'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1. T. Beaulieu

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'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1 - T. Beaulieu

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realizing what she has said as the flapper laughs to her friend. The maid is taken aback at her bosses choice of words.

      “Sorry-been hang’in around Slick too damn much. But you know what I mean,” Kelly smiles.

      Snatching the sponge from her employer, washing Kelly’s long delicate arms, sally grins. “Yeah ofcourse. Then what you got planned?”

      “My plan was good till you cut it in half heffa.”

      “You are going to work for them during the day. Night fall comes, you get your black ass out that house. Do you hear me Sally Mae ?,” Kelly says with a seriousness that sends a chill up Sally’s spine.

      “Yes’em,” the maid nods.

      Kelly and Sally are silent a few moments as the assistant gently washes her friend’s cares away. All except for one. Feeling sensitive fingers along her wet skin, as if a mother to a child, Kelly looks over.

      She wonders what is on the young woman’s mind. Anytime the young diva is silent more than two minutes, Sally is cooking up something.

      Finally the young woman does asks a question. One she has pondered.

      “You made a comment, ‘good’.....you know -- ‘woman parts,” the young woman smirks. The vulgar word not to her liking.

      Kelly laughs as a she watches Sally run more hot water.

      “You can plot to kill, but have a problem saying pussy ?,” she laughs.

      “Really Sally -- really?”

      Sally turns to the bottle blonde grinning. A smile as pretty as sunshine after a rainy day. “I aint a hussy like ya’self,” the maid smirks.

      “So said your bed springs last night when Benjamin came for a visit,” Kelly laughs.

      Sally grins as she tests the tap to make sure it is not too hot.

      “Thats different. That damn creole would be any woman’s weakness.

      Thats how he was made. Blame God Kelly Anne,” the young woman laughs.

      Sitting back down, thinking back to her long dead uncle, a man whom would have adored the creole, Sally looks off.

      “Its been twelve years hun,” she says.

      Thinking, the maid looks into the bubbled water, almost about to cry if not for Kelly’s wet comforting hands caressing her cheek.

      “And God is taking way too long huh babe?,” the bathing beauty smiles.

      Sally smiles weakly as a tear struggles free, down her cheek into the milky, white fragrant water.

      “He must have forgot all my prayers. Probably got more important matters to tend to,” she smiles weakly.

      Tenderly, Kelly wipes tears from her friend’s soft dimpled cheeks.

      “Then a woman has to do what a woman has to do. Sometimes all a woman got is her gumption.”

      “Sometimes that very forthright has to be bigger that even God himself,” Kelly says almost as a whisper.

      “You gon’ help me?,” Sally smiles.

      Kelly wipes away another tear as her own eyes start to mist.

      “As the hell I will.”

      “I am going to make sure you stay as far away from this plot as possible.” “Your involvement goes as far as this conversation in my bath. I’ll take care of

      the rest little lady,” the kind hearted socialite smiles.

      As time flutters on into a light late twilight, the two woman are silent for a few moments once again. Sally washes Kelly’s back, asking something else that is on her mind. “When you spoke about my -- you know lady parts.”

      “What do you mean?

      Kelly rise in the water with a laugh that is as light as her soft heart, scoffing playfully at her gossip mate. “You mean your pussy .... ?”

      “Hun, this little act-wait ... ok-I know its not an act - per’se.”

      “Look, your going to have to get them ears full of the dirt of this world.

      “You got men right outside my front door right now. If given the chance, would not think twice about ravaging the both of us.”

      The harsh sentence makes Sally smirk slightly.

      “Faster than a rabbit fuck-these bastards would take what they wanted. Then slit our throats,” Kelly explains, her voice harsh and deep.

      “So you are going to get your ears ready to hear what the world has to say. All

      the world has to say.”

      “Just make sure that what you hear does not trickle down to that golden soul of yours,” Kelly smiles.

      “Learn what you can, even the nasty bits that bother you. There is a lesson to be treasured. Even in the thickest, dirtiest of mud, a lotus blooms.”

      With her wise words, the same that was told to her by her father, the socialite playfully splashes her maid once again. Suddenly both woman hear Benjamin’s voice. “Besides that missy, mess’in around with that creole stallion.”

      “You betta’ get hip. “

      “You aint no damn virgin you know,” Kelly chuckles.

      Sally smiles as she hears Benjamin downstairs as well. Blushing as quick thoughts of sensual love shoot across her mind. Each mental picture like a hungry sparrow headed for a wheat field. Fast and potent. “That word-its just a nasty word. Thats all,” she smiles, washing Kelly’s arms.

      The blonde flapper shrugs as she sinks down into the tub, letting the milky water cover her pink nipples. “I agree. Guess I been hanging around Slick too much.”

      “Look hun-I’m a worldly woman. I make no excuses for myself. I’m pretty and I use what God gave me to get what I want.”

      “In this old world, a wet pussy will always be fed. And well I might add.” Kelly says bluntly.

      Sally wincing at that word. The vulgar term making her cringe as if said by the devil himself .

      Kelly smiles at her friends reaction. “You, on the other hand, have a good mama and daddy.”

      “Etta and Samael are two of the best people I know. You got school to look forward too.”

      “You keep them pretty

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