The Phoenix Rising. Gary MDiv Caplan

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The Phoenix Rising - Gary MDiv Caplan

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enemies of the Alliance of Worlds. There has also been evidence that they are collaborating to some degree, whether to enhance effectiveness or because they were ordered to do so.”

      Garfield used one of his devices to interface with the central display projectors, including a secure zone of the Star One’s central computer data interlink system. Those who wanted to could link and get information using their personal interlink devices. The briefing display units portrayed pre-recorded, three-dimensional images of many individuals and areas that had been sabotaged. A recent imaging of the failed attempt on the secondary fusion reactors showed something odd. The close-up of a non-standard security spy device of some sort showed a facial change on an individual who also removed new clothing from a case. In another instance, there was an image of a humanoid leaving an air ventilation shaft and replacing the cover with considerable speed, then jumping down over seventy-five feet and landing with ease, with no apparent anti-gravity device. The fall was recorded by two sources, and the image was distorted and actually disappeared for a moment.

      As the attendees looked on, Garfield said, “Many of the data recorders were also sabotaged and sections of data lost. Or in several instances in areas where the saboteurs could not avoid actually being recorded the recording devices later had data deleted or modified.”

      He went on. "We are dealing with two groups: the Quarlusian on one hand, and a sophisticated android on the other. For those of you who do not know—and I can sense there are several—the Quarlusian people have a limited shape-shifting ability. They can alter facial muscles and other sections of their bodies to take on different appearances. These cosmetic changes extend to altering pigmentation and even skin thickness, if given enough time. Moreover, they are a subjugate race of the Varlon, one of the few cultures the Varlon will tolerate.”

      There were some murmurs in the group.

      “Sir, you said androids, but wouldn’t our scanners detect them?” asked Admiral Girok.

      “Normally, yes, with ordinary androids,” replied Garfield. “However, these andro-synths are equipped with significantly advanced technology, and have defenses against detection. The one I showed you on my presentation will likely lead me to the others like it. It is being observed now by my operatives. These andro-synths have a sensor filter and sensor pattern shrouding unit, which allows them to mask scans and pass for a variety of individuals. This technology is even more sophisticated than what the Varlon have; these andro-synths posses Jiyarri subsystems. When I discovered this, I contacted the ambassadors that the Jiyarr have at my home world and the ambassador at one of the Betellian world spheres. Both denied knowledge of this. I have known both for over a century, and they have been honorable to their word.”

      He continued. “I also probed the andro-synth and found another Jiyarri system, a psionic rebounding interface. I was still able to extract some information, which leads me to the conclusion that the Accadian Empire is involved and has acquired some Jiyarr technology through unusual channels. The Accads were assistants to the Jiyarr at one time. For several of you who aren’t familiar, the Jiyarr are from outside this galaxy, toward the large cluster of galaxies beyond Galaxy M100. I have not pursued further hyper subspace communications, since an answer—even with the Jiyarri version of the hyperspace communications network like our COMNET—would take a few months at the distances of over fifty million light-years.

      “At this time,” he went on, “I have gathered enough information to realize that there are several saboteurs and assassins, and I have the Security and Logistics departments involved in capture operations at this time. It will take several more days before we can physically apprehend all of the individuals. I have designed special modules to be adapted to the security scanners and the personal hand multi-scanners. These modules will allow the systems in operation to better detect the andro-synths and the Quarlusians. They are presently being adapted to the multi-scanners and the security sensor grid from the designs and the prototype multi-scanner I constructed. Unfortunately, the security grid for the station will need significant modification, and until that is complete the hand-held multi-scanners will be used.”

      The prime minister asked, “When do you estimate the project will be completed?”

      “Prime Minister Desserix,” replied Garfield in an ambassadorial manner, “with a station of this size to modify, and with limited staff familiar with the technologic expertise necessary, I will need to personally supervise engineering modifications to the internal sensors and other local sensors in likely or potential sabotage sites. To do this effectively for Star One will take approximately five to six weeks. The first group of modified hand-held multi-scanners will be ready for distribution by this evening.”

      Sheppard thought it was very like Professor Garfield to be efficient and to anticipate just about any question that might be put to him.

      Garfield said, “If there are no further questions …” After glancing around, he resumed his seat.

      Chief of Staff Orlond stood again and introduced one of the three Betellians. “I would like to present Admiral Viess of the Betellian Union.”

      Sheppard had met Viess several years before, and as far as he could tell, the admiral was unchanged; he still used his communication crystal device that mimicked the standard language. Viess only communicated telepathically to those he knew, and it had been some time since he had communicated to Sheppard, although he had sent a brief congratulatory thought message to Sheppard when he received his medal.

      “Greetings to all,” the small crystal device that hung around his large neck area intoned in a melodic voice with a male timbre. “I am saddened that I must be the bearer of more grave news. The Varlon have grown bold indeed, and they have attempted a very large-scale assault upon our Alpha quadrant sphere, using long-range warp torpedoes. The first wave of that assault succeeded in only minor, easily repairable damage to our dwelling.”

      Viess began to use the image projection equipment to show three-dimensional visuals of the assault. The Betellain included some secondary interlink display information for those who wished to access the station-link database with their personal data interlink.

      “This attack represents a considerable increase in what we had previously considered only interference with our world sphere building projects in the Milky Way,” Viess’s communication device said. “Usually, the Varlon have been unsuccessful in their assaults upon my people.”

      The visuals and graphic displays continued, one showing an analysis of the torpedoes used.

      “They have improved their technology in this field. We realized it was a matter of time until they did, but they had various internal political problems that previously would have interfered with such an attack.”

      Another display indicated the trajectories and reverse calculations of launch positions in the Rhendal sector.

      “If they continue to deploy such long-range torpedo systems in some of the closer worlds in the Rhendal sector, many of the Alliance of Worlds systems will come under direct assault.” Viess looked over at Lord Garfield and a few other Karratin representatives. “It is highly probable that, eventually, several Karratin, Estrian, and Lyramenian worlds may come under attack as well,” stated Viess.

      “I have been informed that the internal political struggles in the Varlon Empire have been ended. I can conclude this was probably the reason for the following full-scale assault on my people.”

      Admiral Viess showed more visuals that had been accelerated for presentation purposes.

      As Sheppard watched, he saw the Betellian tactical views of another wave of long-range torpedoes enhanced with cybertronic or positronic countermeasures, and the Varlon chameleon

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