The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection. Guy de Maupassant

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The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection - Guy de Maupassant

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      Nephew of M. Martinel, a painter; not yet thirty years of age, but already well known and the recipient of various honors.


      Brother to Gilberts Martinel, a young lawyer about thirty years of age.


      An old gunmaker of Havre, aged fifty-five.

      M. DE PETITPR?

      An old magistrate, officer of the Legion of Honor. Aged sixty.


      A fashionable physician of about thirty-five.


      Sister to M. de Petitpr?, about fifty-five years of age.


      Nicknamed Musotte; a little model, formerly Jean Martinel's mistress. Twenty-two years of age.


      A midwife. Formerly a ballet-dancer at the Opera. About thirty-five years of age.


      Daughter of M. and Mme. de Petitpr?, married in the morning to Jean Martinel. About twenty years old.


      A nurse, about twenty-six.


      _Time: Paris of to-day. The first and third acts take place in_ M. de Petitpr?'s _drawing-room.

      The second act takes place in_ Musotte's _bedchamber_.

      Act I

      SCENE I.

      (_A richly yet classically furnished drawing-room in_ M. de Petitpr?'s house. _A table_, C.; _sofas_, R.; _chairs and armchairs_, L. _Wide doors_, C., _opening upon a terrace or gallery. Doors_ R. _and_ L. _of_ C. _Lighted lamps_.)

      _Enter from_ R. M. de Petitpr?, Monsieur Martinel, Madame de Ronchard, L?on de Petitpr?, Jean _and_ Gilberte. Gilberte _is in her bridal attire, but without wreath and veil_.

      MME. DE RONCHARD [_after bowing to_ M. Martinel, _whose arm she relinquishes, seats herself_ R.]

      Gilberte, Gilberte!

      GILBERTE [_leaves Jean's arm_]

      What is it, Auntie?


      The coffee, my dear child.

      GILBERTE [_goes to the table_]

      I will give you some, Auntie.


      Don't soil your gown.

      L?ON [_comes up_]

      No, no, not to-day shall my sister serve coffee. The day of her marriage! No, indeed, I will take care of that. [_To_ Mme. de Ronchard.] You know that I am a lawyer, my dear Aunt, and therefore can do everything.


      Oh, I know your abilities, L?on, and I appreciate them--

      L?ON [_smiles, and gives his Aunt a cup of coffee_]

      You are too good.

      MME. DE RONCHARD [_taking cup, dryly_]

      For what they are worth.

      L?ON [_aside, turns to the table_]

      There she goes again--another little slap at me! That is never wanting. [_offers a cup to_ Martinel.] You will take a small cup, won't you, M. Martinel, and a nip of old brandy with it? I know your tastes. We will take good care of you.


      Thank you, L?on.

      L?ON [_to_ Petitpr?]

      Will you have a cup, father?


      I will, my son.

      L?ON [_to the newly married couple, seated L. and talking aside_]

      And you, you bridal pair there? [_The couple, absorbed in each other, do not answer._] Oh, I suppose we must not bother you. [_He sets cup down on the table_].

      PETITPR? [_to_ Martinel]

      You don't smoke, I believe?


      Never, thank you.


      You astonish me! My brother and L?on would not miss smoking each day for anything in the world. But what an abomination a cigar is!


      A delicious abomination, Clarisse.

      L?ON [_turns to_ Mme. de Ronchard]

      Almost all abominations are delicious, Auntie; in fact many of them, to my personal knowledge, are exquisite.


      You naughty fellow!

      PETITPR? [_takes_ L?on's _arm_]

      Come and smoke in the billiard-room, since your aunt objects to it here.

      L?ON [_to_ Petitpr?]

      The day when she will love anything except her spaniels--


      Hold your tongue and come along. [_Exit_ C.]

      MARTINEL [_to_ Mme. de Ronchard]

      This is the sort of marriage that I like--a marriage that, in this Paris of yours, you don't have very often. After the wedding breakfast, which takes place directly after you come from the church, all the guests go home, even the maids of honor and the ushers. The married couple remain at home and dine with their parents or relatives. In the evening they play billiards or cards, just as on an ordinary night; the newly married couple entertain each other. [Gilberte _and_ Jean _rise, and hand in hand slowly retire_ C.] Then, before midnight, good night!


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