'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1. T. Beaulieu

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'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1 - T. Beaulieu

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of every type. Kelly is in the lap of luxury, she always have been.

      Sad, the thoughtful lady-of-the-house looks around, taking in her wealth. Profits passed down through a powerful family with deep connection in antebellum South.

      Running her delicate fingers under the warm tap, the young woman tries to get images of the ravaged young woman out of her mind. Tonight, through the gracious effects of an over the counter drug, Kelly will finally sleep easy.

      Heroin will be her choice of escape.

      “Misses ....you all right?,” Sally whispers, slightly startling her friend.

      Smiling, Kelly turns to her trusted best friend, the only person on earth that understands her.

      “Yes hun .......”

      “Stop with the missus - we are sisters,” the young woman says sadly.

      Looking back at the water as Sally pours in a bit more bubble oil, Kelly has so much on her mind.

      The saucy maid grins as the rose fragrance of the bath oils makes her sighs gently. Looking her her friend’s long face, the assistant breaks into a grin.

      “Then let me wear them diamonds then,” Sally laughs

      Not missing a beat, even in her own angst, Kelly scoffs sarcastically. “And where

      are you going to wear them love?”

      “Aint no colored balls for miles around.”

      With love, the sassy flapper looks up into a youthful face, round and beautiful. Sally truly is a looker, able to pull any man she wants, white or black. Kelly respects her friend all the more because the beautiful woman wants nothing but an education. Instead of using her looks to get what she wants, Sally uses her mind and wit.

      Kelly adores this about the young woman. Secretly wishing she had done the same.

      The flapper looks up from the running tap. “The men still talk’in?”

      Sally grins, sitting on the lavatory as her maids uniform crinkling slightly.

      “Like Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumb. They both try’in to hatch a plan. Might as well be two roosters lay’in eggs if ya’ ask me,” Sally chuckles.

      Kelly laughs at the remark, playfully swatting Sally on her knee. Her fingers soothed by the overtly warm water flow, Kelly peers up to her assistant. “What would I do without you .....? “

      Sally says nothing. She means not to get too emotional, especially with the pain in her bosses eyes. One of them has to be strong.

      Running her hands through the hot water, too hot to step into. The lovely flapper unties her long elegant pink silk robe. She looks up at Sally, scoffing at the maids uniform the studious young woman insists on wearing. “Why you wear that damn thing ?”

      “I told you not you,” Kelly smirks.

      Resting her lovely face on her palms, elbows on her white stockinged knees. Sally wants to talk about what is bothering her best friend. She will not push the issue. At least not tonight.

      “Because I’m ya’ maid,” she says dryly with a grin.

      “This is what maids wear.”

      Looking into eyes that seem as if they have been somehow been undone. As if the strength has been drained from a woman whom she knows as a tiger, Sally decides to push the issue as she straightens out her maid’s apron.

      “What's wrong hun. And don’t damn lie Kelly Anne.”

      Sally has good reason to confront her boss. Since being in jail, Kelly has had fitful nightmares. Almost every night the young assistant has to soothe late night screams and and restless tossing and turning.

      When Slick is away on his blood business, the young woman has taken to sleeping with Kelly. Often holding the woman till she falls back to sleep. Secretly Sally has shed her own tears. It hurts her heart to see her friend so broken.

      Sally looks down at her simple black shoes. “Its that women ....aint it?,”she asks, looking up at Kelly.

      As she turns, suddenly, as if a ghost haunting her, Kelly sees the broken black woman in Sally’s caring eyes.

      Instantly turning from a visage that brings back heartbreak once again, the blonde flapper ganders back into her dark thoughts.

      “Yeah....,” the blonde whispers.

      A whisper unto itself, low and slight. As if needing only for her friend to hear, not even God. Especially since he did nothing to help the situation.

      Sally smiles softly as she caresses Kelly’s forearm. A gentle touch that is needed.

      “Mo’ of ya’ powder tonight?”

      “I got the syringe already steam’in,” she says.

      Hearing this, eyeing the soap bubbles, each resembling soft clouds. Kelly sighs deeply with tears in her eyes. Looking to her friend, the beauty deeply sighs.

      “Yeah .....”

      Quickly, as her mama did for her, the young maid does what she always has done for her Kelly. The poor little rich white girl with the heart of gold and diamonds. She gathers the blonde up in her arms, both siting on the edge of the grand porcelain tub. Holding the socialite tight and warm, Sally smirks. They both need a laugh.

      “Now look’a hur’ smut bag. I kno’ just what will make ya feel awfully good,” she jokes.

      “He got muscles and from down du'r’ in Central America.”

      “I’mma call ova’ ya’ boy friend. Hav’em give ya’ some good lov’in when Slick and Benjamin leave for business,” Sally laughs.

      Sally watches Kelly’s eyes laugh, about to chuckle.

      “Or do ya want tha’ Irish one that be talk’in funny. You know he’s always look’in at my black tail like he want a damn bite?,” as Kelly giggles.

      Sally’s words make Kelly giggle in fits in her arms. Both glad for it. “Or...girl, let me see...”

      “Do ya’ want tha’ rich one. Now he got my vote,” Sally says with a little sass.

      “I don’ messed round’ and hurd’ some pip’in hot gossip ‘bout him tho’. “ Kelly chuckles. “Do tell ‘Miss Gab-O-Lot.”

      Sally grins as she sits of the edge of her seat. The young assistant relates how her others days work brethren have related to her that the ambitious rich young man has taken to bedding rich socialites.

      Kelly smirks comically as she hears the piping hot gossip served

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