The Enemy Within. robert Psy.D. firth

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The Enemy Within - robert Psy.D. firth

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fifty million on government welfare and more signing up every day there is no way to fix this system. Taxes will soar to unbearable levels and beyond. We will see, and are seeing, massive social unhappiness. At some point, the people will revolt and rid themselves of the filthy llbs. With the November elections, we may have seen the beginning of this conservative awakening.

      “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” Thomas Jefferson.

      America today has over eighteen million federal employees with another fourteen million working for state and local government. There are only 140 million citizens drawing a paycheck and thirty two million of them are being paid from tax receipts confiscated from the remaining 108 million. This, plus the costs of the 50 million mostly unemployables receiving food stamps and other government benefits, creates a burden which, including sales tax, income tax, social security, unemployment and property taxes, has reached the point where most of us are working for 6 months just to pay our taxes. I’d say we are way past the breaking point. By the way, extracting taxes from government employees is a kind of financial sophistry- think about it!

      “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” Thomas Jefferson.

      Well, imagine that! The libs have tried everything they could think of to disarm the American people. Every week, another lib in congress dreams up another one and if we didn’t have the NRA folks, it would be all over…. No more citizens- just subjects. In my America anyone who tried to take away another citizens gun would be shot on the spot! Everyone who wanted to be armed would be.

      “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” Thomas Jefferson.

      That’s just what we are seeing today. Because of the wacky libs who want to turn us into drones and strip us of our means to defeat them, they continuously chip away at the second amendment. We let them succeed at our peril.

      “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson.

      I predict that we will see the street again in America running red with the blood of patriots and tyrants. The American people are not the sheep that congress thinks we may be. We will likely rise up, perhaps slowly but finally we will take our country back from the likes of nobama. We will likely see this in our lifetimes.

      “To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson.

      What about disgusting Card Check law that nobama and his socialists pals are trying to push through congress. Making a worker pay his money into union coffers when he doesn’t believe in anything the union stands for and spends his money on is exactly what Jefferson was talking about. Obama is a wretched community organizer and a tyrant.

      In light of the present financial crisis, it's interesting to read what Thomas Jefferson said in 1802:

      'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

      Well, we are seeing the truth of that now aren’t we? So what have we learned in two millennia?

      "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." Cicero , in 55 BC

      How will we deal with climate change and global warming. We won’t! There is no such thing. It is all rubbish perpetrated by filthy libs trying to establish global control over humanity. There is no persuasive scientific evidence that man has any causative effect at all on global weather patterns or natural events. Nobama and his ilk can deposit their “carbon credits” where the sun don’t shine! As a pilot for 42 years I have observed and experienced a lot of the world’s weather up close and personal and, you know what, it changes, has changed, will change and is changing. By the way, in 2009 there was nine percent more ice in the Arctic sea than the year before and thirty percent more polar bears.

      Dozens of studies confirm this fact; check

      The social and institutional ills in our society can be cured and we can envision what life in America could be like for the majority of us once we decide to get rid of the liberals and the other low-life scum that infest our governments, schools, unions, courts and streets.

      I think people are ready for real ‘change’….not nobamas kind, my kind!

      CHAPTER 2: Libs End Game

      America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” Alexis de Tocqueville



      One has to wonder what is it that obama, Cass Sunstien, the absurd but dangerous, regulatory czar, and the rest of the whack-job progressives et al, actually want. What does Pelooseee, Reid and the rest of the lib nut cases following the mad black horn-tooter down the road to liberal purgatory actually want? What is their vision of the brave new world that they have been, for decades, so desperately trying to create?


Is their end game merely socio-economic parity, a society wherein everyone is equally impoverished and equally ignorant? America is a diverse country with a huge percentage of disadvantaged, ignorant wogs of varying species. We have 40 million ex-Africans and another 30 odd million Hispanics and, unless you count tossing balls through rings a social value, all are ignorant and useless dross.

      Half of these millions are functionally illiterate, with ninety percent living below the poverty line. Most, under the lib’s massive nanny-state entitlement programs, receive various benefits, food stamps, free housing, free medical care and represent fifty percent of our two million prisoners. Nine-nine percent of these wretches pay no taxes and provide no significant benefit to society. Like it or not, believe it or not, such is the truth! One can argue effectively that fully half of the 300 plus million Americans are useless parasites dragging the rest of us down into the proverbial porcelain vortex.

      Fifty years from now, in 2061, here’s how historians might look back on what used to be America and western civilization.

      The socialists, way back under Eugene Debs, joining with the American communists and labor unions coalesced over 100 years into what is today, in 2011, the American progressive movement. Under obama, the so-called normal democrats were compromised in the early months of the administration into passing a 2700 page intrusive health care program that served only to further bankrupt the already fragile economy. Huge taxes were foisted on individuals and businesses and unemployment jumped by several million.

      With the spiraling debt and deficit, the treasury ran the presses around the clock, printing literally tons of ‘counterfeit’ money to prop up the sinking system. The liberal media, with groups like Moo-On and the far left supporters of obama, tried their best

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