Soul Trap. Wayne Sr. Stewart

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Soul Trap - Wayne Sr. Stewart

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of him.” And yes. You really need to think about that, if only because he’s admitting that life is scripted.

      Yet, these discoveries are but the tip of the proverbial iceberg—and they are legion! These are those pearls of spiritual wisdom that I promised would challenge if not permanently change everything about God and the Bible you ever thought you knew to be true. Offered as further proof that Jesus is not who or what he says is, I give you St. John 6:70. This being where he said of it, albeit for edification: “Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?” 71 He spoke of Judas Iscariot the son of [Simon Zelotes:] for it was he that would betray him as one of the twelve.”

      Moreover is that, it’s this tortured soul as a dissenting imp, that Jesus says will lord for all eternity in heaven while seated on a throne of judgment? Gwad help us if he’s talking about putting him in charge of anything more magnificent than that porcelain throne found in the men’s room: even the men’s room of eternity. Otherwise, we’ve got problems. Big problems. Why? Because of where St. John 6:70 tells us that Jesus says he chose a devil to help him carry out his work.

      Ah huh.

      By the way: so glad you could join us because, your world is about to forever change.

      At that, I once again ask you: why would the son of God reserve a throne in heaven (even if only porcelain) for he who was bent on having him killed, also said to be a devil, who then committed suicide? The simple answer is to tell you that “they” have been less than honest with you. Ah, but they have. And they are. That is because St. John 21:7 tells us how Jesus truly felt about Judas. You know. That he loved him knowing full well that he was an egregious work of the devil. With that, I give you Mark 1:34 of the original 1611 KJV edition, albeit for edification. “Jesus healed those who were sick, and cast out many evil spirits. But he would not permit the demons to speak [why?] because they knew him.”!

      Do you see the totality, of what these biblical passages labor to show you? Again, stay tuned. We are, after all, only in chapter one.

      Concerning just why “they” are plotting deception against you and yours while exercising the convoluted waters of religion as their weapon of mass distraction, I give you the admission of Deuteronomy 30:15. That being where Moses told his people (through inference, that is to mean all Christians beholding to their idea of religion,) saying, “I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil. 16 I, therefore, in the name of God, command you this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments. 17 But if you refuse, 18 then I tell you here and now that you will perish. 19 I call upon heaven and Earth to record this day against you, to witness that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.”

      Commands? Did that say, he commands? Yes. Moreover is that, he not only orders us to love the Almighty, but adds the caveat “or else.” I ask you: what kind of God needs to break the will of its servants, in order to stay in power? Now there is a damn good question. And as an omnipotent being lording over all creation he has to do this, why? The correct answer is to tell you that it’s because he is yet trying to stuff something up his sleeve for a future slight of hand, is why. Ah, but he is. And you can bet that this book is all about proving it, or I would have never said it. Also, you should know that; and according to Webster’s dictionary; the word ‘command,’ as in “I command that you love me or else!” means: “To rule; to give orders; to dominate.”

      Ahhh… Now we know why the Catholic institution of religion did what it did to all those people who dared to harbor other ideas about things, even speaking their mind: it’s because they are imposing a very strict sense of God’s will on them. But then, no one knows the mind of the Almighty quite like a Catholic priest does. That is because; and as part of their religious ethos; they usurp it here on Earth. I know. But they do. And we will be getting into that as the book progresses.

      Even so; and as a humble Christian to the Lord your God and Savior while serving him hand and foot in all manner of contriteness; you don’t need to be dictated to and forced into loving the Almighty with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind as told us by Jesus in Matthew 22:37 and 38 regarding the first great commandment. Therefore; and if that’s the case with God being all-powerful and all-knowing; I ask you: why bother with threats of intimidation that lead nowhere, but to forced resentment: especially when you’re an omnipotent being who not only knows the hearts and minds of his subjects because life is scripted, but also the answer, whatever that answer happens to be. Right? Let me guess: freewill. Right again? Yes. That is what “they” teach us. But then, how does freewill mitigate the fact that you are still an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-everything deity who already knows the path of choice, even as exercised by the resolve of individual freewill? Otherwise, you can drop the pretense of being all-anything.


      Yet; and as a devout Christian; I have to ask: how does it make you feel knowing that God has to demand of his creations with threats of violence, what you freely choose to give away? If the Almighty were truly everything that he says he is, just as championed by the church, would any of this even be necessary? Wouldn’t we all be clamoring to serve him in a manner that brought him nothing but that, which he desired most? You would think so: if only because it’s in our natures as fearful little creatures that scamper about under the cover of a darker pretense to do so. Otherwise, religion as we know it wouldn’t exist at all. I would ask that you think about that.

      Be that as it may, the reason we don’t is because God and or Jesus take your pick, are not who or what they say they are. Moreover is that they do indeed, have a little something nefarious up their sleeve that they are trying to keep secret. Ah, but they do. And they are. Stay tuned because not only will this book prove it using nothing but the KJV Bible as its source, but know that it will blow your spiritual mind. More importantly, is that it has the power to forever change the world of religion as we have come to know and understand it. In fact; and get ready because; it has everything to do with 21 DEC 2012, and what it is that our Gods are keeping from us.

      Now, do I have your attention?

      In closing; and in a concerted effort to further touch upon the subject of the Mayan calendar and its message of doom and gloom as it relates to us in the very near future; I give you the verse that binds. And yes. It has everything to do with those two hundred and fifty thousand souls that died during the great Asian tsunami, or those like them because, what good is a God, any god for that matter, without creating a need for itself. See Isaiah 45:5 where the Almighty declared of it, as wrought for elucidation: “I am the Lord, there is none else. There is no other God besides me…7…I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, as well as disease, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”!

      And you thought the devil’s job, if not to confuse and mislead us as fatted calves to the altar of slaughter in 2012 by using our own vanity against us as we wile away our lives against the wind with the drudgery of heaping and gathering, was to do what, again?

      Ah huh.

      Then his son piqued up in St. John 5:19, saying of it: “Verily I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, except what he sees the Father do. For whatsoever he does, the Son does likewise.”

Michaelangelo from the Sistine Chapel low rez.png

      SPECIAL NOTE: this is a picture of God in action, as painted by the artist Michelangelo. Its title is: “The Creation of the Sun and the Moon and the Planets.” However, this depiction of the Almighty has secrets. In fact, it’s loaded to the gills with code. This painting, along with its overarching message, is part of the end-time schema belonging to 21 DEC 2012 as prophesied by the Mayans. Just what that message is, has everything to do with the fact that our deities are not who or

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