The Healthy Mechanic. Tim Scapillato

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The Healthy Mechanic - Tim Scapillato

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      “My timing belt? I didn’t know there was anything wrong with it.”

      “There isn’t right now, but by next weekend there will be. Trust me on that one. Don’t take this car on a long trip between now and next weekend.”

      “Next weekend it is, Daniel. By the way, how much do I owe you for the oil change?”

      “The regular cost for an oil change is about forty bucks, so what I’d like you to do is donate that amount to an organization that promotes healthy lifestyles for children. Children need to be taught the concept of health enhancement and prevention.”

      “Sure,” said Ben. “I’d be happy to do that. Thanks again. And we’ll see you next weekend.”

      Chapter 5. Secret #1: Seed of Health

      The seed of health contains innate intelligence that automatically keeps the body tuned up.

      A tiny seed contains within it the power, the energy, and the intelligence to create a mighty oak tree, or to make vegetables and fruits for our sustenance. If you were to dissect and study it under a microscope, you would never be able to detect the innate intelligence that it possesses. Yet, you do not question this when you plant the seed. You simply know that nature will take over and ultimately the plant will appear if we do not interfere with the natural processes. We need to have this same knowing and confidence when it comes to our own bodies and follow certain steps to optimize its tuning up process.

      “Ben, I’m worried,” said Julia. “Why didn’t you tell me about your problems, and the visit to the doctor? I’m your wife and I feel like I’m the last to know. And now you tell me that you’re taking medical advice from a ninety-one-year-old mechanic from Wakefield? What’s going on?”

      “I’m sorry, Julia, it was bad judgment. I really didn’t want you to worry until I knew for sure what was wrong. I should have told you. And I’m not getting medical advice from Daniel—it’s just the opposite, actually. He has an approach that doesn’t rely on drugs and doctors.”

      “Right. What qualifies him to be giving this kind of advice to complete strangers? Is he the leader of a cult, or something? This is crazy, Ben. Think about it: your high school vice-principal leads you to a small town mechanic for health tips after your doctor tells you that you’re a walking time bomb. Have you started taking the blood pressure medication yet?”

      “Ah, not yet. I just wanted to wait and see what the first secret—”

      “—how can you wait? Ben, you aren’t a kid anymore. You can’t afford to fool around like this and ignore your doctor.”

      “Well, when you think about it, what has my doctor really told me? He told me I have problems, and he has written a couple of prescriptions for drugs that will deal with the symptoms of the problems. That’s it. Daniel is offering something that will address the problems. That makes more sense, doesn’t it?”

      “How do you know what he’s going to tell you while he’s fixing your carburetor, or whatever he’s going to do?”

      “He’ll be replacing the timing belt, actually. He was able to tell that it will need replacing, before it even—”

      “—Ben, I don’t care about your timing belt. I care about you. I love you, and I want you around for a few more years.”

      “Then trust me. I have a gut feeling about this. Do you think I’m stupid? Have I ever done anything crazy or foolish since you’ve known me? Do you think I’d risk my health on a whim? You have to give me more credit than that.”

      “It’s up to you, Ben. I’ve told you what I think. I just hope you know what you’re doing, and that you don’t end up regretting following that old Parsnips down a garden path.”

      “Why don’t you come with me? I’d like you to meet Daniel. You’d like him.”

      “No, Ben, this is your adventure. I respect your decision, but I can’t support it or agree with it. I hope you change your mind.”

      “Duly noted, dear.”

      * * *

      They were on the outskirts of Hull, on Highway 5 heading north towards Wakefield, when Ben first noticed how sluggish his engine was performing. While trying to accelerate up a hill, it hesitated, and then backfired, before picking up speed.

      “That old son-of-a-gun was right, Max. That feels like a bad timing belt to me.”

      “It could have been a lucky guess. Maybe Toyotas are known for that problem.”

      “I doubt it. I’ve never heard that before. I’ve owned three Toyotas, and never had to replace or even adjust the timing belt. Anyway, we’re going to the right place. I don’t want to drive too far with that kind of a problem under the hood.”

      “Sounds like you’ve got a bigger problem at home, Ben. Julia didn’t look too happy to see you leave this morning.”

      “Really, Max, can you blame her? Think about it: her husband could drop dead at any moment and for help he goes to a complete stranger whose skill is fixing automobile engines. On the face of it, it does sound pretty bizarre. Maybe she thinks that you are starting to rub off on me.”

      “Nice try, Ben. I think she knows both of us well enough to know that you have enough quirks of your own. You don’t need to borrow any from me.”

      “Still, I hope I can get her to come out here sometime and meet Daniel. She likes interesting characters, and Daniel is nothing if not interesting.”

      “Maybe if her husband’s life wasn’t in his hands she’d find him more interesting. Right now, she probably sees him as more of a threat.”

      “That’s a good point, Max. You do have good ideas every now and then, don’t you?”

      Max smiled, and then pulled an apple from his jacket pocket. He bit into it and settled back in his seat to enjoy the scenery as they left the city and headed north up the Gatineau River valley.

      “Max, what are you doing carrying a piece of fresh fruit with you? Trying to impress the vice-principal?”

      “No. There were no more Twinkies left in the cupboard. This was all I could find for a snack.”

      Ben wasn’t buying that. He couldn’t remember ever seeing Max eat fruit, except for strawberry shortcake with enough whipped cream to hide the taste of the fresh fruit beneath.

      “Sure, Max. I hope it isn’t too much of a shock to your system.”

      * * *

      As Ben turned the Toyota onto Phoenix St. it let out a shotgun blast.

      “I hope there aren’t any gun control fanatics living on this street, Ben,” said Max.

      “It’s OK,” replied Ben. “I’ve got a licence for this gun.”

      When they arrived

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