The Phoenix Rising. Gary MDiv Caplan

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The Phoenix Rising - Gary MDiv Caplan

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was our good fortune that there were only about twenty of these unidentified alien ships, and they were scattered in several adjacent star systems in the Rhendal sector. Of these starships, only the two largest ones and two of the others ships were armed with the antiparticle weapon. My science section estimated that they had only a limited supply of antimatter to fuel their cannons.”

      Grand Admiral Jeroloh broke in. “You are reporting that not all the unidentified ships had these antimatter cannons.”

      “Yes, that is correct, sir,” Peregrine said. “However, they also used plasma cannons and particle cannons, as well as phased particle-beam weapons that were superior to our own in terms of energy output and recharge. Their antimatter torpedo systems had similar yields but had a more sophisticated countermeasure system. Their plasma torpedoes were almost as devastating as the Varlon's, and the two larger ships had even higher energy yields. As you know it usually takes three of our ships to match a Varlon starship of similar size class. I would say that these aliens were somewhat superior. We did not remain close or long enough for more detailed scans.”

      Peregrine continued. “As we know, the metal-organic hulls the Varlon have are their Spunril alloy. With an organic-metallic mesh hull much like the Hegemony’s ships, these new ships were of a different style to the Varlon’s’ and had different markings. We scanned the two largest ships, and they had somewhat different hull types compared to the other similarly styled ships. The hull was difficult to scan and seemed almost to brush off damage. Only the three largest unidentified vessels—similar in size but longer than the Varlon H-class super dreadnaughts—had this type of hull. It was evidently a superior organic-metallic configuration. The other ships, some type of large heavy battlecruisers, had perhaps a somewhat lesser hull and could be damaged by combining fire from multiple ships.”

      Admiral Peregrine displayed further tactical data through the presentation system.

      Sheppard could see that Peregrine was pained by the loss of crew and ships to these new enemies.

      “Later, when I studied the sensor logs and energy scan readings to determine tactical significance, it seems the largest of their ships were actually not using their full attack capacity, and only two appeared to release any fighter craft, even though they were most probably present,” stated Peregrine. “I will also mention we scanned two types of heavy starfighters—one type we are designating Raider-class and the other Marauder-class. Several Marauders were able to fight and destroy a Waterway-class light cruiser. These must be some form of heavy assault fighter, and we estimate they have a small onboard crew. The smaller Raiders seriously damaged and destroyed many of our fighters before being taken out.”

      He wiped his brow and paused to look at the display. “It’s likely I could have regrouped if it were only the Varlon, as they would be more concerned with digging in on the targeted planet and beginning a ground assault than chasing after my fleet. These new alien ships and a Varlon strike fleet continued to pursue, until we were driven from the core ward portion of the Rhendal sector. During the retreat, we had little time for offensive combat. Eventually, the Varlon moved to consolidate their new acquisitions and deal with the remaining planetary defenses and orbital defense stations, and they stopped attacking my remaining ships. At about that time, the unidentified alien ships stopped their attack as well.”

      Viess the Betellian stood. “My I add a comment?”

      “Yes, please do,” said Admiral Peregrine.

      “I know these starcraft; they are Accadian vessels. I am not pleased that they are involved. As Admiral Peregrine indicated, their starships have excellent metallo-organic hulls almost equal to our own. From the few ships you have shown us, the two largest are of Jiyarr design, with Accadian marking symbols, and they have hulls and shielding as effective as—or perhaps even better than—ours. “I ask your patience, but we must go to our ship and inform my government’s Preceptor Council.”

      Several murmurs broke out, and there were a few hushed discussions as the Betellians prepared to leave.

      Sheppard was becoming both nervous and annoyed that Alliance of Worlds forces had been lost in the Rhendal sector.

      Another officer asked to speak.

      “Yes, Commodore Slenpsa,” Peregrine acknowledged him.

      “I too have seen these vessels,” said Slenpsa.

      Sheppard had met him two years ago. Slenpsa was in the officer exchange program, and he was from the Lyramenian Republic. The Lyramenian had more advanced technology than the Alliance of Worlds and were considered as advanced as the Karratins, Estrians, or the Quarran and were part of their ancient Hegemony but were considered more interactive than the other three civilizations. His people who dwelled in water worlds had a special type of affiliation treaty with the Alliance of Worlds. Lyramenians were descended from an amphibian-like ancestor, and they wore a special uniform that provided them with additional moisture, since they could handle low-humidity environments for only a few hours.

      “I was patrolling three years ago with my pod fleet on an exploratory mission and came across a mining operation near Cynz space,” said Commodore Slenpsa. “The ships did not attack us, but they were taking threatening postures. We had brief communication and soon left the area. They had attempted to mask the events on the mining facility, but we were able to obtain some information in any case. They were mining and refining some titanium and osmium and other elements and were evidently in an early stage of operation. They had masked their presence until we actually passed through that area of space. Our reliable sensor systems noted the mining base, and we may have also caught them off guard, as we were performing a series of scan and jump maneuvers.”

      “Thank you for that information, Commodore Slenpsa,” said Grand Admiral Jeroloh. “If you could, I would like a copy of the particular log and coordinates of the base.”

      Slenpsa nodded and removed a handheld database to collate and send the information to a secure uplink point where those with computer interlink devices or mind-uplink units could access the information.

      Sheppard looked over toward where Garfield had been sitting and noted he had evidently had just left. Admiral Braddock had an “Oh my!” expression on his face and seemed none too happy. Admiral Peregrine was asked a few other questions, and then the meeting concluded.

      Commodore Brandon was paged on his commlink as he was leaving. “We will have a celebration dinner for your promotion soon, Bob, but right now I have some pressing work. We may actually be ready to catch one of these saboteurs.”

      Sheppard was escorted back to his quarters by a very attractive female Myranarr security officer. Sheppard had always liked cats, and the Myranarr were very catlike.

      CHAPTER 7

      Logistics and Security Division Central Security Command Star One

      Sheppard went to the central security command to speak with his good friend Commodore Brandon Avery. They had just begun to discuss some issues that had been brought to light by the Admirals Board.

      “You know, Brandon,” said Sheppard, “I was wondering why these Accads have increased activity in our galaxy. Is it just conquest; do they desire territory; are they just vicious; are they following orders from these Jiyarr we have heard about?”

      Commodore Avery looked about to say something, but Sheppard continued.

      “I did some research and found out that there have been hostilities in both the Magellanic cloud and Andromeda galaxies, according to

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