Funny You Should Say That. Chuck Sr. Coburn

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Funny You Should Say That - Chuck Sr. Coburn

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basic concepts that you need to know about reality. First, reality is defined by your individual experience of it; second, it can be changed!

      The only reason you may not have had a similar journey up to now is that you may not have been aware that it was one of your options!

      How can you discover your options? Read my story! We are not going to begin at the beginning of the story, however. Instead, we again depart from tradition and commence near the finish. (This will satisfy those who prefer to read several pages and then skip to the end to get a sense of what may lie between.)

      So, I invite you to come along and explore my adventure as I experienced it. As you read the following pages, if you recognize that what you comprehend is your truth, then continue, observing the specific clues in your life that might lead you to your path as I was led to mine...

      So, let's go to the end...

      Which is actually the beginning...

      Which begins at Chapter 3...

      CHAPTER 3

      The End at the Beginning

      An incredibly beautiful place," I thought to myself as I surveyed the magnificent scene before me. I was perched at the top of a picturesque, 50-foot waterfall in Maui, Hawaii. For reasons I failed to fully understand, I was considering a leap off a narrow ledge into the frigid waters of the pond below.

      "This has to be a power spot, a geographical energy vortex of some kind," I reasoned, trying to be rational. Yet rationality would have prevented me from even considering the action to which I was being drawn. I do not "do" heights well; nonetheless, here I was, balancing precariously close to the edge of my perch while considering a plunge into the unknown at age 50!

      My wife and I were in Hawaii visiting a couple in whose house on the mainland we had been married 10 years before. They had taken us to a picturesque waterfall and pond known only to a handful of locals.

      After an enjoyable swim in this secluded setting, my host, Ron, suggested I follow him up a narrow path to the top of the falls and to an outcropping of rock overlooking the pond .

      Ron walked carefully to the very edge of the ledge and looked down, as if to study the water beneath. Then, drawing himself to full height, he jumped off into the pond below as he had claimed he could do.

      Suddenly I was left standing alone, debating my next action. I could retrace my steps and carefully descend the path down to the pond where we had left our wives, or I could follow the more direct route taken by my friend moments before. As I stood there debating, I knew that if I were to emulate his deed it would be because I chose to do so-not because of competitive male pressure!

      I couldn't believe what I was considering. My conservative nature directed me to take the safe route down; yet, I was distinctly aware of an inner feeling that was urging me to jump. Nl of my previous programming and my terrifying fear of heights instructed me to not take this course of action. Yet an exciting, inner psychic voice prompted me to take the leap...

      Then again, I guess I shouldn't really have been surprised at anything I was feeling! From the moment my life began its dramatic transformation at the instant of my sudden psychic discovery some years before, nothing seemed to fit a predictable pattern. Now the entire world was changing. Ever since the recent observance of what the metaphysical community knew as the "Harmonic Convergence" of 1987, or even since the 1992 consciousness--awakening event known as the "11:11," the world had been undeniably altered. Things were different, people were different, and even the pace of living appeared to be moving much faster than before.

      It was as if both Mother Earth and her inhabitants were evolving into a new form. Mankind as a whole appeared to be tuning to a higher frequency, as if undergoing evolution or transformation.

      Some writers used specific phrases, such as "increased awareness," "spiritual awakening" or "elevated planetary consciousness," to characterize these phenomena. There were some who even threw out esoteric terms, such as "preparation for ascension" or "adaptation to a parallel reality." Whatever terms were used, there was no denying that something new was out there.

      It was apparent on the larger worldwide scale. Major world-shaking events had occurred in a relatively short time. Just consider the few years during which Reagan's so called "Evil Empire" had collapsed, the Berlin Wall had been dismantled, and "world peace" had become a real possibility for the first time in decades, maybe centuries. We, the people of this planet, had finally begun to focus on a new set of critically important concerns: global warming, loss of the ozone layer, destruction of our rain forests and the like. We were even beginning to recycle our garbage and save our precious water in the name of conservation.

      But, interestingly enough, history reveals that we could have expected these changes. Many ancient, sacred texts, including those of the Hopi, Mayan and Christian, hint about sudden and cataclysmic events affecting our planet around the end of the 20th century. These divergent spiritual dogmas each contain prophesies which foretell of events leading to this period of transformation, many of which have already been fulfilled.

      The ancient Hopi legends, for example, inform us that our human species originally evolved when "seven sisters" arrived from the Pleiades star system, bringing with them the first seed of humankind. These ancient teachings speak of an island which sank into the water ( the legendary lost continent of Atlantis, perhaps?) and of its survivors who were dispatched to the four corners of the world to become the four "colors." The red man, this prophecy suggests, was sent to the western United States to the area now known as "Four Corners"; the black man to present day Kenya, M­ rica; the white man to the area we call Switzerland; and the yellow man to Tibet.

      One Hopi prophecy speaks of negative changes brought on when white brothers and sisters arrived as turtles, dressed in armor (Spanish conquerors dressed in medieval armor?). This prophecy was fulfilled when the red man witnessed the early stages of his culture's destruction upon the arrival of the Europeans.

      Another speaks of “black ribbons" which would appear across the land (railroads and highways?) . If, the legend continues, the ribbons ran north and south, all peoples of the world would come together peacefully as brothers and sisters. If they ran east and west, there would be more bad times. As we know, the white man expanded westward and the Hopi Nation experienced more bad times!

      The Hopi prophecies specifically state that all must sit in the same circle when human kind eventually comes together, or there will be an absence of peace on earth. History validates the fact that the red man was the only group excluded from the League of Nations after World War I. The League soon fell apart, and World War ll followed soon after that.

      These prophecies speak of “cobwebs" stretching around the entire earth on which people could converse with each other (modern communication systems?), a "gourd of fire" with ashes falling from the sky (nuclear bombs?) and a "house of reflective stone on the eastern shore" where all men would meet (United Nations building on the East Coast?). They state that men would be living in houses in the sky (astronauts in spaceships?) prior to "the final days" when humankind would experience either permanent peace or total destruction!

      They say it could go either way!

      The ancient Mayan culture had its prophecies too. Mayan prophecies speak of the "tides of time" rippling through the intergalactic oceans of space. They tell of a major wave of consciousness which will occur on our planet during the winter solstice of the year 2011 at the conclusion of a great cycle of 5,125 years!

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