The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection. Guy de Maupassant

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The Essential Guy de Maupassant Collection - Guy de Maupassant

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for this relief, I do not know how I should have borne up during the last few days. [Dr. Pellerin _administers the hypodermic_.]


      Now, you must go to sleep; I forbid you to speak. I won't answer you, and I tell you of a certainty that in a quarter of an hour Jean will be here. [Musotte _stretches herself out obediently upon the couch and goes to sleep_.]

      LA BABIN [_silently replaces the screen which hides_ Musotte]

      How she sleeps! What a benediction that drug is! But I don't want any of it. It scares me; it is a devil's potion. [_Sits near the cradle and reads a newspaper_.]

      MME. FLACHE [_in a low voice to_ Dr. Pellerin]

      Oh, the poor girl, what misery!

      DR. PELLERIN [_in the same tone_]

      Yes, she is a brave girl. It is some time since I first met her with Jean Martinel, who gave her three years of complete happiness. She has a pure and simple soul.


      Well, will this Monsieur Martinel come?


      I think so. He is a man of feeling, but it is a difficult thing for him to leave his wife and his people on such a day as this.


      It certainly is a most extraordinary case. A veritable _fiasco_.


      It is, indeed.

      MME. FLACHE [_changes her tone_]

      Where have you been just now? You did not put on evening dress and a white cravat to go and see a patient?


      I went to see the first part of the Montargy ballet danced.

      MME. FLACHE [_interested, and leaning upon the edge of the table_]

      And was it good? Tell me.

      DR. PELLERIN [_sits_ L. _of table_]

      It was very well danced.


      The new directors do things in style, don't they?


      Jeanne Merali and Gabrielle Poivrier are first class.


      Poivrier--the little Poivrier--is it possible! As to Merali I am not so much astonished; although she is distinctly ugly, she has her good points. And how about Mauri?


      Oh, a marvel--an absolute marvel, who dances as no one else can. A human bird with limbs for wings. It was absolute perfection.


      Are you in love with her?


      Oh, no; merely an admirer. You know how I worship the dance.


      And the _danseuses_ also, at times. [_Lowering her eyes._] Come, have you forgotten?


      One can never forget artists of your worth, my dear.


      You are simply teasing me.


      I only do you justice. You know that formerly, when I was a young doctor, I had for you a very ardent passion which lasted six weeks. Tell me, don't you regret the time of the grand _f?te_?


      A little. But reason comes when one is young no longer, and I have nothing to complain of. My business is very prosperous.


      You are making money, then? They tell me that you are giving dainty little dinners.


      I believe you, and I have a particularly good _chef_. Won't you give me the pleasure of entertaining you at dinner one of these days, my dear Doctor?


      Very willingly, my dear.


      Shall I have any other physicians, or do you prefer to come alone?


      Alone, if you please. I am not fond of a third party. [_The bell rings._]

      MUSOTTE [_awakens_]

      Ah, some one rang, run and see. [_Exit_ Mme. Flache. _A short silence._]

      A VOICE [_without_]

      Madame Henriette L?v?que?

      MUSOTTE [_emitting an anguished cry_]

      Ah, it is he! There he is! [_Makes an effort to rise. Enter_ Jean Martinel.] Jean! Jean! At last! [_Springs up and stretches her arms to him._]

      SCENE III.

      (_The same,--with_ Jean Martinel.)

      JEAN [_comes rapidly forward, kneels near the long steamer-chair, and kisses_ Musotte's _hands_]

      My poor little Musotte! [_They begin to weep and dry their eyes; then they remain silent and motionless. At last_ Jean _rises and holds up his hand to_ Dr. Pellerin.]


      Did I do well?


      You did indeed, and I thank you.

      PELLERIN [_introduces them_]

      Madame Flache, the midwife--the nurse--[_indicates the cradle with a grave gesture_] and there!

      JEAN [_approaches the cradle and lifts the little curtain, takes up the child and kisses it on the mouth; then lays it down again_]

      He is a splendid boy!


      A very pretty child.


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