Maximum Reach. Adam MD Hamedi

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Maximum Reach - Adam MD Hamedi

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what I saw, you reacted better than anyone out there by the car, which brings me to the subject. What did you do with it?"

      "We burned it," answered Hamilton. "Like you said, we don’t want anyone to think we had anything to do with this”.

      "Very smart, Brad!"

      "My boss wants to know, why the kids?"

      "Very simple really; if they ever found out I did this, they would not rest until I was dead, and I don’t really feel like looking over my shoulder my whole life."

      "Now, what is it you want from us?"

      "Like I told you before, I want to have a normal life. This is my last year of high school and I want to go to college in the States. The problem is I don’t have the money to do so and sooner or later the Israelis are bound to get me."

      "What are you willing to give us in return?"

      "First, I will be out of your hair. I know that’s not much, seeing as it will only take a bullet to do that, but when I graduate, I will be willing to train and become an operative for you."

      "You mean you are willing to betray your own people, Hamilton asked incredulously?"

      "If you remember correctly Brad, they betrayed me first. I am tired of living in poverty trying to make ends meet. My father did that all his life and where did it get him? His wife was cheating on him and his friends killed him. I don’t want to betray my people,

      I want to help them. I want to find a way to convince them that violence is not the answer to their misery. Look around you Brad. Show me an Arab country that cares about my people. None of them want us. All this bazaar talk about the struggle is to keep their own people in line and take their minds off their problems. They need a cause to keep the populace in line and what better cause than to have an enemy? A hundred million Arabs and they can’t defeat a minuscule number of people. I know they blame America for supporting the Israelis, but check the conduct of every war, one country at a time Mr. Hamilton. One country at a time goes to war and by the time the others decide to join, separately of course, the first country is already defeated. Have you ever seen the Arabs co-ordinate a fight? No Brad, you haven’t and I tell you what, you never will. They need Israel. They need an enemy because if they don’t have one, they will turn their guns against each other. The Arabs need Israel just like Islam needs America. They need a common enemy or they will lose control."

      Hamilton was listening to this seventeen-year old boy talk and was impressed. How true this was. He was sure the Israelis would be glad they wouldn’t have to deal with him. This kid can really put together an argument. Brad wished some of the so-called experts would listen to what this young man had to say. He was glad Abbas had decided to make this move.

      "What do you think we can offer you Abbas," he finally asked?

      "A scholarship to a reputable university and a living allowance; I don’t really need much. I’ll even take the courses you recommend."

      Hamilton was starting to like this kid. He was smart, he reminded him of himself not so long ago.

      "Any university in mind Abbas, asked Hamilton?"

      "Not really, you can make the recommendation. I would like to stay close to where you will be though. I will probably need someone to talk to once in a while."

      "I doubt that Abbas. Somehow I think you will make many friends."

      "You agree then," asked Abbas?

      "Yes we do. How about New York University? You won’t be far from where I’ll be and once you graduate, we will enroll you at Langley."

      "Langley?" asked Abbas.

      "The CIA headquarters and training facility in Virginia," Hamilton explained.

      A smile showed on Abbas’s face.

      "That would be great. That is what I want."

      "Settled then," said Hamilton. I will make the arrangements and notify you.

      "Please do not get in touch with me or approach me. When I graduate school in a few months, I will contact you. I don’t want anyone to suspect anything."

      "Whatever you say, Abbas; just call me when you are ready."

      The two men shook hands and Hamilton escorted Abbas to the exit and watched him disappear.

      Abbas was completely satisfied with the progress. His plan was falling into place, but he was not done yet. He would solidify his position and make the Americans really believe in him and trust him. He would also make the Palestinians trust him. He would reveal his plans to both sides and convince them all he was working for their side, whilst deceiving the other. As far as he was concerned, he only had one enemy. It was not the Israelis, nor the Americans, not even the Palestinians – although they had betrayed and killed his father. His enemies were the Lebanese. He hated them for the humiliation his father had endured.

      Now he had to face the council at the camp. He had to tell them his plans, even to the extent of confessing his crime. He knew what their reaction would be. Disbelief at first, followed by disgust, and finally – fear. He would be feared; you can accomplish almost anything if people fear you enough.


      People started gathering around him as soon as they saw him arrive at the camp. Everyone seemed to want to offer his or her sympathies. No one even asked where he had been the last three days. They all started telling him the gory details and just as he predicted, the sentiment was very high against Israel. He listened, but kept walking. Droves of people were walking with and behind him. Some may have wondered where he was headed, but he was sure some already knew he was making straight for the council headquarters. They all figured he knew. The news about the beheadings was on every radio and television station, in every newspaper and magazine. Some newspapers even went as far as display pictures of the headless victims on their front pages.

      They all followed.

      When he reached the council building, although only the privileged were allowed in, the hall was filled to capacity. Everybody in the camp wanted to hear what he had to say, but he could have bet no one was expecting to hear what he was about to tell them.

      When he stood at the podium, the room fell to total silence.

      “Who is our enemy?” he asked.

      “Israel,” was the response in total unison.

      “And who supports Israel?” he asked again.

      “America,” came the response.

      “Whom do you hate more than both?”

      “Traitors,” they answered.

      Abbas knew the answers they were going to give him. They were drilled into every one of them since childhood.

      “It was I,” he said.

      Total silence. They did not understand.

      “It was I who did it,” he said again.


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