The Enemy Within. robert Psy.D. firth

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The Enemy Within - robert Psy.D. firth

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killed on the spot.”

      The requirements for Visas for businessmen and tourists who are known to the Russian authorities from previous visits need to be eliminated. Those who pose no possible threat should be encouraged to visit as often as possible with no artificial and counter productive paperwork barriers. This will take a tremendous burden from the visa offices and let them focus on screening out the real risks. While on this subject, all western countries with increasingly interlocking and interdependent economies have to do the same. We all have to be encouraged to eliminate as many barriers as possible while still protecting ourselves from Islamic terrorists. Of course, to do this, the politically correct western government weenies have to face the fact that 100% of terrorism is Islamic and define the enemy in realistic terms.

      Communism is dead and, in fact, was born dead- it never had a life - it never provided an uplifting inspiration to humanity. Lenin and the rest of them never thought past the revolution- grab power and then what? They never had an idea of what to after consolidating power. Probably, this is because their violent methodology left them all awash in the bloody remains of their victims- up to their armpits in gore and rotting flesh, creating a stink that, like Lady Macbeth, they could never wash off. Having illegally seized the reins of power, murdering and imprisoning all who spoke against them, they could not ever join the civilized world. They made themselves pariahs and outcasts. The free world looked on them as dark vicious killers from hell who had imprisoned and made slaves of their own people.

      All of them, this gang of murderers, were constantly judging others by their own criminal standards and spent their time looking over their shoulder, wondering which of their fellow travelers would be the one to stick a knife in their backs. Seeing the civilized world as being forever against them the Soviet criminals withdrew further into themselves. This “bunker mentality” developed into the “iron curtain” behind which the plotters of revolution imprisoned their people and spent decades trying fruitlessly to spread their particular brand of hell. They never matured, never went beyond the revolution. There was no workers paradise and never could there be. In this way, Communism was born and, in this way, after 70 years of terror and economic disaster, it died… having achieved nothing whatsoever of good while spreading great darkness and evil, finally, sputtering out in 1991 with not a bang but, instead, a very inaudible whimper.

      CHAPTER 5: Opportunity vs. Entitlements


      “Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty” Samuel Adams

      No one is entitled to anything except an opportunity

      Want to know why your job went to India? The entire concept of diversity training is pure bunk! The idea that one hires people and then has to train them on company time to understand the nuances of the other employee’s culture is pure B.S. The idea that to produce and market a service or a product one has to conduct sensitivity training classes for the employees is hogwash for artistic left brain idiots with misguided and hare-brain ideas that must have originated in Canada.

      Any company can hire people from mixed backgrounds and races for whatever position they may be suited and qualified- from working in a grocery store to a management position in a complex manufacturing organization. There are only a few considerations that are of any importance whatsoever; Can the person do the work, do they have the education, do they want the job, is the compensation agreeable to both parties. Nothing else is of any importance at all, period !

      Once hired, the employee does as he or she is told. They show up on time and do the work or they get fired ! End of story! The idea that one has to institute special sensitivity training program to make the minorities or religious wackos “feel good” is absurd! For Gods sake, have we all gone completely nuts! Don’t believe it, watch the Trump dump the chumps on the popular TV show “The Apprentice!”

      image-9.pngLook, here’s what it is, bro! You get the job, you work, you do the job, you get paid- that’s it! You don’t get to pray five times a day on company time, you don’t get to have babies on company time. You don’t get paid to sit around in feel-good, sob story sensitivity meetings and cry on each others shoulders or take paid days off for non-standard religious holidays. Get it?

      Want to know why we are losing jobs to overseas outsourcing? The idiocy above has a lot to do with it. There are other reasons; Why should we give anyone a paid holiday? The idea is stupid. It makes the worker think that he is somehow “entitled” to something for nothing. Nothing is for free. There is no free lunch as they say. If you work 52 weeks and get 2 weeks paid holiday, what do you think? Can you be so naive to believe that you haven’t earned those days off?

      Look, the annual pay for the position is based on 50 weeks, you get paid for 50 weeks period. The fact that you receive a paycheck while you’re lying on a beach has no bearing. If you negotiate with your boss, you will generally see that he will be willing to buy back your vacation and, if you work those weeks, you will actually then get paid for 52 weeks. Got it?

      Now we give school kids a free lunch and if that isn’t bad enough some schools actually give the little buggers a free breakfast ( and dinner too) . What does this teach them- That they are entitled to a free lunch? No one is “entitled” to anything except a chance, an opportunity to be anything you want- that is America’s promise. Unfortunately, when the ignorant, lazy, poorly motivated lil-nippers finally get kicked out of school after being promoted automatically, regardless of what they have learned, they will find this out! They will enter the work force thinking that they are owed a free lunch and “Bang”, they’re fired for a bad attitude or see their job evaporate, transferred to some starving kid in India who knows dammed well that there is no free anything! Oh well, there’s always swiping hub caps and selling diem bags..!

      Employers are beginning to understand that they are chumps to stay in America and see the companies they worked hard to build grow weak and disappear due to foreign competition, forced government programs and un-funded mandates by HUD and EEOC, OSHA, etc., etc., Ad infinitum, ad absurdum, ad nauseaum! (see the cartoon above)

      Did you know that there’s an EEOC office in every city and small town in America, Imagine who pays for the 40 or so employees working in each of these messy little government offices? American employers have to fund Social Security, private pension programs, Medicare, withholding taxes, medical insurance (less every year) family leave programs, day care centers, HUD programs, OSHA mandates, Unions, overtime pay and other mandated programs, etc. In general, the cost to employers to cover these additional expenses is about 29% of whatever the employee receives as his annual pay.

      If a boss says “good morning” to a female employee while he has a spec of dust in his eye, she sues him for sexual harassment, The employer today, in America, has to have expensive product liability policies and a battery of attorneys just to stay in business and protect himself from his customers and employees. The American manufacturer actually has to tell customers on a big label that they can’t put their cats in their new microwave! One large restaurant chain was successfully sued some time ago for serving hot coffee. Good grief

      It is no small wonder that so many employers are opting for Mexico and India. (see our cartoon above) So would you. You pay a guy $2.00 and hour and that’s it- no free lunch, no retirement, no paid holidays, no overtime, no day care centers no handicap ramps and special bathrooms, etc. etc.- a breath of fresh air. Like America in the early great days when this wonderful country was built. A man gets paid what he’s worth and not a penny more! Learn anything? Don’t like it, start your own company meanwhile- quit your bitching and moaning and get back to work!

      "Once you have been

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