Creatures of the Chase - Mikail. L. M. Ollie

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Creatures of the Chase - Mikail - L. M. Ollie

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known the truth then …

      Then what Carl Emery? How could you have stopped him? You said yourself that he was fucking crazy.

      Richard Develin had ordered Sarah’s abduction. How they managed to get her on board his private jet without being seen was a mystery. Undoubtedly she was drugged. By the time she arrived at Cavendish Hall she was fully conscious and spitting mad. Carl’s initial encounter with her was short but not very sweet.

      ‘Your name isn’t Igor by any chance, is it?’

      ‘No miss, Carl Emery.’

      ‘Well Carl, give my compliments to Mr. Develin and tell him for me that he can go straight to hell. Do you think you can remember all that?’

      He moved so fast that Sarah had no opportunity to defend herself as he took hold of her right arm in a savage grip then proceeded to half drag; half carry her up the remaining steps and along the corridor to the left. Suddenly he stopped before a set of double doors and released her.

      ‘I suggest, Miss Churchill, that you deliver the message yourself.’

      Sarah’s first encounter with Richard Develin was equally stormy. She should have been terrified of him but, as everyone would soon discover there was nothing ordinary or predictable about Sarah Winthrope Churchill.

      Richard Develin was forty-nine years old, six feet tall with pale skin and jet black hair drawn straight back and lightly oiled. But it was his eyes that were the most arresting feature. They were pale blue and predatory. Richard Develin was not someone you would want to trifle with as Sarah would soon discover but then again, either was Sarah.

      He should have been honest with her. He should have opened up a little but that would have been out of character and not part of the plan. Truth was he wasn’t interested in a relationship. What Richard Develin wanted from Sarah was simple and straightforward. He was dying of a rare form of leukemia called Multiple Myeloma and he needed an heir. Sarah was going to provide him with one whether she wanted to or not. Although he was prepared to make things as easy as possible for her he was also running out of time. They first met on Wednesday evening; she was in his bed Monday night. That was the beginning of an extraordinary relationship which culminated in the birth of William Churchill Develin nine months later. As unlikely as it seemed at the beginning, Richard and Sarah fell in love and, although he never actually said so to her, it was evident nevertheless.

      On Christmas Eve she gave him the greatest gift possible; the knowledge that she was pregnant again. That was when he asked her to marry him but he died of a massive heart attack before the ceremony could take place.


      She ran her finger tips across his face and then she kissed him, but his lips were already cold.

      Carl gently pulled her away. ‘Sarah, let Father Donovan perform the Last Rites.’

      She stood dazed, supported by Doctor Bryan and Carl. Halfway through, she fainted.

      Carl lifted her into his arms and held her close as he watched through his tears as Father Donovan anointed Develin’s brow with holy oil. Finally the priest stepped back, the ritual complete.

      Carl stared down at Sarah and smiled. ‘Gentlemen, as far as I am concerned, a marriage has been performed here which legitimatizes Master William and the child yet unborn. Unless any of you wish to voice any strong objection, I shall in future refer to this young lady as Mrs. Richard Mayfair Develin.’

      ‘And so say I,’ intoned Doctor Bryan.

      Liam nodded. ‘And so say I.’

      Father Donovan anointed Sarah’s forehead with holy oil. ‘And so shall it be recorded.’


      Richard had left Sarah a note and a ring; both would remain her most treasured possessions.

      Better by far you should forget and smile

      Than that you should remember and be sad.

      I said that I would never apologize to you again but I was wrong and now I find that sorry is too inadequate a word. I can but trust that where I can never have your forgiveness, I can at least hope that ultimately you will understand. You have rendered me rich beyond measure in both a son and your love. I thank you for both.

      Have a wonderful life, my dearest, darling Sarah. Richard

      Inside the envelope was the ring engraved simply - SWC Despite Everything RMD


      ‘So, is this a rental car or what?’ Carl asked as he nodded towards the Mercedes.

      Jack smiled. ‘Found it in the ship’s forward hold on a specially designed platform tied down and covered up snug as a bug. Yusuf Sarquazi would never use a rental car.’

      ‘Following in his footsteps; that’s nice.’

      ‘Fuck you Emery.’ Jack looked around. ‘I haven’t come to see you anyhow or put up with your bullshit. Where is she?’

      ‘I assume by “she” you mean Mrs. Develin-Sarquazi. She’s saying goodbye.’ Carl nodded towards the mausoleum.

      ‘Is Alan with her?’

      Carl shook his head. ‘Alan has gone back to Boston. As I said it’s Mrs. Develin-Sarquazi. They’re divorcing.’

      ‘Shit! What happened?’

      ‘I guess Seefan said it best. She has run with wolves. You have but to look into her eyes to see the wildness there. Alan to her was nothing more than a puppy by comparison and, quite frankly I don’t think he rated even that.’ He sighed. ‘Sarah’s lawyer, Patrick Turner received the divorce papers just a few days ago.’

      ‘So she knows.’

      ‘Yes, she knows as she also knows that he’s demanding a major financial settlement. I don’t know how much, but it will be in the millions I’m sure. When Turner told her she instructed him to pay Alan whatever he wanted and get rid of him.’

      ‘That’s sad.’

      ‘Yeah, well there it is. Seefan knew the marriage was in trouble but she didn’t know how to tell me until … I confronted Alan and well, he was pretty bitter.’


      Carl caught Alan coming out of the library. ‘Alan, you had better get that wife of yours under control.’

      ‘Why don’t you ask me to stop the tides? That would be a piece of cake by comparison.’

      ‘Are you telling me that you can’t or you won’t?’

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