Gallivanting on Guam. Dave Ph.D. Slagle

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Gallivanting on Guam - Dave Ph.D. Slagle

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been feeling a little out of place with all of the uncertainties. I had no job and not enough money to pay the upcoming month’s rent and yet I was really not interested in Guam. Mr. Saru had laughed and said “So you want to negotiate, well ok, let’s talk. What kind of compensation would you need to consider the position of general manager of my gym?”

      Before I could answer he continued. “Why don’t you write down your salary and compensation expectations and fax it to my office? Once I get home I can take a look at it and see if we can work something out.”

      I remember it was a few days later at Jay’s office that I stood looking at the fax machine and thinking about how I didn’t want to deal with Mr. Saru. I thought that if I sent a fax with an outrageous compensation package I would not be hearing back from him. Sending that fax should have made him realize that I was really not interested in moving to Guam.

      Jay read the fax, blinked and stared blankly at me.

      “You really don’t want to move to Guam, do you?” he asked.

      “No!” I said. “But this Mr. Saru will not take a simple ‘no thank you’ as an answer. He asked me to send him my salary requirements and expectations so I wrote that I would need an apartment and a company car, a salary plus commission and performance bonus incentives that pay a quarterly and annual commission, complete health insurance, a credit card for gas and other car expenses, a stipulation that the car has to be new, specifically a new Nissan Pathfinder, the apartment has to be air conditioned, completely furnished including a washer and dryer and in a nice location. For the compensation, I added an annual membership sales and retention goal with the stipulation that when I achieve the goal, my car is upgraded to the new Mercedes Benz of my choice. I don’t expect that he will say yes to all of that and besides, two days later I accepted the job with Star Markets” I said to Jay.

      “You little shit! Why didn’t you tell me you took that job? Congratulations” he said.

      I had convinced myself that I was going to be a manager at Star Markets. I naively believed that by asking for an outrageous compensation package that Mr. Saru would say no and leave me alone. It had been more than a week since that dinner and I had interviewed for a job with Star Markets grocery stores. They were hiring a floating manager as a go-between for their five grocery stores and my six years of working as a store manager trainee at a Safeway grocery store in California was about to pay off. A career in the retail grocery business would have provided the stability that I needed. A job with Star Markets would have allowed me to maintain my standard of living on O’ahu. A job with Star Markets was the solution that I needed and yet I still felt lost. I felt that taking that job would have been like stepping backwards. I believed that my future was in the fitness industry. But I still felt like I wanted to continue moving forward with a career in fitness, even if it meant taking a big risk. I also remember how Emiko congratulated me when I told her I accept the grocery manager job but even her enthusiasm didn’t make me feel that it was the right choice. I wanted to work in the fitness industry. Even so, for the next week and a half I kept telling myself that managing a grocery store would not be that bad. I hadn’t heard anything from Mr. Saru since I faxed my compensation requirements. No news was good news and I figured that I wouldn’t be bothered by Mr. Saru anymore. With this whole Guam situation behind me, I could concentrate on starting work with Star Markets and get on with my life. I met with their human resources manager and filled out all the employment paperwork. I was scheduled to begin work on Wednesday of the following week. That night Emiko wanted to celebrate by going to karaoke. A few drinks were all it took for her to loosen up. She really likes to sing to me and her favorite karaoke songs are “Summertime” by the Sundays and “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia. After leaving the club, we drove up to Round Top drive to look out at the Honolulu City Lights. The view is an amazing peripheral from the darkness of the Diamond Head crater to the city lights of downtown Honolulu to the distant lights of Ewa Beach. Emiko wrapped herself around me and held me tight. “I am so happy right now” she said. We kissed and enjoyed a moment in the moonlight as the minutes passed. The next morning we woke up almost two hours past the alarm. “Oh no, I am late for work.” Emiko said as she kissed me goodbye and left in a panic. I got out of bed, dressed and headed over to the Sure Shot Café for some coffee. On my walk back to the apartment I purchased a copy of the Honolulu Advertiser at the Village Market. As I was walking out of the market I answered a call on my cell. “Hello?”

      “This is Mr. Saru.” A rush of panic and confusion overwhelmed me.

      “I am back in town for a few days and want to know if you can meet up for lunch” It had been two weeks since I faxed my compensation requirements to Mr. Saru and I never thought that I would hear from him again.

      “Can you meet me at the I Love Country Café at Ala Moana mall today at noon? “ He asked.

      I remember checking the time; it was already nine thirty. “Sure, I will see you there at noon” I said.

      The conversation during lunch was about fitness training, nutrition and who would win the next Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competition. Mr. Saru is a huge fan of bodybuilding and that is why he became involved in the gym business. Mr. Saru opened his gym close to Hagatna, the Capitol City of Guam. The problem, he said is that he could not find anyone on Guam that was qualified to manage the gym. He told me that the last manager was great. He was also a coach for the Guam Olympic team and he eventually quit to work exclusively with his athletes and I remember being amazed. I had no idea that Guam had an Olympic team. Throughout that lunch I kept wondering if he was going to mention the fax and I had been tempted to ask him if he even read it, but I decided against it. At the end of lunch Mr. Saru invited me to meet with him and Fernandez for dinner at Chiang Mai that evening. That time I remembered to tell him that I already had plans with Emiko.

      “Emiko is she your girlfriend?” he asked “Please bring her to dinner too. Will she be relocating with you if you decide to move?”

      “We aren’t really a couple” I told him “we like spending time together but I don’t think either of us have plans for the relationship to go anywhere.” The words echoed through my head and I knew that what I had said was a lie. When we were walking out of the restaurant Mr. Saru handed me a business envelope and asked me to read the proposal when I got home. He said that he would like my opinion on the subject matter when we met later for dinner. I remember thinking that it might have had something to do with a fitness event that Fernandez previously proposed. A few months earlier I helped Fernandez with an event, a fitness challenge and Mr. Saru wanted to promote a similar event on Guam but when I opened the envelope, I was shocked. Inside was a seven page contract that included the salary, compensation and all of the perks that I had requested. I immediately called Jay.

      “You’re not going to fucking believe this shit” I said. “Mr. Saru has offered to provide the complete compensation package if I take the job managing the gym on Guam.”

      “Wow” Jay responded with shock. ‘What are you going to do?”

      “Fuck, I don’t want to go to Guam. But the salary alone is double what I will be earning at Star Markets and l would have an apartment, a car and an expense account, commissions and bonuses” I said.

      “Yah, well, you should check it out,” Jay said “make sure you really check it out. We have an office on Guam, I will ask some of our people there about that gym and if they know Mr. Saru.”

      Chiang Mai is always crowded and for good reason. The food is ono or ‘broke da mouth’ in local pidgin which of course means that the food is so good that it broke the mouth. That night we sat at a table with Mr. Saru, Chris Fernandez and Chris’s girlfriend; Trisha. Emiko and I ordered spring rolls, spicy soup and green papaya salad. Also, two orders of Chiang Mai’s evil chicken and sticky rice. The rest of the dinner party ordered similar

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