The Healthy Mechanic. Tim Scapillato

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The Healthy Mechanic - Tim Scapillato

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can’t be that simple, Daniel,” said Ben. “I mean, I understand what you’re telling us, but it is hard to accept that we can simply decide to live a certain lifestyle and we will no longer be sick. If it were that easy, wouldn’t everyone be doing it? I mean, there are still a lot of diseases that we can catch out there. What about cancer and arthritis, and illnesses like that? Anyone can catch those.”

      “Listen to the way you talk about it. You say we can ‘catch’ a disease. We are taught from a pretty young age that sickness is something that we ‘catch’ from an external source. So naturally we think an external source—a doctor or a drug—can cure the illness. Actually, it is as easy as making a decision not to be sick. We come into this world equipped with everything we need to achieve and maintain good health.”

      Daniel closed the hood of the Toyota and wiped it with a clean rag. As he reached for a nectarine, Ben noticed a large wooden chest against the wall under the aquarium, next to a Japanese bonsai tree. It contained several neatly organized large file folders. Probably records of work on his customers’ cars, thought Ben. He wasn’t sure why the word “TUNE” was carved into the wooden slat that ran across the front of the trunk, however. Must be something to do with tune-ups and repairs, he guessed.

      “Your car has a well-maintained engine, Ben. That’s very apparent. You drive it with care, don’t you?” asked Daniel.

      “Yup, that’s my baby,” answered Ben.

      “You could drive it hard and never maintain it. You could keep it on the road all winter, and never wash it. Just think what kind of shape it would be in. But you choose to look after it and treat it with respect. You have the same choice with your own body. If you had a car that was competing in the Grand Prix you would want it to perform at its best, wouldn’t you?”

      “You bet,” said Max. “I’d need a few wins to cover all the major expenses of owning a vehicle like that.”

      “If you were told you could have only one mechanic and you needed to choose between one who was really good at fixing it when it broke down as opposed to a mechanic who specialized in enhancing the performance of the engine as well as fixing breakdowns, which one would you choose?”

      “The second one, of course,” said Max.

      “Exactly,” said Daniel, “and why would you not do that for your own body as well? Find a health professional who can help you perform at your best, instead of just using one that provides you some kind of relief when problems occur.”

      “I guess you’d better stop putting all that sugar into your internal engine, Ben,” joked Max.

      “Listen, Max, do you want me to remove those vending machines at work that you like to visit every afternoon? You know, the ones with the cream-filled cakes.”

      “Not unless you want a revolt on your hands.”

      “But Daniel,” said Ben. “Some people are born with diseases, or are predisposed to getting them.”

      “That’s true, Ben. There are genetic diseases that are inevitable, like cystic fibrosis, and you can’t do anything about it. That kind of situation accounts for a small percentage of diseases. Some of us have weaknesses from birth passed on through the genetic pool. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. It isn’t inevitable that you will become ill because your father or his father had a certain disease. You’re right that we can’t change our innate predisposition to certain illness and disease, but look at it this way: Your genetic makeup is a loaded gun. Your lifestyle is what determines whether or not the trigger is pulled.”

      Turning toward the wall, Daniel reached into his pocket and pulled out a large skeleton key. He closed the lid on the trunk, locked it, and returned the key to his pocket.

      “Tell them about the eleven secrets, Daniel,” said Vic. He seemed visibly excited.

      “You certainly don’t beat around the bush, do you, Vic?” replied Daniel. “I was coming to that.”

      “The eleven secrets?” asked Max.

      “They aren’t really secrets. Vic makes it sound more mysterious than it really is. My wife and I have knowledge of eleven lifestyle choices that can contribute to a long and healthy life. They are referred to as the ‘secrets’ simply because the majority of people either do not know them or choose not to follow them. These principles of wellness are not really secret or mysterious, but the impact of their widespread adoption and application would be revolutionary. Learn these eleven secrets and you will be in full control of your health.”

      “Do you know these secrets, Vic?” asked Ben.

      “They changed my life. Well, more accurately, I changed my life when I learned them. I’m sure Daniel would like to share his knowledge with you.”

      Sunlight diffused through prisms hanging in the windows projected slivers of light on the walls. Daniel stood next to the trunk, eating a slice of mango. His posture was that of a physically fit man. With a full head of hair—graying, but it was still all there—and a smooth skin texture, Daniel was surrounded by a peaceful and contented aura. Ben could only guess at his age: he had the physical bearing of a robust, young man, but the wisdom and experience of someone much older. He could have been 50. Or 75. Or even older. He almost seemed ageless.

      “I’d be happy to tell you what I know. But just remember that I’m not a magician or a god. I don’t have all the answers. You don’t have to believe a word I say. This is where my journey to health and well-being has brought me and I will share it with anyone who wants to listen. I have lived my life according to the eleven secrets, and have never been sick. How old do you think I am, Ben?”

      Ben was startled. It was as though Daniel had been reading his thoughts.

      “I’m never good at guessing ages. I don’t know, maybe in your early seventies?”

      “I’m ninety-one years old, Ben. But thanks for the compliment.”

      Ben looked at Max; both of them looked at a smiling Parsons.

      “You’ve noticed the remarkable change in our friend since his days as a high school vice-principal. This should tell you that it’s never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. I can only give you the knowledge. What you do with it is up to you. If you choose to continue with your present lifestyle, then you can expect to grow old and perhaps be afflicted by many of the illnesses that we commonly associate with aging. Or, you can incorporate the secrets into your lifestyle and let your internal health care system flourish. It’s not too late, gentlemen. If you embrace a new way of thinking and believe that you can change your lifestyle, it can happen almost overnight.”

      “I’ll tell you, Daniel, I have to do something. After what I learned from my doctor a few days ago, I have a lot of work ahead of me.”

      “Don’t worry, Ben, the human body is an amazingly resilient machine. It will heal itself, given the right conditions, sometimes in spite of everything we throw at it. It can be done. It all starts with a positive mental attitude.”

      “I don’t know about Max, who is a born skeptic, but I want to learn more,” said Ben.

      “Come back next weekend, Ben. Max, you’re invited, too, but I have the feeling that you want to think about what you’ve heard here today.”

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