The Enemy Within. robert Psy.D. firth

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The Enemy Within - robert Psy.D. firth

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and screeching that “Mexicans are our brown brothers and have a God given right to be here no matter how they got here” - all the while beating you with a chair- that person has lost completely the ability to tell the difference between right and wrong. All civil discourse has vanished and you are dealing with a committed ideologue not much different than an Islamo-fascist extremist. People of similar mindsets are to be found on blogs all over the internet- Move on dot org, code pink and the many similar groups funded by George Soros, for example.

      If you find yourself on the evil side of these issues I strongly advise you to carefully examine how and when you got there. Ask yourself if you are siding with evil just because you’re afraid of being labeled a homophobe by the shrill proponents of homosexuality?” Ask yourself if you are so broad minded, liberal and inclusive that you see nothing wrong with letting millions more Mexicans flood into our country?

      Take a discerning look down the road a generation or so and envision what America might look and sound like and ask yourself again if that is good or bad. Look at the laws of Mexico and what might be your personal fate if you illegally entered that country and presented yourself and your children at a Mexican hospital for free treatment or asked for food stamps and other social services paid for by Mexican tax payers. Consider carefully the important issues of our times and think what side is right and what side wrong. Don’t blindly follow the trumpeting ideologues of evil- many of them, perhaps most, have no personal opinions and indeed, many have not the ability to consider critically and reach independent conclusions. Unfortunately, we have many far left professors employed in our institutions of higher learning that are decidedly on the side of evil and hell bent to infect the young minds of their victims with their twisted ideologies.

      As to when we began to be an evil country- I would argue that our decent into hell began with the efforts of Madeline Murray O'Hara in 1960 who, along with the continuing efforts of the ACLU, was successful in removing prayer and all forms of religion from our schools and public lives. I argue this not from religious conviction but purely and obviously because the child of an atheist grows up without the moral compass that religion can and does provide. This secular child has only the law to provide guidance between right and wrong, good or bad. Clearly, the restraints placed upon us by the laws of man are lost on the young. Were this not the case, then the numbers of school shootings, drive by gang killings and slaughter of parents by their young might not be as prevalent as they are.

      The ten commandants, which are shared by all the world’s great religions, create a moral barrier between good and evil, Absent these restraints, the evil amoral man has nothing to restrict him. He can kill, steal, rape and plunder with impunity and without moral suasion. Hitler, Stalin and Mao were such men. Unfortunately, many in American government are equally morally barren. To strip bare the productive citizens and use their money to line your pockets and buy votes from the unproductive class is evil… and plain wrong! The progressives at all levels are in this respect, purely evil.

      Parental influence, schools, the church and society all contribute to a child’s world view. If the parents use or used drugs, abuse alcohol, smoke and believe in nothing and stand for nothing, they cannot tell their children to act in a correct moral way. Kids, like most young animals, learn how to be adults by observing the actions and teachings of their parents. Children recognize hypocrisy instantly for what it is and will never go for the old adage of “do what I say, not what I do.” We have now millions of young people who have absolutely, no moral compass- their parents likewise are empty souls standing for nothing, believing in nothing. For them and their soulless children, everything is just OK.

      Examples of those who have joined the side of evil and lost their moral bearings are exemplified by judges who give token sentences to convicted child molesters and those who would picket the funerals of our slain soldiers. Other examples are legislators in Massachusetts who argue for same sex marriage, groups who would bring our military out of Iraq and cease fighting Islamic terrorism regardless of the consequences, those who would force honest citizens to give up their weapons, and other similar groups and individuals. All, whether or not they are consciously aware of becoming evil, have slipped into the dark shadows that are bent on destroying this wonderful country and eventually the world.

      CHAPTER 4: Communism vs. Capitalism

      “Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.” Alexis de Tocqueville



      Some of the misguided leaders of the Soviet Union may actually have thought they were embroiled in a contest for world domination with a diametrically opposed philosophy they erroneously refereed to as “capitalism.” This silly idea was also espoused by many “fellow travelers” such as the American, French and Italian communist and socialist parties.

      image-7.pngIn reality, nothing could be further from the truth. There is not today, nor has there ever been, any kind of “philosophy” that could masquerade as the underlying logic or raison d’ etre, of Capitalism.

      Communism, Dialectic Materialism and the other shop-worn catch–words of this now thoroughly debunked, defunct and pathetic system, in the bright light of today, seems awkward and sophomoric- weak echo’s from a distant and dim past. In its early days, and as put forward in the writings of Marx, Lenin, Engles and Trotsky, Communism had indeed, some similarities with what might pass for a philosophy, or even a religion as many have pointed out. After all, to be a “good communist” one had to be selfless, egalitarian and willing to sacrifice everything for the “cause” or, in the case of religion, the belief. The idea of “to all according to their need from all according to their ability” or some such claptrap was patently absurd and proved, in the end, hugely unworkable.

      The largely Christian West developed under market driven economies rather than one centrally controlled by government. There is no mystery or philosophy responsible for the incredible success of the European and American economies. Goods and services are created by private interests and directed to those markets that have a need and pay the most. This system is better described as one advanced by natural and logical forces rather than any cohesive and managed plan. Capitalism is simply supply and demand conducted under and within a system of common law, based for the most part on the Christian God’s ten commandants.

      In the Soviet state, a man was not allowed, by their absurd laws, to make a chair and sell it. A kid was not allowed to wash his neighbors car (if, indeed, a neighbor even had a car) Private enterprise, of any kind, was prohibited and the penalties, for even minor transgressions, severe. An author was not allowed to profit from publishing his book. All publishing was a function of the state and there were, in fact, no private presses. All forms of profit making activity was outlawed and remained so for 70 odd years. Imagine, while the free world economies prospered and grew, the Soviet system stagnated while the monolithic state crushed every vestige of individual incentive creating a nation of slaves.

      Western governments, for fifty years, dealt with communist countries by maintaining a powerful military force and a policy of containment under NATO & SEATO. This was never considered in the west as a contest of Capitalism vs. Communism. It was simply a way to survive the threat of a militaristic dictatorship that was spinning out of control.

      The Soviet empire was this xenophobic military colossus that demanded unquestioning obedience by its huge masses of imprisoned slaves. It is only due to the individual competence of the many dedicated Russian professionals that the Soviet system was able to work at all. The decisions of the aged,

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