Phantom Justice. Young Boone's Koo

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Phantom Justice - Young Boone's Koo

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course, they welcomed me always. And they’ve seen I am smart and good at any sneaking business. Since I joined I’ve been helping them in buying drugs.”

      “You said your mom found a new boyfriend. Who is your mom’s boyfriend now?”

      “His name is Dan. He moved in to our apartment three months ago. My mom kept changing boyfriends.”

      “What is he doing while you are in school?”

      “Doing nothing, and he is lazy. He smokes and drinks. That’s all he’s been doing while living with my mom.”

      “Who takes care of all the food, clothing and rent?”

      “I believe my mom does, but I really don’t know how she has managed the household things. I believe she must get some money from a boyfriend or the government.”

      “You said her boyfriend is not working, then how could he give money to your mom?”

      “He got something from the government and possibly from dope.”

      “Did you see him selling dope?”

      “No, but I know he does, because so often many people came to the apartment and exchanged cash.”

      “No policemen detected his dope dealings?”


      “You did not worry about his trafficking businesses.”

      “Who cares? As long as my mom said nothing I don’t want to know about what he is doing.”

      “I have another question. I know you said you started to drink at age ten, but tell me when did you have sex?”

      “I think when I was fourteen. As I said, I used to read and watch a lot of Playboy and other adult magazines. Her boyfriend brought all kinds of adult magazines and they were on the table so I happened to examine them all the time.”

      “Do you remember who you had sex with the very first time?”

      “Yeah, I remember. Her name was Sandra, and she was fifteen at that time. She began to visit my apartment since she knew I was alone. She was nice and bought food for me. One day, we sat and talked about this and that, and then drank together. It was night and my mom was out with her boyfriend. She kissed me and we had sex that night. After our first experience, she stopped by my apartment two, three times a week and we had sex all the time. Then I began to have sex with other girls too.”

      “What happened to Sandra now? Is she still with you?”

      “No. When I was arrested for a theft and taken to the boys’ school, I lost contact with her.”

      “Now, do you have a new girlfriend?”

      “Yes. She is a good girl. Her name is Elena. When I got out of the boys’ school last year, I met her at my friend’s house. She was there to celebrate his birthday. I liked her when I first saw her. We talked a lot and drank for a while. When the party was over, she followed me to my apartment, and then we had sex. Since then, she would come to my apartment from time to time. She thought I was just one of the older boys. But the next day when she learned how old I was, she started kidding me, but she said she loved my sex.”

      “How old is she?”

      “She is twenty. She told me she wants to be a nurse. She will graduate two years from now. She is smart and does not do drug things. She drinks occasionally but not like other girls on the street. She understands me well and my situation. I love her. I am nervous because of her. I wish she could keep in touch with me as she promised even if I were sent to prison. Because of her I am nervous and depressed,” he said in a low tone, but his smoking habit kept the cell clouded.

      “What are you going to do if the court sentences you?”

      “I don’t really know, but I have to face the judge first. I don’t have money for a counsel, so the judge probably will give me three to four years in prison.”

      “How well do you know the judge will sentence you four years?”

      “That’s what most get for a robbery charge. If the psychologist evaluates me a bad boy, then the judge probably gives me a longer time, but so far I am thinking that the court will punish me three years behind bars.”

      “Have you thought about your girlfriend Elena after you were arrested?”

      “Yes. When I met her, I said, ‘I am sorry,’ and promised her to never commit crime again hereafter. She accepted my apology and said she will wait for me. I am not sure she will but I really hope so.”

      From all this thinking of his girlfriend he smoked even more and was restless. I understood his feelings so I kept watching his pacing.

      “Did your mom meet and know her?”

      “Yeah, one day when we finished sex and got out for a breath, she was right in front of us. She said nothing. She picked up something from her room and then disappeared.”

      “You say your mom made no comment to you when she saw you both naked?’

      “Yeah, that’s how she used to show me when I was young. I saw and watched her naked body always and saw her having sex with her boyfriend often, and she never said sorry.”

      “When your mom left, did Elena say anything?”

      “Elena knows who my mom is. When I met her, I told her everything about me and my mom. Therefore, it was not strange for Elena so she just smiled at my mom. My mom smiled back and then took off.”

      “Do you think your girlfriend will help you behave better when you get out of prison?”

      “I think so. She said she will wait for me.”

      “What makes you believe she will wait for you?”

      “I know for certain that whenever we had sex, she always said my sexual performance was wonderful. Whenever we had sex, she wanted more and more. I think my sex must be well instructed by my mom.”

      “When you have served your time and get released, then what are you going to do?”

      “I have a lot of plans. I don’t want to hang around with street boys anymore but have to focus on making money. Whenever we had sex, Elena always treated me with foods and colas. She treated me like I was her only boyfriend. I know I have to do something for her when I get out. Although I do not have much education, I have brains and ambitions so I think one day I will be a success.”

      “I like to hear your confidence. If you think you can make your life different, then I believe there are potential opportunities when you get out, and, moreover, if you have skills and talents, I think you can make your life better. Please, don’t give up hope and desire. Go for it! And succeed in your life!” I encouraged him to pursue his dreams.

      I did not really know if he could do as he had dreamed, but I liked to hear at least he wanted to try for his future. If he had parents, I thought he could grow up in normal life patterns.


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