New Pounds and Inches. Richard Lipman M.D.

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New Pounds and Inches - Richard Lipman M.D.

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can end up being only 210 calories. Not bad, “you get your chicken and eat it too.” Trying to achieve at least 0.8 grams of protein per lb. body weight provides a lot of support for your metabolism On the “new” HCG diet, you need to have protein for breakfast and for snacks Aim to have a serving of protein, a hard boiled egg, a stick of low fat string cheese, a small can of tuna, a turkey or ham roll, or even a small protein bar as a snack. More about the need for protein, at breakfast is found in Chapter 7. Most research studies indicate that metabolism begins to return to normal about 3 hours after the ingestion of the food.

      Fat: The Good, Bad and the Ugly- Most Are Eliminated from the HCG Diet

      Fat, like protein, is necessary part of building body organs and cells, and it a helps in the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. And just as there are essential amino acids, there are essential fatty acids which must come from food sources. The secret is to consume as much of the unsaturated “good” fats and avoid as much as possible the highly saturated “bad fats:” the fat needs to be trimmed off the beef, the chicken breast is eaten without the skin (the dark meat of chicken contains much more fat), and salmon with its high fat is avoided. All other fishes are good...

      HCG Diet Is Based On Eliminating Most of the Carbohydrates Because They Slow Down Your Metabolism

      Carbohydrates are chains of small, simple sugars that are a major source of energy. When consumed in the body, they are broken down in the stomach by various enzymes and absorbed as sugar or glucose into the blood circulation. When carbs are eaten in excess, some of them are stored for future use in the liver as glycogen, the rest are turned into fat. This process explains why everyone wakes up in the morning, often after 15 hours of no eating and the blood sugar is not zero. It’s also the difficulty you might have if you attempt to exercise vigorously on the HCG diet—you simply have little sugar stored in the liver which is needed immediately for exercise. Carbohydrates come in two forms: simple sugars like glucose, fructose, lactose and sucrose which are small molecules and are quickly absorbed by the stomach and raise blood sugar. Other carbs are larger molecules and take longer to process. The latter group includes starch, and cellulose. They are found in vegetables and unrefined whole grains. Carbohydrates are rapidly absorbed from the stomach, and elevate the blood sugar. If not used for fuel by immediate exercise, insulin pours out of the pancreas to lower the blood sugar by turning it into fat. In the HCG diet, eliminating almost all carbohydrates is the key to increasing metabolism and preventing hunger.

      How Many Times a Day Should I Eat on the HCG Diet?

      The traditional answer is to eat every 3 or 4 hours, or six times a day, since this will increase your metabolism. The problem is that people struggling to lose weight need to eat less and become less fixated on food. What happens to most people when they eat 6 times a day, is the calories and snacks get out of control and they gain weight. Is metabolism really increased by frequent meals? The answer is YES, but not very significantly. Any small benefit can be easily be cancelled out by the increase in food. The answer in the HCG diet is to have a high protein breakfast, lunch and dinner. Avoid the carbs. Have a high protein snack late in the afternoon and one in the evening if you chose. That’s 3 meals and 2 snacks a day—a perfect combination.

      Caffeine and the HCG Diet

      Caffeine is America’s Drug: Almost 90% of Americans Ingest Caffeine

      Caffeine increases energy and mental alertness. Does it have long term negative consequences? Does drinking caffeine loaded beverages have heart or blood pressure problems? Does caffeine help or hinder weight loss? Does caffeine increase metabolism? Can you have caffeine on the HCG diet? More than half of all American adults consume more than 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine every day. Caffeine is naturally found in chocolate, coffee and tea, and is added to most colas and “energy” drinks. It’s also found in diet pills and some over-the-counter pain relievers and medicines. Fifty six percent of Americans drink coffee everyday. The U.S. Food and drug Administration list caffeine as a "multiple purpose generally recognized as safe food substance." Adrenaline, the first hormone identified is produced in the adrenal gland. It acts as a chemical messenger between cells and is released by the ingestion of caffeine. It also is released by intense fear, anger or stress and provides us with energy, increases our blood flow, respiration and heart rate. Two cups of coffee contain 250 mg. of caffeine enough to triple adrenaline in the blood. Weight loss studies indicate that drinking coffee or tea with caffeine may slightly boost weight loss or No clear harm seems to occur with caffeine ingestion. On the HCG diet you are free to have as much caffeine as you want in the form of coffee, tea or unsweetened beverages as long as they are sugar and fat free.

      WHEN You Eat Increases or Decreases Your Metabolism

      Skipping Meals, Large Meals at Night and Wrong Snacks Can Lower Your Metabolism

      Skipping meals and eating too much in the evening can lower metabolism and not only stop weight loss, but actually cause weight gain. However, depriving yourself of snacks and pleasurable foods can make the whole problem worse. Traditionally, this has been the most common cause of slowing metabolism and is a very popular subject on the Internet. Most of the most recent scientific research has shown that the effects of skipping a meal here and there have little effect on decreasing metabolism. Skipping meals can lead to a low blood sugar and weight gain due to overeating. has a lot of effect, however, on potential weight In the HCG diet you should never skip meals. High protein snacks and fruits are encouraged because a low blood sugar is always a problem on the HCG diet.

      Supplements Increase Your Metabolism and Are Required on the HCG Diet

      Make Sure To Take Adequate B Vitamins.

      Dr. Simeons wrote that vitamins and minerals are not need on the HCG diet. Perhaps, that might have been true in 1954. However, with the increasing number of processed foods, it is not true today. Vitamins and mineral are needed. Among supplements, if you are suffering from low energy, you need to make sure that you are getting enough B vitamins. Vitamin B 12 in particular is one that is essential for energy. To ensure you're getting enough B vitamins, consider taking a B complex, plus a separate sublingual B-12.

      Some Supplements That Have Been Found Helpful are Those that are Naturally Produced in the Body:

      L- Carnitine NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Finucleotide) which helps cells convert food into energy. Carnitine is produced by the amino acids lysine and methionine. It is essential for moving fat into the mitochondria of your body cells, where it is consumed. Dairy and red meat contain the greatest amounts of carnitine.

      Green Tea extract: Green tea is the main source of epigallocatechin gallate, known better as EGCG. This healthy catechin speeds up your brain and nervous system, causing your body to burn more calories.

      Chinese Herbs: Schizandra--a Chinese herb that is used for fatigue and Ginseng are also popular for energy. Before trying any herbs, supplements, or vitamins, you should of course consult with your practitioner to ensure they are safe for you.

      Capsaicin is found in red hot peppers. Human studies have shown that it causes an increase in thermogenesis. In one long-term study, capsaicin produced a sustained fat oxidation over time.

      Choline is essential for fat

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