The Enemy Within. robert Psy.D. firth

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The Enemy Within - robert Psy.D. firth

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the bombs went off in Israel, thousands of Hezbollah and Hamas sleepers exploded into action in the US and across Europe, bombing, murdering and terrorizing. In the US, the obama government delayed taking effective anti-terrorist (anti-Muslim) actions, and, in fact, evidence that elements of the administration actually provided assistance and arms to the Islamic fighters has since been discovered. The Tea Party patriots had had enough and developed effective fighting units. By 2015 they had captured or killed many of the marauding Muslims and, it was this successful vigilante action, that enraged obama, driving him to order the military to destroy the Tea Party fighters. Thankfully, the US Military split, with half of them supporting the American patriots, creating an uneasy truce between both sides.

      Europe, by 2025, lay in ruins under dark clouds of massive radioactive bombs loosed by Turkish, Pakistani and other Islamic terrorists flooding out of the European cities and attacking their hosts. None of the European countries, except Switzerland, survived. France was the first to go with the late president being hung from a lamp post by thousands of raging Muslim youths. The French police, receiving no orders, laid down their arms, refusing to defend their country. Paris burned and today is uninhabitable. Islamic terrorists blew up the statues, churches and bridges. Millions of the French starved and, with the return of the black plague, following the years of fighting, only a few Europeans have survived.

      Texas seceded in 2028, establishing a new country under the old American constitution. Half of the American military joined the Texas National Guard and today, this army represents the strongest fighting force on the North American continent. They are engaged in continuous battles against Mexican warlords which have reclaimed California, Arizona and much of the former American southwest. The northern border in Texas is closed and fortified with no one from the obama side of the old America allowed entrance.

      In obama’s new progressive America all food, clothing, shelter and medical care is provided free of cost. This is great except that there isn’t any. All who want jobs are hired by the Federal Government and paid with worthless ration coupons and even more worthless, food stamps. By 2030, the progressives have all possible power and finally have ‘fundamentally transformed’ America into the vision they always wanted -Welcome to the USSA, a remarkable duplicate of the old Soviet Union!

      Today, in 2050, Obama is 89 and the future is difficult to predict but, it is clear that obama himself, along with his communist regime is slowly failing. They have, just as did the USSR, almost run completely out of other people’s money. When the supreme ‘great anointed ruler,’ as he likes to be referred to, finally passes it is envisioned that his administration will soon follow him into the grave. The President of New America in Texas has often said his aim is to re-conquer old America, restoring sanity and re-establishing the rule of the constitution. Millions of the few remaining whites suffering under nobama’s black Islamic republic would certainly support him.

      The lessons of history are always the same. Elections have consequences and America committed suicide by electing the Black Muslim Marxist. All those whites who voted for him, especially the American Jews, had the rest of their miserable lives to consider the stupidity of what they had done………….By 2012, in the last national poll ever conducted, his popularity had fallen to below 10 % but, by then, it was, of course, far too late………….

      CHAPTER 3: The Progressive Plan to Destroy Us


      The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money” Alexis de Tocqueville

      “A country that allows its citizens to vote themselves benefits is surely doomed”

      Robert Firth

      Listed in the appendices of this book are the names of the seven hundred agencies and departments created by the Federal Government. Each and every one of them was initiated by a progressive and voted on by Congress mandating its existence and increasing the burdens and restrictions on American business and the taxpayer. When Congress can’t tax, they borrow. Of course, they sign your name to the debt. Today, the costs of this monstrosity has reached astronomical and basically impossible proportions.

      These hundreds of departments, agencies and programs all represent fully staffed offices, both large and small, many with mutable locations throughout the nation. The EEOC, for example, has offices in every city in America. The people employed in these offices generally earn 31% more than their civilian counterparts and enjoy far better retirement, insurance and benefits. All supported 100% by the American taxpayers employed in the private profit-producing sector.

      Here’s an irritating nasty fact that’s guaranteed to curdle your stomach and ruin your day; it takes about eighty productive workers in the private field to support a single retired public employee. None of the government offices produce one red cent in taxable profits- they are all parasites. It takes 400 gainfully employed American taxpayers to support every six federal, state and local employees.

      The filthy libs, socialists, progressives, democrats and fellow travelers in America understand, just as did the Bolsheviks in Russia, that, to be victorious over the people, they first had to rid themselves of the opposition. That’s us by the way, the productive, thinking, educated, independent, take no fed freebees, guys. Of course, they know very well that we have arms…and, you know, this does have them a tad worried. But, brighten up, they’re working on ways of confiscating your weapons and I’m sure they will figure it out. After all, they are the elite educated leader class and God meant them to rule the idiots like us.. didn’t he?

      The libs positively hate us. We are the tea party, the gun and gold owners, the Independents, the soldiers, thinkers, doers, business owners and the entrepreneurs. In short, we are the cows that these bastards have been milking for a hundred years. Once we’re gone, taxed and regulated out of existence, the progressives, socialists and commies can and will take total control. Are you beginning to see their filthy plan for America yet? They will finally be able to run things their way forever- no more bothersome elections, just a vicious dictatorship! Exactly what Mark, Ingles, Lenin Stalin, Hitler, Obama and all the rest of these sickos have done in every country where they have wormed their way into positions of power- and we let them do it…hell, some of us probably voted for the little swine!

      In Russia, at the beginning of the revolution, the Mensheviks or "whites" represented the only group blocking the Reds path to total domination. This opposition to the communists was a relatively small group made up of military officers, former members of the Czar's government, a few independent farmers ( Kulaks) and the landed aristocracy- no way near enough to stop the mobs of street rabble and great unwashed assembled by the evil murderous leftist movement. In America, the middle class today blocks the stinking libs just as the opposition tried to in Russia. The British actually sent soldiers to assist the white Russians but, sadly, in a secret deal, early English progressives, persuaded their government to withdraw military support, thus consigning the world into seventy years of hell and allowontg the commies in Russia and China to murder perhaps as many as 100 million human beings. God save us from the socialists!

      The American independents, republicans, libertarians and the religious right represent the bulk of the middle class. There are a lot more of us than there were Mensheviks in Russia in 1917. There are enough of us so that we blocked the libs attempt to grant wholesale amnesty to the illegal Mexican invaders in 2007 and we stopped (so far) their attempts to

impose a horrendously stupid but terribly destructive so called "carbon tax" on us just today. The EPA, under obama’s black appointee, Lisa Jackson, who has absolutely no qualifications (aside from her skin color and hatred of whites) for this position, is doing everything

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