A Real Goon's Bible. Derrick MD Johnson

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A Real Goon's Bible - Derrick MD Johnson

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for a minute. What was you doing? I called three times back to back,” interrogated Say No.

      “I’m sorry baby. I was downstairs in the basement finishing the laundry, while trying to get dinner done. Speaking of which, are you going to be here to sit down and enjoy dinner with your family?” Say No knew her comment was her way of being sarcastic. Sheila was the type of woman who valued family structure. She firmly believed that a family should eat dinner at the same time and because of the life Say No lived he couldn’t accommodate her all the time.

      “Yes baby, I will be there. Actually I’m pulling up right now.” Hanging up the phone he smiled because just the thought of his sexy wife made him appreciate her for all she does and has done for the sake and preservation of their family. Say No prided himself on being a smooth laid back individual - one who finessed things with the skill of a person who has been a part of the streets. He was taught that the finesse was a wise man’s game - understood by only a few, used by even less.

      Walking into the door, he was greeted with a big hug from their two-year old son named Jewell. They named him after Say No’s Grandfather. Picking up his son, he made his way into the kitchen where the huge pot roast was being made. Entering the kitchen he saw his wife Sheila looking so sexy and seductive, standing at five feet seven, one hundred and forty-five pounds with hair to the middle of her back. Her skin was perfectly tanned from using her tanning bed that he bought her for one of their anniversaries.

      “Hey sexy lady. When’s all this good smelling shit going to be done,” he teased.

      “Give me twenty minutes and we’ll be ready,” Sheila replied, giving him a wink in her special seductive way. She had an unbelievable quality about her to where every move she made was unintentionally provocative.

      “Cool. I’m going to go get washed up, but not before I get me some sugar from those sexy lips.” Leaning over she gave both him and Jewell a kiss. Placing Jewell in his chair, Say No proceeded to go up the stairs to their master bedroom. Knowing that the mission they were about to embark upon may be his last one; he was going to make sure Sheila would be straight. See, he’d taken Fast Eddie’s advice about stacking his money for occasions just like this. And because he listened, he had over a quarter mil in the walk-in safe in his closet, along with seven savings bonds totaling a half a million dollars. Money he invested for the future; money that no one but him knew about, until now.

      Changing his clothes and putting on black from head to toe, he sat on his bed contemplating the entire situation that was about to transpire. After what seemed like hours, but actually was only minutes, She She yelled up for him to come eat. Sitting down at the table, still in deep thought, Say No glanced at the pot roast with carrots, potatoes, green beans and hot water cornbread. Not really having an appetite, he picked over his food. Looking at the clock on the wall he saw it was a quarter to seven, time to start heading back to the trap house. He needed to be there before anything jumped off because he was now the head of the family, he needed to be extremely meticulous about anything they were going to indulge in.

      Finishing up his food, or at least all he was going to eat, he scraped his leftovers into their dog’s dish bowl and placed his plate in the sink. Sheila sat at the table trying to decipher what was on her husband’s mind. She’d seen him like this numerous times and each time she had a horrible feeling, mostly because she knew some of what he did in the streets – but that was very little because he never brought anything home from the streets and that included conversations about his street dealings.

      Heading to the door, Say No turned to She She and said, “I’ll see you tonight.”

      “Hell naw! I know you are not about to walk out this house without a hug and a kiss! I just slaved my ass off in this hot ass kitchen and you come pick over my food, and then just walk out? You better come correct baby.” Knowing she wasn’t about to hear anything he had to say, he walked over and gave her a kiss and held her as if it was his last time.

      Out of respect, Sheila always tried not to show weakness in front of her husband, the last thing he needs before going to the streets is something negative in his mind about home, so immediately after he walked out the door tears formed in her eyes and her stomach cringed. It was almost like she had a sixth sense for her family’s safety; she had a terrible feeling deep inside that something just wasn’t right. Looking over at Jewell made the tears that were already forming finally fall down her face. Not wanting to upset her baby she quickly wiped them away before he looked up at her smiling. Seeing his father’s face in his temporarily soothed her pain. He was the spitting image of his dad.

      “Well I guess dinner wasn’t a complete waste, at least one of my men got to enjoy it. Looks like you’ve eaten enough for all of us,” she playfully said to her son. “I’ll get you a bowl of ice cream for being such a good boy.” She She loved catering to her family and as she got up to fix his bowl she reached over to her blackberry and texted “We love you Daddy” to Say No’s blackberry and sent a picture of his favorite lips puckered in a kiss along with it.

      Putting down her phone she knew all she could do now was play her position but wished to herself that he would tell her more about his doings. She also knew that he always has their family’s best interest in mind and decided to shake it off and hold down their home until his return. Seeing that Jewell was finishing the last scoop of ice cream she started to clean up dinner to distract her thoughts. Afterwards she poured herself a much bigger glass of Merlot than normal and carried the glass, along with the bottle, upstairs with Jewell following close behind.

      Needing time to herself she herded her son into his room and plugged in his favorite movie, Toy Story, to keep him occupied. Heading into her bedroom, like usual, she saw articles of Say No’s clothing scattered around the room and instinctively started to pick them up; without thinking she deeply inhaled, smelling his shirt as she walked toward their closet. In a daze from the smell of her man she almost didn’t notice that the safe Say No had installed in the back of the closet was wide open. The tears that she thought she was able to distract earlier instantly formed back in her saddened eyes as panic paralyzed her body when she realized her suspicions were confirmed - something wasn’t right at all. Never had she seen the inside of that safe and knowing Say No was a very methodical man he would have never accidentally left it open. She dropped the clothes to the floor and slammed her Merlot down in one gulp. Not being able to get herself to look inside the safe, a safe she had for years speculated what the contents held, she poured herself another glass as she silently cried to herself in the privacy of their bedroom.

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