'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1. T. Beaulieu

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'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1 - T. Beaulieu

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      As the young lovely woman tells her story, Kelly tears up as well.

      Sally recollection is so full of detail and imagery, it leaves the bathing beauty numb. Cold, even in the soothing hot water.

      Instantly the flapper thinks of her hairdresser, Floyd, and his joyful banter while making her ‘movie-star gorgeous’. Then the sensitive young woman thinks one of chauffeurs. Alex, a kind man with a lover whom is kinder than even he, Harold.

      Last year at a private Christmas party given at the mansion, Kelly invited everyone, even their lovers, male or female.

      It mattered not. Over cocktails, Sally and Kelly silently watched as Alex and Harold sat side by side, secretly holding hands. Though their amorous touch was clearly out of sight, even amongst friends. One could feel their love.

      It was like a soft ray of gentle glory, subtle but touching. Both men smiling at the festivities, happy there was a place they could be together as a couple.

      Kelly stares back to her Sally, her own blood boiling. So much so, beneath the bath water, Kelly is starting to tremble. A trait much like her husband.

      “After my uncle said no numerous of times, always a gentle man. That bitch lied to her daddy, say’in my uncle hit her on her flat ass,” Sally fumes.

      The assistant looks over at her loving boss lady with a face that is simply heartbreaking.

      As Sally speaks, her cracked voice echoing all around, the young flapper cries gently with a thought that rings in her heart. She knows Cleo would have loved that Christmas party. He would have adored the jokes, filling his tummy with all the good food.

      The thought makes Kelly cry even more, as if loosing a friend she has never met. The question has to be asked. Ironic as it is.

      “You think Cleo would have liked my Christmas party last year?,” the blonde ask. A question clearly of the subject, yet right on point.

      Sally smiles warmly, feeling her eyes burst with more tears.

      In some strange way the odd question makes everything light and tolerable in tha moment. The assistant suddenly giggles. So glad for it indeed.

      “Girllll -- he would have a ball Kelly Anne,” she says with a soft chuckle.

      “And ya’ know he could cut-a-rug too.”

      Kelly beams brightly. “Yes love. We could have taken all the rugs off the floor in the front parlor. Danced up a storm.”

      “You know I would have to have first dance. I am the boss lady,” the flapper giggles.

      Suddenly Sally swerves her sassy hips. “I beg you spicy nerves Miss Rich-I- Want-Everything. He my uncle. We gon’ share him. Hell, he got two arms and hips. We’d be on each,” she laughs out loud.

      Taken, the studious assistant watches as Kelly relates her own life and friends to a man she has never met. A human being that died when she was a little girl herself. Its all in Kelly’s bright eyes. Looking off, seeing laughter and parties, conversations and secrets that will never be shared.

      It is a touching moment. One of the reasons why Sally loves Kelly.

      “I’m sorry. Continue,” Kelly says finally, splashing water in her tear streaked face.

      Sally smiles as she turns away. If she sees Kelly cry, then she will start crying. The story needs steely resolution and stoic hatred to be told. Straightening her back once again, the maid continues.

      “That night - Kelly Anne.”

      “What they do love ...?,” Kelly asks gently.

      Sally fights back tears with the shards of hot anger, as if acid just below her skin.

      “They broke into his motel room baby-girl.”

      “He was dead two hours later. Only after they kicked the teeth out his head and tried to mangle him so bad, one of the eyeballs popped clean out.”

      “And you want to kill - this woman?,” Kelly asks. Hoping beyond hope.

      Sally turns to look to her mistress as a fire burns in a soul like never before. “ I want ta’ beat that bitch till she aint no mo’ lil mama ?”

      The mistress-of-the-house leans back in the tub, feeling her feet and legs grow heavy as lead under her bath water. Though she is happy.

      “Is revenge only meant fo’ the white privileged?” “Aint I human too?” Sally asks as her voice cracks.

      Kelly agrees with a nod.

      “But what about college?,” the blondes asks. This is a concern.

      “Hun-I’mma black woman, they would never suspect me.”

      “Especially since we gon’ do it together,” Sally smiles meekly.

      “But I have never ....,” Kelly starts, right as her friend cuts her off.

      Sally laughs through her tears. “Now befo’ ya’ start ly'in.”

      “Keep in mind ya’ in water and the good lawd’s lightening will fry ya’ like Sunday chicken.”

      “Your first husband. His daddy and four brothers to boot.”

      “And let us not forget about Chicago.”

      Sally smiles at what comes from her mouth, revelations. “Kelly, as much as you love me. There are times even you underestimate my intelligence.”

      Instantly Kelly is taken aback, shocked. “I have nev ....,” she starts as Sally cuts her off.

      “I know you want me to murder that woman. You want this for me. I know this Kelly Anne. And I understand why and I adore you for it.”

      Kelly sits back, shocked. Nobody knows about her sorted past. Not even Slick, or so she thinks. And her plot to have her best friend experience revenge first hand, the young flapper had no idea she was so transparent.

      But this is Sally Mae.

      One of the smartest woman Kelly has ever known.

      The bathing beauty folds her wet arms, glancing up into a bright face. So intelligent. “How long have you known bitch...?,” Kelly laughs.

      “Hell woman. Since I got tha’ job. About your past that is,” Sally smiles.

      “And your little plot to pop my ‘blood cherry’. Hussy-its all ova’ that pretty face of yours.”

      Kelly laughs out loud, splashing bath water Sally’s way, getting the bathroom parlor floor wet.

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