The Enemy Within. robert Psy.D. firth

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The Enemy Within - robert Psy.D. firth

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obama machinations hiding their evil intent from the citizens until it was far too late.

      In 2012, beginning with attacks by Hezbollah sleepers, the country finally collapsed, chaos ensued, amid months of rioting and general mayhem. Cities burned and the administration declared martial law. Elections were cancelled and a country-wide armed uprising by the white middle class under the banner of the tea party was brutally squashed by overwhelming military force.

      Today, in 2025, the federal government reigns supreme. Most private enterprises have been taxed out of business. The word entrepreneur is frowned upon. No one has seen one for years. Seventy-five percent of the work force has government jobs. Most manufacturing and private employment long ago moved to China and India. The dollar has become a functionally valueless currency with the international price of gold being in the area of $14,000.00 an ounce.


By 2020, the American economy is virtually non-existent. No one has started a new business in the USA for years. The stock market closed long ago and Wall Street has been closed and vacated. The only banks still in business are government controlled.

      Thousands of food trucks deliver Velveeta cheese to millions of homes across the land. Most state governments have ceded control and power to the feds. The old state capital buildings are now infested with federal scalawags.

      The constitution has been moved into dusty dark vaults, well out of public view and, of course, far from their collective memory. The history books have been revised and, in fact, American history, since 2010, is no longer taught, along with geography, in any of the public or private schools. In fact, all the private schools have long since closed. The Public schools today begin each day with a song to the ‘great black leader” and none are permitted to opt out.

      The military has taken over from the local police, which the towns, cities and states could no longer afford. Military trucks and vehicles roam freely in every corner of the country. Gold and guns were long since confiscated and hundreds who resisted were killed by the federal forces right in their homes. There is no longer private wealth in America. All the great magnates and those with inherited wealth left in their private jets and yachts long ago those who tried to remain were jailed or murdered by the feds and their money placed into government accounts. The great homes of the old rich were burned or, like in Cuba and Russia, swarmed by masses of the unwashed barbarians who rioted back in 2020. Donald trump, who was born in 1946, tried to stay and being some sanity to the country. His Palm Beach estate was torched in 2021 and his brutalized body found hanging from a tree.

      Thousands of the older citizens die every day, stacked in triaged facilities, filled for years far beyond capacity. Half of all the doctors have long since fled the country, before they were stripped of their passports by the imperial black president. In the new America no one is permitted to travel. No one has the money to go anywhere anyway and, no country wants American refugees, thousands have been turned back, even by Mexico and Canada. Beginning with the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine in 2014 and the federal “kill switch” on the internet, all forms of public communication unfriendly to the government were removed from the public airways.

      By 2027, Imports stopped arriving at American ports as there is no longer money to pay for such goods. The Government supplies its needs with dwindling supplies of gold. No one accepts the dollar for goods or services. What food there is comes from local government run farms and some international aid. In the early days of the obama amnesty program, the number of Latinos flooding into the country reached over fifty million.

      Many joined the Hezbollah fighters who began attacking America following the destruction of Israel and Iran in 2014. In the uprisings many were shot by American patriots, more starved and most of the survivors returned to Mexico, which today, is ruled today by powerful war lords who turned that sad country into feudal camps. The Mexican drug business no longer targets the US as there’s no money to pay for the pleasure of becoming a needle infected addict.

      China, these days, is the most powerful economic force in the world and long ago the Yuan became the world’s reserve currency. The population in China has reached 1.5 billion and, as the country prospers, the birth rate is beginning to taper off. Chinese businesses have virtually taken over in Africa and ninety percent of the raw materials of that sad continent flow unimpeded into Chinese factories.

      None of the large American food stores survived, there are only ‘fed stores’ exchanging whatever remains on the mostly bare shelves for the ubiquitous food stamps. Federal taxes on Wal-Mart were tripled back in 2012 forcing even that giant retailer into bankruptcy. Today, Wal-mart is thriving in India, China and other countries worldwide. Starvation in Obama’s America is rampant and it is estimated that several million perish from hunger every year.

      With the absence of any way to pay for tickets, there are no functioning airlines and no private flying in America. Fuel is available solely for government vehicles and a few official aircraft. Public transport consists of only a few battered busses operating in those cities that had a transit system. Everyone else walks or rides bicycles.

      All private TV stations are long gone, leaving only the voice of gov on the airways. Obama mandated that all his subjects listen to his Fidel like four-hour diatribes which are broadcast weekly. The internet is a fading memory. Few private homes have electricity. The only power stations still working are some old nuclear generators manned by government workers. With the collapse of the economy, the national grid system gradually disappeared.

      Those citizens prescient enough to divest themselves of stocks and invest in Gold are today penniless. Twenty years ago, the feds stripped them of their precious metals and guns under threat of death for hoarders and profiteers. Only Federal officers and Islamic officials are permitted to own gold, guns and private automobiles. The feared armed and independent American citizen is no more…

      America is under martial rule. Congressmen remain in office for life along with all federal employees. Elections have long been suspended and obama, now in his eighties, remains in the white house. The American flag no longer flies over the president’s residence and, in fact, it’s a capital offence to fly it. The new national flag is a red crescent on a blue background designed by C.A.I.R., the Islamic organization based for many years in Washington. Christmas and Easter holidays have been declared offensive to Islam and eliminated. The last Forth of July celebration was in 2012.

      Local law in America is governed by Islamic Imams who set up Sharia courts in every city and town throughout the country. All Christian and Jewish churches have ceased to exist, outlawed by executive order. Only mosques are allowed under the new regulations promulgated by hussian obama. American Jews were rounded up in 2015 and today, are locked in concentration camps somewhere in Utah. All Christians now have to convert or pay a special infidel tax to the local mosques. All American children are forced into the Islamic schools where they study only the Qu’ran.


Israel completely disappeared in 2012 under a radioactive cloud released by dozens of nuclear bombs exploded on forty Iranian ships running the Gaza blockade. Millions of Israelis died within a few weeks along with half the Palestinians. The entire area remains today uninhabitable and will remain so for another two hundred years. Documents have surfaced ( from Wiki-leaks international) showing that Obama secretly encouraged Iran and, after the destruction of Israel, he openly joined in a short-lived celebration with the other Islamic countries.

      Iran, however, was vaporized within hours in retaliation by the Israeli air force who, before running out of fuel, with no place to go, dropped over three hundred mega ton weapons on every Iranian city and town. It is estimated that fifty million Iranians perished outright and, over the last two decades, all remaining life in the area has been completely eradicated.

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