Vision Driven: Lessons Learned from the Small Business C-Suite. Mallary JD Tytel

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Vision Driven: Lessons Learned from the Small Business C-Suite - Mallary JD Tytel

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I strongly believe it is in everyone’s best interest – particularly the organization’s – to hold people accountable.

      The expectation for managers is simple: Leadership. You want them to step up to the plate, be there for each other and be there for the organization.

      Of course the reality is that no matter what the boss says or does or how responsibility and authority are delegated, it is both implicit and explicit that s/he owns 50.01 percent of the leadership stock. This means s/he is in charge. But that still leaves plenty of room for others to lead. Once again, in order for this partnership to be successful, you have to articulate and clarify your expectations for each other.

      Ask each other and answer for each other the following questions:

      •What does the team want, need or expect from the CEO?

      •What does the CEO think the team wants, needs or expects from him/her?

      •What does the CEO want, need or expect from the team?

      •What does the team think the CEO wants, needs or expects from them?

      •What does the CEO appreciate about the team and see as their contributions?

      •What does the team appreciate about the CEO and see as his/her contributions?

      •What does the team want the CEO to start, stop or continue doing?

      •What does the CEO want the team to start, stop, or continue doing?

      When you are finished, carefully examine your responses together. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Where are there gaps? How will you bridge them?

      As officers of an organization, senior managers are, of course, held to a higher standard. From a global perspective their responsibilities may include:

      •Preparing, organizing and controlling activities of the corporation

      •Understanding operations

      •Strategic thinking and planning

      •Policies and procedures

      •Financial management

      •Business development and marketing

      •Appreciating the sense of urgency in their work

      However, on the ground, these leadership criteria can be sorted into the following containers.

      Communication: The team’s thoughts and ideas, both individually and collectively, are presented in an unambiguous, organized and articulate manner. As leaders they communicate well with others; their skills are excellent and they can represent the company in a straightforward and consistent manner. They are sensitive to the impact on the listener and adjust their styles as appropriate.

      Alliance-building: Leaders build alliances within and among units as needed to achieve high performance on the stated objectives. They encourage collaboration and teamwork, actively contributing to cohesiveness and cooperation among associates. As team players, they are concerned with the entire organization and their cooperative spirit extends beyond their immediate units or departments. They deal with others effectively to encourage them to build and sustain alliances.

      Problem-solving: Leaders consistently demonstrate insight in analyzing problems, determining practical solutions and effectively implementing decisions. They carefully consider consequences; after recognizing a problem, they make timely, practical and cost-effective decisions.

      Planning: Leaders set appropriate goals and priorities while consistently defining accountabilities and the work at hand. They anticipate change and arrange work activities to achieve results.

      Initiative/Innovation: Leaders are self-starters, willing and able to take independent action. They demonstrate original thinking, ingenuity and creativity in developing new or improved methods and procedures. They routinely exert extra effort in getting the job done while pursuing acceptance of new ideas and anticipating solutions to emerging situations.

      Global Perspective: Leaders maintain a big-picture perspective for the organization, accepting their functional role from a corporate stance.

      Employee Relations: Leaders foster a productive working environment, taking steps to promote the appropriate participation, development and maximum utilization of all employees. They also deal with employee concerns effectively.

      What steps can you take to strengthen your own leadership team?



      Managing Change

      “It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.”

      W. Edwards Deming

      This we know: Change is an unavoidable fact of life, and even in the best of circumstances, it can be difficult. Individuals and organizations worldwide are confronting more turbulent markets, more demanding shareholders and more discerning customers. They are all scrambling to meet the challenges of the day. In every aspect of our lives - personal, professional and in our environment - each one of us faces both wanted and unwanted changes.

      That is what transitions are all about. Change is defined as an external event or situation, whereas transition is the total reorientation that happens within us. How will you meet the challenge? What are the tools and skills you have to weather the potential storms and find safe harbor? Are you prepared?

      According to Dr. William Bridges, one of the foremost thinkers and authors in the areas of change management and personal transition, our feelings about change are the result of our approach to managing (and enjoying!) the journey from here to there, rather than from announcing the destination. Initially we may respond to change with confusion, questions, doubts and a loss of identity. Soon, though, our transition moves from denial and resistance to exploration of the possibilities and finally we progress to commitment.

      While we may not be able to control the change around us, we have significant power over how we travel through it.

      Think about a significant change you have weathered.

      •Was it planned or unexpected?

      •What was your role in the change process?

      •What was within your control and/or sphere of influence?

      •How did you feel before, during and after the transition?

      •And now ...?

      All systems, including businesses and organizations, follow a lifecycle that allows for birth, maturity, creative destruction (change!) and renewal. Remembering that change is both implicit and explicit and allows for growth and development helps us to focus on the positive and maintain our resiliency.

      Think about your organization today. What has changed since you joined the company? What is the same?


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