Marconi My Beloved. Maria C. Marconi

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Marconi My Beloved - Maria C. Marconi

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cross the whole of Europe, Mesopotamia, Persia, India and Polinesia, overcoming all the obstacles between them and vanquishing storms and all the hostile forces of nature.

      The more I work with the forces of Nature and sense the Divine good-will towards mankind the more I am brought into contact with the great truth: that everything is ordered by the Lord and Giver of Life and this so-called science I work with is just an expression of the Supreme Will which wants to put human beings in contact with each other to help them improve and have a greater mutual understanding.

      In this too God has sent you to inspire me to do greater and greater things. You wrote to me about Brazil and our Government’s offer to me. I shall only go if I can go there after the blessed day of our marriage; and only if you want to go. As you say, it might be a good idea for our honeymoon which in any case will never end for us. How wonderful it will be to show you the World and to show you to the World!

      In the next few days I may not be able to write to you much because I still have so many things to do but remember that if I am working a bit too much now it is so that later I can dedicate myself to you completely because I belong to you and to you alone. The work I will do in the future and which you can order will all be done to please you, my Queen.

      All I want to do for the rest of my life is to be worthy of you, my darling Angel; I will also try to deserve the pride you feel in a Wizard who belongs to you and who wants to live just for you.

      The immense love that you have inspired would be quite inconceivable for many people; but not for you--you understand it! You know, don’t you? You feel it!

      Your Guglielmo

      London, 10th March, 1927

      My Cristina,

      Another day has gone by; every day that passes brings me closer and closer to the day when finally I shall see you again.

      I won’t write much this evening because I am very sleepy after staying up so late last night. But there will never again be a day when I won’t see you or be with you or write to you if you will let me.

      The tests with Australia which kept me up almost the whole of last night are going very well but I will write more about it another time.

      I have to chair a difficult meeting of the Marconi Company on the 15th.

      Crissy my darling, I’m happy!! And why shouldn’t I be! I love the most divinely beautiful, the sweetest, kindest, and most adorable girl in the whole world. We have the same tastes, the same deep and sincere religious feelings without which we could never be really happy; feelings which uplift and comfort us and bring us closer and closer together. And then, such a wonderful thing, I have the Divine gift--the Grace of your Love. Your Love for me is and always will be the most sacred thing in my life, a sign that I have really been undeservedly blessed by God. You are my ideal, the Angel of my redemption--and among all the beautiful and good things you possess you also have a Mother who is another Angel.

      I adore you,

      Your Guglielmo

      London, 13th March 1927, 6 a.m.

      ...I have had to get up before sunrise since I have to go straight away to the country to visit one of my Radio Stations for the last day of the tests with Australia...

      ...But you are my greatest and most beautiful discovery...

      Savoy Hotel, London, 15th March, 1927

      My sweet Crissy,

      It is very late again tonight but the only real joy in the whole day for me is finally to be able to write to you, if only briefly, to tell you again that the only thing that is really important for me, beside which everything else pales, is our Love and our hopes.

      However, I want to tell you without delay that all went well for me today at the General Meeting of the Marconi Company which approved all my proposals with a huge majority.

      Tomorrow I hope to write you a longer letter and I won’t fail to sent you some newspaper cuttings which describe how things went. All the tests with Australia have also gone well with the complete approval of the British and Australian Governments. Now I have to wish you goodnight, my Angel; take care of yourself, for my sake too. In spite of the thousand and one things I have had to do today (I didn’t even have the time to have lunch!) my thoughts have always been with you--because I love you and adore you with every fibre of my being, now and for ever for as long as I live.

      Your own Guglielmo

      Savoy Hotel London, 17th March 1927--Midnight

      ...This evening I am doing the final tests on your little apparatus and to tell you the truth this interests me more than all the others because the new Radio will soon be yours, and then it will always be with you (one day with us!). Tomorrow I have to do some interesting tests on the transmission of pictures to Australia. One day I will show you how it is done and how quickly!

      Perhaps these pictures which travel to the antipodes with the speed of thought will go via Rome in their journey--perhaps across your room without you knowing anything about it for now? When the day comes that we can go on beautiful voyages together in our dear Elettra it will be easier for me to explain to my clever and beloved pupil how these things are done!...

      ...I know how much you love and appreciate the beauties of nature, the expression of the Divine Will in which the eternal ideal values, Truth, Beauty and Goodness are found (you have all three in yourself). The united Harmony of causes and laws forms the Truth; the united Harmony of lines, colours, sounds and ideas forms the Beautiful; while the Harmony of feelings and will forms the Good. As the highest expression of the Supreme Eternal Creator they connect in the human Being and carry him towards the final perfection...

      London, 19th March 1927

      My Crissy,

      I have just received your dear, sweet letter No. 31. Thank you again for all the sweet things you say which always move me and make me happier than I ever dreamed possible. And tomorrow I am on my way to you.

      I have thought of you so much in these last days of work and worry, loving you and, although we are far apart, feeling close to you in your prayers which I am certain will not fail to be heard and answered because of your goodness and fervour.

      This letter will reach you after I have arrived in Rome, if all goes well with my journey. It will get to you after I have looked into your eyes, after I have told you again that I love you, perhaps while I am saying it to you. You will never get tired of hearing me saying it, will you?

      My love for you is great enough to fill the universe, even more than electric waves can do and I wish you could receive it from every corner of the earth!

      I can tell that it makes you happy to be loved as I love you with all the strength of my heart and my mind and I need to be loved as you love me with your heart of gold and your angelic sweetness.

      Our love, which I feel has already been blessed by God, helps us both to comprehend the Divine goodness and beauty, it wakes us and spurs us on, it does us good and promises better.


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