Maximum Reach. Adam MD Hamedi

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Maximum Reach - Adam MD Hamedi

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he thought was ever possible, and things were going very smoothly as his market grew across the United States, sticking to small towns and rural areas. Then one day, one of his dealers encountered a problem in a small Texas town, and he decided to go himself to investigate.

      He could not understand what he was told. How would kids decide they wanted out when they had been making more money than they could ever hope for in any other field?

      Why would they be willing to give up all that money, and most of all, how could they still refuse to co-operate after they were threatened?

      Ricardo decided the only way to convince those kids to relent was to make an example of one of them. He had to choose one; a kid the other kids looked up to. His man told him the perfect candidate would be a boy named Danny.

      Ricardo and two of his men waited for the school to let out one afternoon and grabbed Danny in full view of all the others. Not a smart thing to do. Not there. Not in Burleson, Texas.

      Danny knew he was in deep trouble when he saw who was there. He only knew one of the men but the other two did not need any introduction.

      “What is this I hear,” started Ricardo?” Why won’t you deal for me anymore?”

      “The Sheriff,” responded Danny.

      “What about the Sheriff?”

      “He told us that he would punish us if we didn’t quit dealing.”

      “Punish you? Do you understand that we could kill you?”

      “Yes sir.”

      “And you still won’t deal?”

      “No sir, I can’t.”

      Ricardo could not understand how a kid could be more afraid of punishment than of being killed.

      “Who is this Sheriff?” he asked his man.

      “I am not sure of his name, sir. I have seen him around but never saw him get involved with anything until this.”

      Ricardo tried to talk Danny into relenting and dealing for them again but when all his attempts failed, he and his men started beating the kid.

      As Danny lay there on the ground, unable to move, Ricardo was curious about the Sheriff and decided he would have to meet the man – an idea he would have given up on if he had realized what he was getting himself into.

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