Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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steamed and fully cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make into a puree (canned asparagus works just as good, and both Stokely and Green Giant say their products are pesticide and preservative free,) for storage in the refrigerator in an airtight container. (2) Take four full tablespoons (either heated or cold) twice daily, morning and evening for a grand total of eight. You could also just eat the veggie steamed as is, with your meals. As a result, patients usually show improvement within two to four weeks; even beginning to feel better. After this, the bluebird of happiness should take care of itself.

      Asparagus contains an abundant source of histones. Histones are a highly alkaline protein found in eukaryotic (an organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes) cell nuclei that package and order the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) into structural units called nucleosomes (a basic unit of DNA packaging in eukaryotes consisting of a segment of DNA wound in sequence around eight histone protein cores,) and is believed to be active in controlling cell growth. In fact, the histone found in asparagus is a cell normalizer. It’s this trait that most probably accounts for what asparagus is doing within the bloodstream of the human body. Tests conducted at the Institute of Cancer Prevention (ICP) indicate that asparagus also contains 70mg to 100g of glutathione, a small protein composed of three critical amino acids: (1) cysteine, (2) glutamic acid, and (3) glycine, which bind to fat-soluble toxins, even more than twice as much as any other common food stuffs.

      At any rate, eating asparagus can’t hurt you, and is just plain good for you. There have been many case studies where people have “rid” themselves of cancer using this treatment, to include Parkinson’s disease and kidney stones: it’s just that the law says you and I can not use the word “cure” when it comes to something like this. They can, but we can’t. Also, you should know that I couldn’t find anything regarding its use on pets, so you’re on your own there.

      I share this information with you for the same reason that I wrote this book: the world in which we live is not what you think it to be. As for the why of it all in the form of proof, in that, we are indeed being manipulated and deceived, even through the trials and tribulations that are religion, then one need look no further than Matthew 10:34, as wrought for erudition. This being where Jesus said of this great charade called life for which we all struggle: “Think not that I came for peace [or religious bliss.] I came not to send peace or to work religious bliss. I came instead to wreck havoc with a sword.”!

      Yes. What good is a God, any god for that matter, even sword bearing lesser ones, without creating some kind of need for itself? After all, this is one of the oldest tricks in the books, to include those tomes written from antiquity. And you can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it. Therefore, when I tell you that Jesus is not who or what you believe him to be as dolled up through the art of anthropomorphization, you can take that gleaming jewel as polished to a blinding luster straight to the bank. The reason for this particular deception of the Bible is Machiavellian. It’s because; and despite thousands of years with religion at the helm of life acting as a feel-good heal-all panacea; today’s modern world has yet to set sail for that place called Shambhala. This, even despite an untold number of faith-based prayers as wielded over thousands of years, all aimed at making this planet of ours a better place. Remember now, the deity calling himself Jesus that all Christians worship said he came not for peace or to work magic in our lives with spiritual bliss as wrought through prayer—but to wreck havoc with them via a sword of religious contention through the ills of righteous indignation!

      Therefore; and until such time as people of faith check their negatively charged emotions at the door by unburdening themselves of the cross so as to quell and then purge their souls of its inherent hostility; nothing will ever change. Not even when it comes time for their children to queue up and take their place in order to fight the good fight, if only for the sins of the parents. This, after all, is how you keep the cross fully charged with the trials and tribulations of religion. If you doubt this, then you need look no further than the world around you. Or, you could just re-read I Corinthians 1:17.

      With that; and knowing this; I ask you: isn’t it the mandate of every good parent to ensure that their children, to include their children’s-children, inherent a brighter future starting with a better tomorrow? For every revolutionary idea that ever nudged the world in a more positive direction, is because it first started of necessity. Therefore, be careful of what you ask for in your prayers because you might just get it. By that, I mean: more of the same. What was it again, that is the working definition of religious insanity? Oh! That’s right. It was to keep asking God for the same things in your heartfelt prayers, such as keeping gas in your Ford to keep you chugging for the Lord, but to expect different results with each fill up just as if your S&H Green Stamps were still viable.

      If you at all doubt this, then please, allow me to blow your spiritual mind one more time by using that very proof I promised you only moments ago. Well, that is, before completely overhauling it in the pages that follow. And yes. It has everything to do with that emotional folly as found hiding within the darker recesses of religion. See Hebrews 9:16, as guided by erudition. This being where it says of those Christians that choose to testify in the name of Jesus as yoked up to his cross of privation as a condition of their religiously inspired foolishness, “For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of that testator. 17 For a testament to Jesus is a [force multiplier] only after those who wield it are dead. Otherwise, so long as the testifier continues to preach the Word of God, his or her testament has no strength at all, and it too made useless.”

      Welcome aboard, spiritual grasshopper. A treasure trove of enlightenment awaits you.


      Not every one that cries unto me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven.

      The great writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

      With that, I would tell you that Soul Trap not only forges such trails—but blazes them in corridors of spades! Should you dare to read on and turn the page, even if only to satiate your mounting curiosity, then know also that these passageways of enlightenment will change your life inextricably, forever. I guarantee it. All because, once you embark on a journey of intellect designed to ring the bell of inner self-awareness as manifested through the efficacies of a deeper understanding, you cannot go back and un-ring it. That is the beauty of an epiphany.

      These are not just hyper-inflated idealisms that I share with you, but what amounts to a promise. I only caution you because many people (and you may be one of them) cannot handle acerbic truths. When it comes to God, the Bible and religion, you might as well string truth up from the nearest tree. Whoever it was that knuckled down and declared, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!” must have overseen authorship of the Bible. And you can bet I can prove it, or I would have never said it. That particular tome of religion is, after all, famous for being the greatest story ever told. And you don’t earn that title without having thrown more than just a few knowledge inspired “inconvenient truths” under the bus.

      Allow me to demonstrate that for which I champion, by sharing with you, the flipside to that coin in the form of the greatest story never told. It concerns Judas Iscariot, and his relationship with Jesus. What you are about to learn within the next few pages will be to freeze-flash within the synapses of your brain, a corridor of undiscovered truth that will forever challenge everything you ever thought you knew of God and the Bible. Again, it is that revolutionary. From there, it’s a “Hold on to the seat of your pants!” kind of ride.

      Okay then. Everyone knows that Judas betrayed the son of God, and, for a paltry thirty pieces of silver. Right? Yes. That part of the story is common knowledge. What no one knows to any degree of certainty, however, is why he did it.

      As for what motivated

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