A Real Goon's Bible. Derrick MD Johnson

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A Real Goon's Bible - Derrick MD Johnson

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you got yourself fucked up,” Say No quickly spit out. Realizing he had crossed the line, Eastwood backpedaled and attempted to justify his ignorant outburst by saying he was merely implying that they all have to get shit together because they would be no good to Fast Eddie or themselves at the rate they had been going. See, once the Alphabet Boys grabbed Eddie everything - they had going came to a halt. It had been a long thirteen months of struggling with robbing niggas and extorting them as well. Now it was the time to eat again.

      “Hold the fuck up ya’ll,” Shells barked after seeing where their conversations were heading. “Aint shit about to crack until Eddie says so.” As if on cue her cell phone rang. Looking at the caller ID she knew it was Eddie on the burnout. “Hello. Yea, it’s me baby.” Looking at the guys, she held her finger up to quiet them down. “Hey baby, how are you doing? I mean, I’m sorry them crackas gave you the max. But know I’m here and the rest of the guys are as well. We’re down for whatever you deem necessary to help out,” assured Shells.

      “Alright. I first need you to put me on the speaker so I can talk to everyone at the same time.” Placing the phone on speaker mode, Shell put the phone on the table and listened in to what would be their new instructions. “Look ya’ll, I aint got but a few seconds before the C.O. come back for me so listen up. I’m having my lawyer get me on the transfer list on out of here. Once I touch down to wherever these bitches send me, I need Shells to come see me A.S.A.P. In the meantime shut the city down. I don’t want shit moved in this motherfucker unless we’re getting our cut. If a dime bag gets sold in a spot, we need seven dollars of it. If it didn’t come from us, they got the Game fucked up. They should of never gave me all day because I now have nothing else to lose. We’re all at the bottom so all we can do is come up. I want all the snitchen ass niggas who took the stand on me dead before I spend my first night in prison. Are ya’ll wit me or what?”

      “Till the world blows up,” was Say No’s reply, speaking for himself as well as the rest of the crew.

      “Well, make me know it! When the time’s right we’re going to flood this bitch. 2-4, my nigga,” was Fast Eddie’s last words before the phone disconnected.

      After the phone call from Fast Eddie, Murder was the first to speak by saying, “Now that’s what the fuck I’m talking about – get down and stay down. Niggas gonna bleed up in this bitch tonight. And the first one’s to get the bizness is the snitch made nigga from the H-O-P None of this shit would be happening had it been for they rat ass. But it’s all good because when the smoke clears, all the rats will be exterminated.”

      Breaking her daze, Shells spoke up asking Say No how long would it take for him to assemble their arsenal of weapons, knowing they had enough to take on the entire Milwaukee Police Department.

      “Hell, I can be back in the city by 7:30 – so like two hours,” Say No declared.

      “That’s perfect. It will give us plenty time to go peep out their hood, while allowing the sun to go down,” she responded.

      “Well at least we know some structure is coming back to the family,” added Mayhem. “Hell, I got to give it to Fast Eddie; he’s not one to waste time implementing his plans. I don’t know about ya’ll but I’m ready to rock these niggas’ world. Because the sooner we rid the city of all the niggas that’s stepped up since we stepped off, the sooner we can load our own plates back up.”

      Immolating Ja Rule’s voice, Murder interrupted saying, “It’s murder time, ya heard me. Aint nothing to it but to do it. So ya’ll niggas go do whatever you need to, because come 7:30, with or without ya’ll, I’m going to put the clap down on these snitch made bitch made niggas. It’s real in the Mil!”


      Fast Eddie felt somewhat better after talking to his crew. The twenty-five years the judge had just sentenced him to hadn’t truly set in yet, and he wasn’t sure if it ever would. As he walked back into the unit from his Attorney visit, all eyes were on him, but no one said a thing. The Channel 4 News had just run a segment titled, “Drug Kingpin Sentenced To Do More Than 25 Years in Federal Prison.” Everybody knew that Fast Eddie was deep in thought, therefore, out of respect, he was left alone.

      Several hours and a million thoughts later, an ole’ school playa named Cadillac pulled up on Fast Eddie to drop some jewels and words of encouragement. He told him that he had just heard how the crackas did a young playa and that it took a soldier to bear what he had just endured. He explained to him that a conscious soldier knew that sacrificing his life for the likes of this family and the people he cared for was a must. It was something that he didn’t even think about, like Nike – he just did it. He said he goes hard so that the people he cherishes and loves wouldn’t have to travel down the same path and endure the same trials and tribulations that he did. Sometimes his mission is accomplished, other times it’s not. But regardless to the outcome, a real playa accepts the cards he’s dealt simply because he refuses to live a lie.

      He told Fast Eddie about how niggas so eagerly jump head first into the dopeman’s lifestyle just wanting to enjoy its fruits, the fast money, the bitches and the whips, but neglect to prepare themselves mentally or just refuse to accept the flip-side of the exact same coin. He told him personally he never made that mistake. Cadillac told Fast Eddie that maintaining his honor and accepting the bitter with the sweet completes the picture; just as the flip-side erases all the fame and respect that was otherwise due.

      Cadillac was in his early to mid 50’s. He was back facing revocation after doing twenty-two years flat in various Federal USP’s throughout the country. His eyes and ears had seen and heard it all. He was the epitome of what the average street hustler would become. He was in and out of prison for his entire life and had more stories to tell than a Highway Patrol.

      When Cadillac left his room, Fast Eddie thought about what he had said and realized it was hands down some of the realist shit he had ever heard. Fast Eddie decided to call it a night and just get his thoughts together. He was glad that he didn’t have a cellie, ‘cause he needed some time to himself.


      Upon leaving the spot, Say No called his wife Sheila. Knowing the danger they were about to embark upon he felt it was only right to make her aware of the possibility that he may not make it home tonight. See, out of all the people in the 2-4 Family only he and Eddie had legal wives. Although Eddie continued to have flings and affairs on the side, Say No was content with his gorgeous wife Sheila. They had met six years prior at one of Fast Eddie’s parties his wife Fatima would throw. He was walking out to the swimming pool, fully engrossed in the conversation he and Fast Eddie were having, until he’d seen Sheila, aka She She, lifting herself out the swimming pool. Never had he seen a more beautiful woman. It was at that moment he set his mind to make her his wife.

      After being introduced formally to her, he wasted no time – making it a top priority to entwine their lives as one. Now here it was one kid and six years later and they still held the exact same passion and desires for one another as the day they met. The only real issue that couldn’t be resolved was his undying love and dedication to Fast Eddie and the 2-4 Family. She She just couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen to him, especially after seeing Eddie take his fall. She was just as much a part of it, although Say No kept his home life totally separate from the streets, her and Fatima remained close friends. She spent many a nights comforting and consoling her good friend, telling her everything would be alright but knowing in her heart she really didn’t know if it was or not. She was merely hoping and praying things would be alright, while at the same time being grateful it wasn’t her who had to deal with the loss of her soul mate. Also fearful because Say No was still tossing

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