Vision Driven: Lessons Learned from the Small Business C-Suite. Mallary JD Tytel

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Vision Driven: Lessons Learned from the Small Business C-Suite - Mallary JD Tytel

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      The Three B’s of Quality

      “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.”

      Henry Ford

      If we mean what we say about quality products and services, we need a framework by which to judge our actions and activities, projects and processes. I created the idea of the “Three B’s” as a user-friendly model to do just that.

      •You start with a Baseline. This means documenting the present state of the process or product, including current performance, productivity and process levels. Where are you right now? Collect, store, and analyze that data or situation.

      •Next you seek out and identify Benchmarks, those standard measurements against which similar businesses, products, processes or systems are judged. Continually monitor your performance against the organizations that are recognized as “world class” achievers. Where do you stand or fall? Recognize how and why those benchmarks were identified. What would “world class” productivity look like in your organization?

      •Finally, you aspire to Best Practices. Your goal is to adopt and create practices that demonstrably reduce defects or costs or improve efficiency to a higher level of results. More importantly, you wow your customers and achieve a level of competence and capacity at the highest level. This is where you want to be. Imagine your customer and employee attitudes and actions when you are here.

      This all sounds fine but how do you help your staff take their first step in understanding the “wheres and hows” of the process? By focusing on quality, try engaging everyone in a simple brainstorm that brings concepts home to the group.


      If these are your standards or benchmarks, it is up to each individual (significant other) in the organization (relationship) not only to stop and assess their own situations (creating a baseline), but to benchmark where they fall within the whole spectrum of possibilities (percentage of happily married couples with like criteria) and set their sights on the best practice (celebrating a joyous Diamond Wedding Anniversary surrounded by generations of family and friends). Now, just imagine if your starting point is the best practice.

      What would your own 3-B framework look like for home or for work?



      Thinking about the Future

      “When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh.”

      Chinese Proverb

      Part of being human is our desire to predict and control the future. As we become more intelligent and as technology advances, we are constantly learning a thing or two about how much influence we really do have on future events. Forget about psychics and crystal balls; nowadays computer simulations and algorithms present us with sophisticated options for thinking about the future. Of course, there are no guarantees.

      In order to shape a preferred future you need to have a picture in your mind of what it is you really want.

      Let’s take a page from futurists, seers and planners. Imagine it is ten years from now. Think about how old you will be. How old will your children be? How old will your closest friend be? Now let that thought grow.

      •What kind of work will you be doing?

      •What will you be learning and how will you be learning?

      •What will you believe in?

      •In what different ways will you find joy?

      •What will worry you the most?

      •What will you hope for?

      Now think about your organization. Remember it is still ten years from now.

      •Will it still exist?

      •Will it be different? How?

      •What will your world of work be like?

      •What are your hopes for the future of your company?

      •What are the implications for your thinking, planning and actions starting today?

      As your challenges become more apparent, you can become more conscious about the gap between the way the world is and the way you would like it to be. You can address this with action.

      From a financial perspective, this might mean developing new customers and new contracts; better financial and budget management techniques; new operating and accounting systems; and a healthy bottom line.

      From a customer perspective, this might mean providing and adding value through enhanced relationships; collecting and analyzing client data; developing ground-breaking products and services; shifting to a more innovative culture of doing business; and managing private and public market segmentation.

      From a perspective of organizational excellence, this might mean expanded, efficient systems, processes and quality standards; an effective communication plan; and enhanced performance management procedures with built in rewards and recognition.

      From a perspective of innovation, learning and creativity, this might mean escalating research and development functions; expanding the corporate white space; and proactively developing new products and services to remain at the edge of anticipated changing markets.

      Individually, you can ask yourself if what you are doing is ...

      •Moving you forward to reach your goals?

      •Bringing business in the door?

      Collectively as a group, your organization can identify what you will need to reach your shared vision.

      •Communicating openly, consistently, often and in all directions


      •Identifying and measuring internal and external results

      •Understanding and responding to your market

      •Striving for and achieving excellence

      •Maximizing financial and human resources

      •Maintaining ongoing dialogues with colleagues and providing resources for improvement

      •Showing an appreciation for diversity

      •Providing feedback into the system

      Keeping this in mind, the following questions are for your careful consideration:

      •How will you manage the certainty of uncertainty?

      •What are the implications

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