The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection. Guy de Maupassant

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The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection - Guy de Maupassant

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[_comes down stage_]

      You are like my father. It seems to me that when anyone begins to like billiards at all, they become infatuated with the game; and you two people are two of a kind.


      My son, when a man grows old, and has no family, he has to take refuge in such pleasures as these. If you take bait-fishing as your diversion in the morning and billiards for the afternoon and evening, you have two kinds of amusement that are both worthy and attractive.


      Oh, ho! Bait-fishing, indeed! That means to say, getting up early and sitting with your feet in the water through wind and rain in the hope of catching, perhaps each quarter of an hour, a fish about the size of a match. And you call that an attractive pastime?


      I do, without a doubt. But do you believe that there is a single lover in the world capable of doing as much for his mistress throughout ten, twelve, or fifteen years of life? If you asked my opinion, I think he would give it up at the end of a fortnight.


      Of a truth; he would.

      L?ON [_interrupts_]

      Pardon me, I should give it up at the end of a week.


      You speak sensibly.


      Come along, my dear fellow.


      Shall we play fifty up?


      Fifty up will do.

      MARTINEL [_turns to_ Mme. de Ronchard]

      We shall see you again shortly, Madame.


      Well, I have had enough of Havre for the present.

      [_Exit_ Martinel _and_ Petitpr? C.]

      SCENE III.

      (Leon _and_ Mme. de Ronchard.)


      Martinel is a good fellow. Not a man of culture, but bright as sunshine and straight as a rule.

      MME. DE RONCHARD [_seated_ L.]

      He is lacking in distinction of manner.

      L?ON [_inadvertently_]

      How about yourself, Aunt?


      What do you mean?

      L?ON [_corrects himself and approaches_ Mme. de Ronchard]

      I said, how about yourself? You know what I mean--you have such an intimate knowledge of the world that you are a better judge of human nature than anyone I know.


      Indeed, I am. You were too small a boy to recollect it, but nevertheless, I went a great deal into society before my husband spent all my money, and let me tell you that I was a great success. For instance, at a grand ball given by the Turkish ambassador, at which I was dressed as Salammb?--

      L?ON [_interrupts_]

      What, you, the Carthaginian princess?


      Certainly. Why not? Let me tell you that I was greatly admired, for my appearance was exquisite. My dear, that was in eighteen hundred and sixty--

      L?ON [_sits near_ Mme. de Ronchard]

      Oh, no dates! for goodness sake, no dates!


      It is not necessary to be sarcastic.


      What! I, sarcastic? God forbid! It is simply this: in view of the fact that you did not wish this marriage to take place, and that I did, and that the marriage has taken place, I feel very happy. Do you understand me? It is a triumph for me, and I must confess that I feel very triumphant this evening. Tomorrow, however, vanish the triumpher, and there will remain only your affectionate little nephew. Come, smile, Auntie. At heart you are not as ill-natured as you pretend to be, and that is proved by the generosity of soul you have evinced in founding at Neuilly, despite your modest means, a hospital for--lost dogs!


      What else could I do. When a woman is alone and has no children--and I was married such a short time--do you know what I am, after all? Simply an old maid, and like all old maids--

      L?ON [_finishes the sentence for her_]

      You love toy dogs.


      As much as I hate men.


      You mean to say one man. Well, I could hardly blame you for hating him.


      And you know for what kind of girl he abandoned and ruined me. You never saw her, did you?


      Pardon me, I did see her once in the Champs-Elys?es. I was walking with you and my father. A gentleman and lady came toward us; you became excited, quickened your steps, and clutched nervously at my father's arm, and I heard you say in a low voice, "Don't look at them; it is she!"


      And what were you doing?


      I?--I was looking at him.

      MME. DE RONCHARD [_rises_]

      And you thought her horrible, didn't you?


      I really don't know. You know I was only eleven years old.

      MME. DE RONCHARD [_crosses_ R.]

      You are insufferable! Go away, or I shall strike you.

      L?ON [_soothingly, and rising_]

      There, there, Aunt, I won't do it again. I will be good, I promise you, if you will forgive me.

      MME. DE RONCHARD [_rises, as if to

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