'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1. T. Beaulieu

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'The River' Blood Brother Chronicles - Volume 1 - T. Beaulieu

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I had all this planned from the git-go,” the hostess grins.

      Looking over at her beloved husband, kissing Slick on his cheek. Kelly grins over to Benjamin whom is surprised at the hospitality. He watches as the young beauty sits the clothes down gently. Each shirt and pair of pants folded lovingly with care.

      Quickly glancing up to both men, both standing still in wet suits, the young socialite smiles sweetly. “Are the both of you going to just stand there and catch pneumonia ?”

      “Off with those wet rags. I’ll get my wash girl to take care of them,” the lovely hostess snaps, eyeing Benjamin especially, seeing the odd look on his face.

      The creole looks to his partner in crime, as if for permission.

      Slick is already down to his boxers, grinning up to his wife as his brawny muscular thighs prickle red from the cold.

      Benjamin does as he is told, keeping his eyes on Slick as he does so.

      Both men do not see Kelly as she snickers, seeing each man strip as ordered. Down to their silk boxers, dampness outlining clearly what makes both of them wonderful lovers, the hustlers look like two meek teens.

      Seeing Benjamin’s odd look to his brother, the young lady snickers more.

      Taking in the fact that both men are of different heights and skin colors, from the midsection downward, the brothers could be twins.

      “You can definitely tell the both of you had the same daddy,” the blonde flapper laughs out loud.

      “Anything else woman?!” Slick yells to his wife, throwing the last of his pants on the floor.

      Kelly pays her young husband no mind, continuing to snicker.

      “Nope. Off with the rest sweet'ems,” she purrs.

      This all amuses the wealthy socialite greatly. Looking over to Benjamin, the young woman grins, keeping her eyes above chest level.

      Proudly, the handsome creole does as he is told. Stripping completely, the hustler glances over to his cohort defiantly. Naked as a happy jay bird, the carmel colored gangster smiles. At least until he looks downward over to Slick.

      Instantly the thug scoffs back a chuckle, looking away with a sincere smirk.

      “Always knew ya’ had color’d blood su’m whu’r in tha’ pale skin,” Benjamin grins.

      Slick chuckles proudly as Kelly hands him his change of clothes. Doing the same for Benjamin. “Naw. Ya’ papi is my papi,” Slick chuckles.

      “Ya’- naw. Yo’ mamie sent ya’ ass up the river like Moses,” Benjamin laughs, thanking Kelly.

      “Lies nigga. Ya’ mamie didn’t want yu’r tar black papi to find out she lik’d a little milk wit’ her coffee. Look how y’ur dumb ass turn’d out?,” Slick grins.

      Amused, Benjamin sees not an ounce of blush in Kelly’s creamy cheeks.

      The beauty looks as matter-of-factly as she can. Serious and down to business as usual. The creole hands his wet clothes to the sexy blonde, watching her reaction to his nude prowess. Doing so, benjamin purposely makes his dick jump.

      Kelly hands him a dry towel. No reaction.

      “I saw tha’ muth’a -fuk’a.”

      “Do it ‘gain and I’mma cut tha’ fuck’a off ya hu’r me,” Slick playfully rants.

      Kelly simply laughs out loud.

      Benjamin huffs. “Ya jus’ mad cus’ I’m bigg’a nigga.”

      Kelly shakes her head as she walks away.

      Boys an their penises.

      After a stiff good brandy and a cigar, talking over their plans, Kelly finally serves dinner. A white butler ushers the men into a grand dinner room that could easily fit twelve. Beef stew is served by a black maid. A young woman whom Benjamin got the job.

      The slick hustler smiles at the pretty young woman, winking. She had to do so much just to get the job, most of it on her back and knees.

      Benjamin chuckles, smelling the stew and hot buttered bread. “How’s Sally work’in out?”

      Pleased, Kelly nods to her personal assistant. The socialite hates the word ‘maid’, always referring to Sally as her assistant. The woman-of-the-house seats herself, shooing the butler away from pulling out her seat.

      “Ask her your damn self,” the blonde snarks.

      “Sally - gal. Come in here please!,” Kelly calls out.

      Smiling, the young pretty black woman arrives from the kitchen, smiling warmly. Greeting everybody for a second time, the assistant glares to Kelly playfully. Sally shakes her head. “Call me a ‘gal’ again and we gon’ be cat fighting on tha kitchen flo’.”

      Kelly laughs out loud, throwing a biscuit at the smirking beauty.

      “Sweet'ems, this hooligan wants to know how your doing?,” she smirks.

      The blonde flapper and the young woman are now close confidants. Best friends if Kelly has ever had one in her life. Sally is the one person Kelly can tell everything with full trust.

      Always proud and full of gentility, the young black woman straightens her maid’s uniform. As if gaining her composure, mocking the question as well as whom originally asked it.

      “Oh good ma’am. The money is fine. Enough to save for college fo’sho,” Sally smiles brightly, glaring over at Benjamin.

      “Tho’ tha’ man that got me tha’ job-he an asshole with a capital A and H, with an L - perfect fo’ what he truly is...a damn liar.”

      Kelly snickers at her friends response. “She does not like you Benjamin. At all. “ Benjamin does not feed into petty woman folk talk. He is hungry.

      “Good fo’ hu’r,” he smiles.

      “But who tha’ fuck does ?,” the creole snides, looking to Sally.

      Watching as the woman brings Kelly water, her maid’s uniform fitting her perfectly in all the right places. The creole grins.

      “But befo’ tha’ night get too old. I’mma slip some dick in ya’ hard and steady. Make that pussy happy,” he snides.

      Quick as a bullet, the creole feels a biscuit hit him right in the face, making the hustler chuckle.

      Slick only shakes his head, enjoying his hot stew.

      Kelly instantly scoffs at her guests’ reaction. This time the Ice Queen blushes.

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