Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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about that, if only because these numbers include you.

      Be that as it may—Jesus is not who or what he says he is! And yes. I can prove it. How? That one is easy. It’s because he tells us in Matthew 13:13 that he consciously wields parables as a way of sowing the very seeds of confusion that he says work to invite Satan into our lives, as highly defined in Matthew 13:19, and reinforced in Mark 4:11. Yes. I would encourage you to read those passages again, if only because they harbor a very special kind of truth. You know the extraordinary truth for which I speak. It has everything to do with my questioning our deities, in that, what good is a God, any god for that matter, without a need? Yeah. That one.

      Perhaps we should juxtapose these particular verses, even highlighting those aspects of them that are relevant in order that there can be no mistaking the nature that is their special truth. See again, Matthew 13:13. This being where Jesus said: “I speak to you in parables because, in seeing, I do not want you to see, and hearing, I do not want you to hear, neither do I want you to understand.”

      Then there is Matthew 13:19, albeit for edification, where he says of it: “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom through parables and [what?] understands them not, then comes the wicked one to take away the good that was sown in their heart.”

      Now see Mark 4:11, albeit for edification. This being where he reinforces everything, saying: “To you [the apostles] has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside [meaning, you and me] everything is in parables. 12 So that they [meaning, the gentiles] may indeed see, but not perceive, and may indeed hear, but not understand. Lest they should turn again and be forgiven.”!

      If it were not for the fact that those verses are part of the grand deception, they could be merged to read as follows: “I speak to you in parables of confusion because I don’t want you understanding that I do this in order to allow Satan into your life because, what good is a God, any god for that matter, without a need?”

      I know. Astounding, right?

      Yet, this is only the beginning of those things Jesus says and does that labor to keep us forever groping around in the dark, searching for what we know not. And our Gods do this to us, why? Because they are hiding something fearsome regarding the flame of knowledge and it’s eternal secret that I have been alluding to, is why. As far as that goes, see Ecclesiastes 2:26 of the 1611 edition of the KJV. That being where it says, albeit for edification, “To the man or woman who pleases him, God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy. [So far so good, right?] But to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping, only to give to those who please him. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit, as if striving after the wind.”

      But then, what becomes of Romans 3:23? You know the dreaded verse. Or at least you know of it. It has everything to do with that folly found in striving after the wind, so as to better please a God who cannot be satisfied because we are indeed, but puppets on a string that the Almighty is holding to a higher double standard. And yes. I will prove it. How? By offering you those verses that bind in the form of a visually muted noise as if reflected off the distorted mirrors of a carnival funhouse, where it says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

      Now see Genesis 17:1 where God said of it: “I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.”

      I will give you a moment to collect yourself. After all, we are still only in chapter one.

      As for revealing the highly guarded secret behind the greatest story never told, I give you the man Judas Iscariot, and his plight as it relates to chasing after the wind. Or, if you prefer your truth over easy: the flipside to that coin I spoke of. See Matthew 19:28 where Jesus said, albeit for edification: “Verily [truly] I say unto you, that those who have followed me [referring to the twelve apostles verses the masses] in the regeneration when the Son of man sits in the throne of his glory, you also will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (This is how I know that Jesus is addressing the apostles, verses the masses. I point this out because it’s imperative that you understand my writing style, and the way in which I choose to deliver those secrets found hiding within the Bible. This means that it’s incumbent upon you to understand the meanings of those words I use, to include the way in which I use them, along with their intended implications if not significance. By this, I mean: you may have to read something more than once before fully coming to grips with it. Why? Because everything’s connected, is why. To a truth, Soul Trap is like a long string of pearls, albeit pearls of spiritual wisdom where each and every gem is an epiphany unto itself.)

      Having said that, here is where we run headlong into our first acerbic biblical truth. It happens within the confines of a deeper personal understanding when you realize that, yes. Jesus was indeed, referencing the twelve apostles and not the spiritually mottled masses. Moreover is that he is, in fact, excluding the masses. The next acerbic truth; and unquestionably the more astringent of the two; manifests itself where Jesus says that the twelve thrones of heaven are being held in reserve for the twelve apostles so as to sit in judgment over the twelve tribes of Israel.

      I know, and let me guess: so what. Right? Well, I highlight this particular biblical ideologue because, didn’t one of the twelve have Jesus killed in an act of betrayal, and then commit the cardinal sin of suicide, as a result?

      Ah huh.

      You, my cerebral beloved, just experienced an intellectual awakening designed to stimulate the dormant and or “sleeping” part of the brain as manifested through the efficacies of a deeper understanding. You would better know it as one of those spiritual gems in the form of an epiphany that I promised you, as wrought from those individuals who knuckled down declaring to never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Believe me when I tell you that they’re not only out there, but are patrolling the highways and byways of life in droves. They have even done their best to try and stymie the production of this book. Why? Because “they” have an agenda of religion to uphold in the form of a vested interest, is why. Even so, you would be right to suspect that this agenda of theirs includes you and yours as a family of Christians. And yes. We will be getting to that.

      Yet, there is more. It has everything to do with Mark 14:21, albeit for edification, where Jesus said of Judas: “The Son of man indeed goes, as it is written of him. But woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! Better were it for [him] had he had never been born!”

      What was it again, that the Bible said about this as it relates to Judas Iscariot and his part as turncoat? Oh! That’s right. It was Ecclesiastes 7:9, where it says, “Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry: for anger resides in the bosom of fools.”

      What we discover, then, is that one of twelve ain’t got nothing on seven of nine.

      With that, I ask you: what kind of God says something like this out of anger, concerning the life of one of his father’s creations? I will tell you who: a deity that is not who or what he says he is, is who. Otherwise, his father would have never granted him that kind of emotional authority when it comes to this. But that doesn’t mean he can’t, or won’t try. Why? Because something unseen compels him, is why. You know, just like it did with Judas, when first he turned the son of God over to the authorities. See Matthew 5:39, albeit for edification, where Jesus said pertaining to acts of treachery: “I say unto you that ye [what?] resist not evil: but whosoever smites thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

      Question: how does a marionette jump up and play the game of life when it’s forcibly cast into that role, and never told that a power greater than itself is controlling its every action? This is especially true when that higher power has led it to believe that it’s acting according to freewill. Worse yet, is that it will be held accountable according to that illusion. And yes. We know this to be true because of where Matthew 27:5 tells us that Judas committed suicide

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