Delight In Cruelty. MD MD Geatriz

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Delight In Cruelty - MD MD Geatriz

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floor like a dog, yet almost every night she would lay her thick, long, black waves over my chest and wrap her caramel, cinnamon arms around me. Even after throwing me around and breaking my bones all day, I looked forward to caressing her baby soft skin while smelling her floral scent, which was different every night.

      Everyday held the same schedule and everyday she did what she wanted without remorse. Yuzuki would leave me to roam the house, get food, socialize, while she did something for several hours in another wing of the house.

      I wasn't to enter the east wing of the house. For whatever reason I wasn't to enter, I obeyed. Yuzuki would finish her work, then come to play, feed, and groom me. One night, she broke every bone in my body and threw me in a tub of scorching hot water to see if I could drown. As anyone could imagine, I was less than pleased.

      After a week of pure pain, she got bored of my screams. Or maybe she got bored of not being able to kill me. Either way, I was thankful.

      "Pet." She called for me. I went to her, dragging my feet. What did she want today? "Undress," She ordered.

      "What? But I- "

      "Do as I say or I'll make you." Her voice was calm, but under that calm, I knew there was a storm ready to brew. Yuzuki's mood flipped at the drop of a dime, yet her voice rarely got loud and her face was never unpleasant.

      The madder she was, the more silent she grew. The more sadistic she felt, the wider her smile was. I was almost used to it by now. I got naked in front of her. She stood up, looking at me up and down as she circled around me slowly. Yuzuki seemed to be taking measurements. She smiled. I didn't like when she smiled.

      "As of today, as of this hour, you have officially outlived any other pet. What should I name you?" she asked, still smiling. I was confused. Why was she being nice?

      "I don't really have a name," I admitted. I've been alive since before history could mark it. I've fallen and forgotten, been killed and remembered. Patches, centuries of my memories, were missing from my mind. I couldn't tell you what my mother looked like or what my real name was.

      "Pick your favorite name," she suggested. A name I used more than once has been 'Sole.' "Sole..." I whispered to myself.

      "Sole it is." She walked away smiling, her perfect hips swaying as she walked. I didn't mean for her to hear it, but she did. That was my name from then on. She walked out of the room, leaving me standing there. Thanks.

      Yuzuki wanted what she wanted. There was no arguing. She was something big, yet didn't want power. Could have fooled me. Vincent was her superior only because she let him have it. In my eyes, he was her cricket. Except in this story, Pinocchio never listened.

      "'Yuzuki' isn't your real name is it?" I asked one night, as we were about to rest before the sunrise.

      "Shut up and sleep." She spoke softly, but her authority was strong in everything she said. I looked down at her laying on my chest, eyes closed. I caressed her to try and soften the anger that may come.

      "I just figured that since you know my name, I could know your's," I spoke gently. In less than a second, her small, perfectly manicured, soft hand reached up to my mouth and ripped my jaw out of the socket without dripping any fluids onto the bed or herself.

      I held back my scream for the sake of the rest of my body. Yuzuki sighed and sat up to look at me. While my jaw was healing, she spoke in a calm manner. "I'm Persian. Born, raised, and I moved after I was bitten. Years later, a man called me Yuzuki, and it stuck. Now can we sleep? Please?" She was being nice... I was afraid, but nodded without question. She curled up on me again and we slept in silence.

      I woke to find two men bringing in bags from several stores. Yuzuki came in behind them and closed the door. "Anything else, lady? One man asked. She looked at the tag on his shirt.

      "No thank you, Mike." She looked at the other man's tag. "Thank you, Luis." Both of them looked at each other and smiled. Maybe they think they'll get a tip. They laughed and took a few steps closer to her, staring her up and down. I was on my feet and ready to pounce in a moment's notice when she looked at me. "Stay." Her command was my bind. I couldn't move further. It was as if I was literally stuck to the ground with a wall in front of me. What was going on?!

      The larger man, named Luis, laughed at me. "No problem, Mike. I can take him." They were both grease monkeys. Where did they come from? The man named 'Mike' was slender yet strong. He threw Yuzuki against the wall, holding her there and pushing up her shirt. I was fueled. Yuzuki laughed, which made me angrier. I was going to rip his head from his shoulders and sodomize his friend with it.

      Mike's hand reached lower and unbuttoned her pants. "You have two seconds to change your mind," she told him with a smile. He laughed, Luis laughed, I fought to help her.

      "One." She was still smiling. He was trying to get his pants off. "One and a half..." She was giving him a fighting chance. "One and three quarters?" He wasn't stopping. Mike ignored her and played with her through her top.

      Yuzuki's smile was suddenly gone. She looked very annoyed. "Fuck it." Yuzuki wrapped her legs around him, cracking his back and ribs. Mike let her go and fell to the floor in pain. Yuzuki landed on her feet and turned to Luis. Luis thought he could take her until the 5' 1" Persian did a spinning back kick to his face.

      With both of them down, Yuzuki was now bored. She took hold of both of them and threw them in her walk-in closet. Yuzuki looked at me and I was able to move again. I stood up and felt my wrists. "What was that?!" I asked.

      “You're bind?" Her voice was calm, soft. "It was a fair fight. You cannot intervene. If anything feels like a fair fight, no one gets in the middle," she explained. I still didn't understand but I said nothing for the sake of the peace I felt she was in.

      Later in the night we drove into the city and roamed the streets on foot. I tried not to watch as she fed and threw lifeless bodies to the ground like worn-out dolls.

      "It was cute how you tried to save me," she mentioned while we stood in an alley. "Shit, I forgot you need food, too," she said while still holding a body in her hands. Yuzuki carelessly dropped the body to the ground and walked for me to follow. She walked near enough to me without touching me. She took me to a nearby city diner. Yuzuki sat in a booth and I sat across from her. A waitress was at our table at a moment's notice.

      "Can I get you anything," the waitress asked. She had bright, red hair with one brown eye and one blue eye. Interesting. By any standards she was beautiful, though compared to Yuzuki, she was nothing at all. Yuzuki pointed at me to order. I ordered while staring at Yuzuki.

      "Eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries and toast," I ordered. She wrote it all down.

      "And for you ma'am?" the waitress asked.

      "Nothing, thank you. I'm trying to watch my figure," Yuzuki joked. The girl smiled back.

      "Anything to drink?" The waitress asked.

      "Coffee. Black," I ordered. Yuzuki shook her head. The waitress walked away quickly, looking defeated. I bet she was the popular girl in school. The girl that didn't know what 'No' was.

      I looked at Yuzuki, and really looked at her. At first glance, she was beautiful, and with a second look, she was even more beautiful. Yuzuki's medium, golden-brown skin. Her long black waves. Her perfect bone structure. Her thick full lips. Her large, almond shaped eyes. Those eyes burst from silver to green. Yuzuki was freakishly beautiful and it was enough to make you want to hate her. Yet, some how, one look

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