Encounter Your Destiny. David Inc. O'Dell

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Encounter Your Destiny - David Inc. O'Dell

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crazy about doing it, but she did great and I was very proud of her.

      After Laura’s interview, they filmed us at dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. That was quite interesting with all the people in the restaurant watching the filming. Overall, I really enjoyed the filming because the crew and producer were very nice and very good people. They knew how to make me relax and feel comfortable with them. By the time it was all over, I felt like we had all been friends for life.

      After filming in the restaurant, we all sat down and had dinner together like old friends. Darcy gave me a nice compliment and said I was one of the easiest people to interview and that I was a natural. She said I was the same person on camera as I was “off camera” and that made the filming enjoyable. Not everyone can be natural and themselves on camera, apparently.

      One fringe benefit about the filming was that I was so nervous and excited about the camera crew, that it kept my mind off the tour and getting nervous about the socials. It kept me distracted. For me, meeting around 100 women at one time that were interested in meeting me was a little intimidating. Well, O.K. It was very intimidating….not just a little.

      After the filming was over though, I thought, Oh no! I’m leaving in just 4 days. I will be leaving in just 4 short days for Barranquilla!

      It was all fascinating. The interesting thing is that out of all that filming, only 2 minutes was used for the show. It made me realize just how hard these people work who are in television. They do a lot of filming for just a little bit to air. The camera crew and producers work very hard with little time to stop and rest or eat. Assistants ran to Subway for sandwiches most of the time, and everyone would stop for a moment, eat, and chat about their lives and then back to work.

      I learned that the entire television crew lived in New York except for the soundman who was from Florida. The soundman and I had some very good laughs. We would poke fun at each other, and if he jokingly started to pick on me, I would hit my mic and watch him jump because – in his headphone – it would make a very loud, harsh sound!

      Then, it was time to go. No more research, no more packing, no more “getting ready.” No more filming, no more preparation. The time was now.

      As the day for my departure arrived, I remembered that I had decided to let the cameras follow me to Barranquilla as a way to hopefully change people’s perception of international dating. You are never going change everybody’s perception, really, but I knew if I could get open-minded people to see things in a different way, then that would be success for me.

      I was excited about going to Colombia. I had been there before and knew Colombia was beautiful and the Colombian’s are happy friendly people so no matter what, I would have a nice vacation.

      So, I left Houston for my big adventure in Barranquilla, not hoping for anything too much.

      Just trying to stay realistic and have a good time and let things play out naturally with no pressure to find Ms. Right.

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