Born-Again Marriage. Dr. Bonnie Psy.D. Libhart

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Born-Again Marriage - Dr. Bonnie Psy.D. Libhart

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      In order to change, we use a technique which companies use in decision-making and problem solving, a technique I taught in college management courses and with Executive Development Systems. You can use this system as " individual,” because being a human being is a business similar to any business up and down the street.

      You have certain assets:

      1. Knowledge - this encompasses all of the training, ability, and education you bring to this point.

      2. Vitality - your stamina and liveliness where you can "get going" in your daily living.

      3. Laughter - you have a sense of humor to cope with daily challenges.

      4. Time - not the number of hours in a day, but the way you take those hours and use them for you!

      5. Imagination - your creative, innovative flair and talents that anticipate your situations, opportunities, and challenges and how they will work out for you.

      6. Persistence - the capability to keep on keeping on.

      And then the one thing that makes us unique as humans, our Creator gives us the power to:

      7. Choose - we may choose how we spend our time, talent, and energy. These decision-making and problem- solving techniques follow.


      Part One

      1. Recognize you have a problem (you may want to drop the word “problem” from your vocabulary…make it situation, opportunity, challenge, etc.)

      2. State the problem:

      3. Define it more specifically (our marriage isn’t so great; we take each other for granted, etc.)

      4. List all possible solutions (spend 10 minutes.)

      5. Pick the best solution.

      6. Set up your number one priority and move forward.

      Yes, it is scary, BUT YOU CAN DO IT. You’ll be given a chance to make a promise to yourself starting today.


      Part Two

      Chrysalis Stage

      Her Analysis


Negative Positive
1.Flirts with other women 2.Brings home check
3.Doesn’t laugh or have fun with me 4.Works hard

      (Now list your own analysis of your marriage. Use more sheets if necessary, and see how good it feels to have it out in the open.)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.


      Part Two

      Chrysalis Stage

      His Analysis


Negative Positive
1.Doesn’t keep house as neat as Mom did 2.Is slender
3.Cooks the same things all the time 4.Is intelligent

      (Now list your own analysis of your marriage. Use more sheets if necessary, and see how good it feels to have it out in the open.)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.

      Your evaluation will be your own and not for anyone else to evaluate or judge because you were not born into this world to live up to my expectations, or someone else’s. Nor was I born into this world to live up to your expectations. But we each are placed on this earth and given life for a specific purpose. Each of us was given talents by our Creator. He gave them to us to develop and through development to bless others. That’s our reason for being, and you and I are the only ones who can accomplish our particular tasks, achieve our God-given goals. Today you are exchanging a day of your life for what you are exchanging a moment of your life by reading them.

      How do you start working toward solutions of your own? Decide what you can do today.

      Set this into a promise to yourself:

      Chapter Two

      I Search for Happiness In my Children

      Our dachshund puppy had gotten into some poison, and we had taken her to the veterinarian. As I was explaining to our teary-eyed daughter that a veterinarian was an animal doctor, she became very

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