Marconi My Beloved. Maria C. Marconi

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Marconi My Beloved - Maria C. Marconi

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the greatness and beauty of everything that I feel “for one special person”.

      I have not gone on board the Elettra yet because I did not want to risk my absence delaying the proceedings for my case before the Westminster Court by even one hour. I have started working on my scientific experiments again and also all the other matters regarding radiocommunications which I deal with myself. I feel, from the interest you take in my experiments, that you are pleased that I am going on with my work which keeps me in contact with the beauties of nature that you too love so much.

      I enclose some cuttings of newspaper articles, one of which gives quite a full description of what I am doing and what I still need to do for communications with the different parts of the British Empire. Another is my description of microwaves. They want to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of my first invention here in England too. As you will see there are some newspapers which are going on a bit about the fact that it was England that understood the importance of my invention of wireless telegraphy and exploited my discovery.

      I must say that I feel rather embarrassed about sending you newspaper articles that say so many nice things about me but I promise it is not the reason I am sending them. It is because you have told me more than once that you would like me to send them to you, so here they are; also so that you can follow what I am doing from afar and know what is being said about me.

      And then, as you know, I am determined (as soon as I am completely free) to ask you something very serious and very important. The greatest, most important and serious question that a man can ask and a woman can answer in all her life. Probably this is the reason why I feel such a great need to keep in touch with you in spirit.

      With my kindest regards to your mother, I remain your devoted,

      Guglielmo Marconi

      London, 16th February 1927

      ...The delegates of the American, French and German governments are here in London now to discuss many international questions regarding the Radio and also to make agreements for the use of my Beam System in their respective countries...

      ...Work is never ending but if you were with me everything would be different. The only work which still gives me pleasure when I am away from you is the work which brings me into contact with the beauties of nature. It always seems to me that nature is part of you, part of your soul and I feel that it is also part of mine...

      London, 18th February, 1927

      ...The other evening when I was in my room I heard part of Lucia di Lammermoor from Rome...and listening to that beautiful voice full of harmony and feeling I felt sure that you were listening to it too. Now I read in your letter that you really were!! And so the Radio has joined our sweet sensations! It won’t be long now before the television will make it possible for me to see you too but before that is really possible I hope to be with you always, to look into your eyes as it always was and always will be when there is true love. This ancient and eternal method will always be the best, better even than our Radio!...

      Savoy Hotel, London, 26th February 1927

      ...But at this point not even the sun would make me happy if I didn’t know, if I didn’t feel that beyond the seas and the mountains are you, my sun, loving me and waiting for me patiently and faithfully!

      ...I am sending you some newspaper cuttings about me and about the Radio. You will laugh! (How I wish I could see you!) When you read the ones that say that your Wizard is the greatest man in the world!...

      ...If it weren’t for this Faith, the edifice of my whole existence would collapse...

      ...I find it difficult not to write to you perhaps even twice a day, if only to say to you again and again that I love you...

      Savoy Hotel, London, 28th February

      ...It is midnight...Here at this moment I feel like a caged lion who bites the bars wanting to attack anyone who makes you suffer. Yes, my darling Cristina, I am ready to do anything to defend you from those who dare to attack you; I long to leave everything here and rush to your side...

      ...I am touched by the sweet messages that your dear Mother has sent me through you. After your Love, I value her affection for me most of all. She has contributed so much to make you the person you are!

      Savoy Hotel London, 6th March 1927

      ...I have been for a beautiful solitary walk. I so much prefer the country to the city! I thought of you and of how happy I shall be one day when I can always enjoy the beauties of nature with you--you who are also Her sublime creation...

      ...I love to look at the sky and as I look at it I think that you too often look up...

      ...The General Meeting of the Marconi Company is fixed for 15th March which means that I shall not be able to come to Rome until after that date. It is going to be rather a stormy meeting with the two rival factions of shareholders. It will also be embarrassing for me because both sides want me with them...

      Savoy Hotel London, 8th March 1927

      ...You are the soul mate that I never expected to find and I repeat that I want you to be my sweet guide and help for the improvement and progress of my spirit which belongs to you completely...

      ...I shall have so many things to tell you and explain to you about my plans for voyages on the Elettra and my new inventions...

      London, 9th March evening, 1927

      My darling Cristina,

      I have just received your sweet letter. I must tell you right away that I have already arranged everything so as to be able to leave on the morning of Sunday 20th and God willing I shall arrive in Rome in the evening of Monday 21st. How happy I am! I have always loved our beautiful country but since I discovered you and all that you are I do not think that even Moses could have longed for the Promised Land as much as I long to see Trinità dei Monti, Piazza di Spagna and Via Condotti.

      How sweet you are to write to me so often but as you know I have been sure for a long time that you are an Angel.

      I still have many days of hard work ahead of me before I can leave. The problems with the shareholders are on the way to being settled and it seems that they will follow my advice. On the 15th I have to preside over an important meeting where everything will be decided and from then on I will no longer have to stay on here as in the past.

      These two and a half months (which have been like two and a half years!) away from you must never be repeated.

      Just now I am in the middle of the tests with far-off Australia which will end, if all goes well, on the 14th. Tonight I am going to have to stay up very late because we are testing the simultaneous telegraphy and telephony.

      With the Lord’s help I am learning little by little how to transmit these waves right across the world over a distance which is twelve times greater than that which separates London from Rome (I was going to say me from you but there is no longer any distance which really separates us. Our Love is even more wonderful than the Radio!).

      To reach Australia these Radio

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