The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection. Guy de Maupassant

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The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection - Guy de Maupassant

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_who holds it close to his eyes._]

      L?ON [_reads_]


      "I am more than annoyed at having to communicate with you upon this evening, above every other evening, upon such a subject as this. But I am sure that if I did otherwise you would never forgive me. Your former mistress, Henriette L?v?que, is dying and would bid you farewell. [_Throws a glance at_ Martinel _who signs to him to continue._] She will not live through the night. She dies after bringing into the world, some fifteen days ago, a child who on her deathbed she swears is yours. So long as she was in no danger, she determined to leave you in ignorance of this child's existence. But, to-day, doomed to death, she calls to you. I know how you have loved her in the past. But you must do as you think fit. She lives in the Rue Chaptal at Number 31. Let me know how I can serve you, my dear fellow, and believe me,

      "Always yours,



      There you are. That letter came this evening. That is to say, at the one moment above all others when such a misfortune could threaten the whole future--the whole life of your sister and of Jean. What would you do if you were I? Would you keep this confounded letter, or would you give it to him? If I keep it, we may save appearances, but such an act would be unworthy of me.

      L?ON [_energetically_]

      I should say so. You must give the letter to Jean.


      Well, what will he do?


      He alone is the judge of his own actions. We have no right to hide anything from him.


      Supposing he consults me?


      He will not do it. In such situations a man consults only his conscience.


      But he treats me like a father. If he hesitates a moment between his attention to his wife and the effacement of his happiness, what shall I tell him to do?


      Just what you would do yourself in like case.


      My impulse would be to go to the woman. What would be yours?

      L?ON [_resolutely_]

      I should go.


      But how about your sister?

      L?ON [_sadly, seating himself by the table_]

      Yes, my poor little sister! What an awakening for her!

      MARTINEL [_after a few seconds' hesitation, crosses abruptly from_ L. _to_ R.]

      No; it is too hard a thing to do. I shall not give him this letter. I shall be blamed perhaps, but so much the worse. In any case, I save him.


      You cannot do such a thing, sir. We both know my sister, poor little girl, and I am sure that if this marriage is annulled, she will die. [_Rises_.] When a man has for three years enjoyed the love of such a woman as the one who sends for him, he cannot refuse to see her on her deathbed whatever may happen.


      What will Gilberte do?


      She worships Jean--but you know how proud she is.


      Will she accept the situation? Will she forgive it?


      Of that I am very doubtful, especially after all that has been said about this poor girl in the family circle. But what does that matter? Jean must be warned at once. I am going to find him and bring him to you. [_Rises as if to go out_ C.]


      Well, how would you like me to tell him?

      L?ON Simply give him the letter. [_Exit_ L?on C.]

      SCENE VII.

      MARTINEL [_alone_]

      Poor children! in the midst of their happiness and at the zenith of joy! And that other poor girl, who is now suffering and slowly dying! Heavens! How unjust and how cruel life is at times.


      (_Re-enter_ L?on _with_ Jean)

      JEAN [_walks briskly to_ C. _of stage_]

      What is it all about?


      One minute, my poor boy; read this, and forgive me for having opened your letter. I opened it because I thought it was intended for me. [_Gives letter to_ Jean, _and watches him read it._ L?on _also watches him, standing_ L.]

      JEAN [_after reading the letter, speaks to himself in a low tone, touched with deep but contained emotion_]

      I must do it! I owe it to her! [_To Martinel._] Uncle, I leave my wife in your charge. Say nothing until I return, and remain here till I come back. Wait for me. [_Turns to_ L?on.] I know you well enough to realize that you do not disapprove of what I am doing. To you I confide my future. I am going. [_Turns to the door_ R., _but after casting a glance at the door_ L., _which leads to his wife's chamber, says to_ L?on.] To you I owe the love your sister has bestowed upon me. Help me now to preserve it.

      [_Exit quickly_ R.]

      SCENE IX.

      (Martinel _and_ L?on.)

      MARTINEL [_seated_ R.]

      What shall we do now? What are we going to say? What explanations can we give?


      Let me manage it. It is only right that I should do it since I brought about this marriage.

      MARTINEL [_rises_]

      Well, I'd dearly love to be forty-eight hours older. [_Rising_.] I confess I do not like these love tragedies, and moreover the fact of the child entering into the case is awful. What is going to become of that poor little mortal? We cannot send him to the foundling asylum. [_Enter_ Gilberte L.] Gilberte!

      SCENE X.

      Gilberte _has removed her marriage robes, and now wears a handsome house gown. She carries an opera cloak, which she throws

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