritzo, that’s not so easy. Apparently he went into a small, lead-lined vault to look at some papers belonging to his father. Somehow he made contact with the vault’s internal mechanism which was faulty – unbeknownst to everyone – shorting the system and causing the door to close. He was trapped inside long enough to asphyxiate. Apparently the door is operated by a small electric motor. And get this, it’s counterweighted which means it opens slowly but closes fast.’ She paused, ‘Stan, are you still there?’

      ‘Yeah, I’m here. You said papers belonging to his father. Who was Capritzo’s father?’

      Karen chuckled, ‘Hey, you’re the births, deaths, marriages guy; don’t you know?’

      ‘And hey, I deal with legit stuff not … well, you know.’

      ‘God Stan you are still so proper. It’s called bastard born and, provided you’re sitting down, I’ll tell you who he was.’

      ‘I’m sitting.’

      ‘Merhot Capritzo’s father was Charles Develin who, if you check closely just happens to be Richard Mayfair Develin’s old man. How does that mess your mind Stan?’

      ‘Tell me Karen, how come you’re so on top of this?’

      ‘Because Boston PD, notably Detective Inspector Neil Perry has already sent me tripping through

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