Delight In Cruelty. MD MD Geatriz

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Delight In Cruelty - MD MD Geatriz

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style="font-size:15px;">      "You put a spell on me. I could barely look away," I argued.

      "No. You're just too dependent on what your eyes see. She is beautiful, inside and out, yet you ignored her for me - the monster." She had a point. Anyone would have easily taken the road to death when they chose the prettiest girl. "Had you been mortal, you'd have been long dead." With that, she looked away from me, as if disgusted with me completely. My heart felt heavy.

      The bell of the diner's front door dinged softly. Neither I, nor Yuzuki bothered to look. "Smokers smell atrocious..." She shook her head and tried to ignore the smell. My coffee and plate came. Yuzuki was glad there was something else in the air other than smoke. Even with the distraction of smell, she didn't breathe.

      I glanced at the girl that had just walked in. "Twenty-two, medium length, brown hair, tan skin- a bit darker than your's, brown eyes, about 5'7", about a hundred and twenty pounds," I described under my breath.

      "Is she pretty?" Yuzuki spat out. I looked at her. The girl wasn't disfigured or terribly revolting to look at but she wasn't Yuzuki. No one could be.

      "Not particularly," I told her as I ate. "Ma'am - Ma'am!" A man called from behind the counter. "You can't smoke here!" The girl continued to smoke her cigarette. Yuzuki covered her nose completely.

      "Do you have to breathe?" I asked.

      "Only if speaking or fitting in was needed. Other than that- no. We have no real need for air." She moved her hands for a brief moment to speak and covered her mouth and nose again. I left my plate where it was and stood up to leave. Yuzuki left cash on the table and stood up to leave as well.

      Yuzuki stopped in her tracks when she saw the young woman sitting at a booth, clear across the room. "I should have known it was one of you." Yuzuki's voice was monotone, careful. Her face was of stone, her eyes screamed 'dangerous, caution, warning.' She reminded me of a vicious leopard.

      The young woman didn't move, she wasn't even afraid. It was as if she thought the leopard had no teeth or claws. How mistaken this poor woman was. "Nice to see you, too, Yuzuki," the young woman spoke.

      "Miranda." Yuzuki stood still.

      "Your human is aware of what you are?"

      "Very," Yuzuki answered. Miranda continued to smoke. Her eyes and voice were also careful. Watching the two of them, there was no fear, but understanding.

      Yuzuki looked at me. It almost felt like I was her mouse, except this mouse couldn't die. I nodded to Miranda and escorted Yuzuki out of the diner. "What was that all about?" I had to ask as we reached the car.

      "Ask me again when I feel fond of you," she told me.

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