Maximum Reach. Adam MD Hamedi

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Maximum Reach - Adam MD Hamedi

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had the Israelis not had the information relayed to them by the CIA the previous day.

      As soon as the boat occupants disembarked, they were washed with daylight. The Israelis had lights aimed at them from all directions. The men did not want to be captured and as they looked at each other one more time knowing they were betrayed, pulled their weapons. Before they could fire a shot, they were mowed down.

      When two days passed and their comrades did not return, the Palestinians at the camp called for a meeting, at the urging of Abbas.

      “I am not sure what happened to our party. I am not sure if the Israelis got lucky or whether there are more traitors amongst us, but I am tired of this shit.” Abbas started addressing the council.

      “This operation should have gone without a hitch and our boys should have accomplished their objective. I spent many days putting the plan together. This was supposed to be the biggest surprise the Israelis faced. I am tired of sacrificing our men, therefore I have a new plan.”

      Abbas waited for the room to calm down and when everyone there realized he was quiet, they stopped talking and waited for him to continue.

      “I am quitting,” Abbas announced.

      Utter silence.

      Abbas was studying the faces and he liked what he saw. He saw relief on many of those faces. His plan was working.

      “I want to go to college in America,” Abbas continued.

      Everyone in the room started asking questions and when they were not getting any answers, they were quiet again.

      “That’s not all,” continued Abbas. “When I graduate, I will join the CIA.”

      It was as if someone had detonated a bomb in the room; the calm before the storm.

      They were all talking, shouting, no one listening to anything. They were in total denial.

      Again Abbas had to wait.

      “Here’s my plan,” he finally continued. “When I join the CIA, they will assign me to this part of the world because of my knowledge of the culture and the Arabic language.” “Because I am one of you, I will have first hand information on everything that takes place here. I will know who the traitors are and we shall eliminate them.”

      Abbas waited to see the reaction his revelation evoked.

      He was pleased. They all seemed to approve with nodding heads.

      “I know this will take a few years, but better late than never.”

      They agreed again.

      “I have one request though. I want to keep this in complete confidence. If the CIA or the Israelis find out, I will be killed. I will make you all one solemn promise; if anyone finds out what my plans are, I will find out who squealed and will do to them and their families what I did to the other traitors.”

      They all knew Abbas meant his threat and no one wanted to cross his path.

      After the meeting, Abbas packed his bags and left the camp. Even though the school year was not over, he was not willing to stay there and take a chance on reprisals. Before he left, he made arrangements with the council for a monthly deposit to be made into a numbered account.

      The next day he made a call to Hamilton.

      “I am ready to leave for the States,” announced Abbas.

      “But the school year is not over yet,” responded Hamilton.

      “I know, but I cannot take a chance on staying here after what I did.”

      “Does anyone suspect you?” asked Brad.

      “No they don’t. Here’s what I have done.”

      Abbas went on and filled Hamilton in on what had transpired at the council meeting explaining that by convincing them he was on their side, they would not send anyone after him. He did not have to promise loyalty to Hamilton, not after sacrificing twelve Palestinians.

      “I’ll make the arrangements immediately,” said Hamilton. “You can be on a flight to the States tomorrow.”

      “Thank you, Brad. You will not be disappointed.”

      “I know I won’t. The Israelis are grateful for the information by the way. They told me they would have lost many people if they hadn’t had the specifics of the operation.”

      “I didn’t do it for the Israelis, said Abbas. I did it for myself. I wanted to reassure you of my loyalty.”

      “I don’t doubt it, Abbas. Come and see me tomorrow morning and you will be on your way.”

      “Thank you Brad,” said Abbas as he hung up the phone.

      The next day, Abbas set off for New York City, his plan in full motion.


      Two weeks after their wedding, the Hunters returned to Texas from their honeymoon. While they were gone, Viktor Romanov had returned home to Moscow accompanied by Boris, after meetings with Tom Baker discussing what else was needed for the factories in Russia. Tatyana stayed behind and traveled to Disney World with Cal Hawadi and his family, then they all returned to Texas the day before the Hunters. Sheriff Rice and his bride, Shirley, had returned from Europe a couple of days earlier, with Jason and Rebecca expected back from Hawaii the next day.

      By the time everyone was back, the ranch house was buzzing like a beehive. They were all trying to tell the others about their adventures, with photographs spread out over several tables.

      The new company headquarters were in the final stages of construction; Jerry Hue had done an admirable job and every person had their own projects to accomplish.

      Austin’s project was to establish the Parker-Johnson Aviation Wing, but he knew that was not going to be easy. He had been in aviation most of his life and had deep experience of how much work and heartache was involved in establishing a new aviation company. However, he had plans; plans that would expedite the process. Whilst on his honeymoon, he had even started on a list of pilots he wanted to hire.

      A week after their return from honeymoon, the Hunters finally relented and allowed the Hawadi’s to return to Lebanon, promising they would visit them there as soon as they had a chance. They were not to know how soon that was going to be.

      Tatyana, with the help of Mrs. Johnson, was settling in very nicely and registered for classes at the University of Texas, at Arlington, a mere twenty minutes drive from the ranch house. Mrs. Johnson even took her there and purchased a vehicle, a bright yellow Chevrolet Corvette convertible, for Tatyana’s use while she was with them.

      Tatyana was living a dream. She knew how good she was going to look in that yellow sports car with her long blonde hair. She was ecstatic, and made herself a promise never to disappoint this family that all of a sudden had become her own. She even convinced Austin and Emily to take motorcycle riding classes and they all went for a ride every evening. Riding motorcycles was a passion of hers and when the Hunters became confident enough, they purchased four motorcycles, even including a small one for

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